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Posts posted by IDIOTsavant

  1. 47 minutes ago, Atticus said:

    He's actually right in this case. It's pretty unlikely for that text to be from LJ Humphrey to Jordan Whittington.

    Look at the top of the text. It shows who is recipient is. The blue text on the right side of the screen is from the sender, and the gray text on the left side is from the recipient. 

    In this case, the recipient is in the sender's contacts as "Lil" with the last name starting with a J. Unless LilJordan Humphrey calls Jordan Whittington "Lil Jordan", then sent a screenshot of his message to Quincy, it is unlikely for it to be from him.

    Occam's Razor and all that.

    Fair enough. Glanced at fairly quickly and saw the Lil'Jordan at the top and assumed it was the guy with that name, not a nickname. You'll have to forgive me for assuming it was typical futureman post rather than an actual observation. My apologies to alphahorn for leading him astray.

    • Like 3
  2. 29 minutes ago, bejezuz said:

    It ain't conditioning.  The offensive line has been plenty effective late in games.  The defense gets gassed because we're not nearly as deep we were last year on defense.  There's a reason so many true freshmen are playing in the secondary and why Hager has played out of position most of the year.  

    I too would like to think it's lack of depth, but I'm reserving judgement until we have a larger sample size.

  3. 11 minutes ago, alphahorn said:

    Hmm.... the lead in to the quote was this, "That big brother motivation text to @J_Whitt3 before his state game and last high school football game!! Only DOGS UNDERSTAND!! "

    Yeah, it's pretty common for players to refer to future upper class teammates as big bro. Pretty sure this is simply an extension of that by an actual big brother happy Jordan will have some guidance while away. Also, the screenshot of the text is Lil with LJ as the icon. You're either older than me or intentionally obtuse.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    Despite futureman’s best attempt to badly mimick Hank Scorpio and derail an actual discussion on football, he accidentally stumbled upon an interesting data point while being an idiot. 

    Marcus Hutchins is the player that clouds the discussion even more. He was the undersized, basketball player with super high athleticism and a strong work ethic. I saw him alley-oop dunk a ball over a few Duncanville players and thought who the heck thinks this guys is an offensive linemen? He also loved football and was a very physical young man. But he was a total bust . So you think you just sign 240-260 athletes and grow them into linemen and you have it figured out. But that is just as hard as well to project as well. Hutchins also checked every mental attribute you would want in a football player. 



    I think a large part of Hutchins failures can be blamed on our S&C program. I have more faith in McKnight, but our 4th quarter performance this year still has me skeptical.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Acropora said:

    I'd assume he's a tackle if he's already that big as a sophomore.  It'll be good to have two brockermeyers on campus.  We need a Studdard, Blaylock and Neil as well

    I'm still holding out hope that David Neil will take a PWO spot and put on some weight to move to interior OL. Think a move to center could maximize his physical traits.

  6. 3 minutes ago, DeweyCox said:

    I get your point. My point (intention, anyway) was that we should not be projecting failure upon a kid, as some have.

    Projecting success isn't much better for a teenager. We should probably just let it play out, but that's not what this thread is. It's about planting your flag on a hot take and hoping to revisit it in four years (assuming no scat porn) to proclaim yourself king of the morons.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Soldierhorn said:

    not really. I could see him putting on 25-30 pounds and being a good TE or cross over to DE but I dont think he'll put on enough weight in 4 years to be an interior lineman.

    FYI Johnson was a tackle. I think he's this year's Reese Moore.

  8. 1 hour ago, RGBIII said:

    It looks like Bru didn’t sign an LOI but I’d imagine that he signed financial aid paperwork with the school he chose so he can enroll early. I wonder if both schools are allowed to contact him still or if there is a strict no contact rule like when they sign an LOI. Anyone know?

    I think it reverts to the old, pre-NLI system. He can sign grants-in-aid with multiple schools, but once he signs one only a school with his signature on a grant can contact him.

    • Like 1
  9. Anybody else get a Lane Johnson vibe from Wiley (not the PEDs)? Given Herman's comment, I think he might eventually end up at tackle when he starts working with Yancy. It would seem to fit into Hand's thought process in the Athletic article posted yesterday. Just a thought.

  10. 5 minutes ago, futureman said:

    get real, bro.  if sanders picks texas I’ll cut off my dick and eat it.  


    figuratively, of course. 

    Makes sense. If you're going to go out drinking to celebrate, you'd be better off eating something of substance.

    • Haha 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    Texas City and LaMarque both won state in 97 in the 4A divisions ...LaMarque was still an ISD then but same uil district.  

    TCISD absorbed LaMarque a couple years ago 

    Crazy to remember this - La Marque finished 3rd in the district that year. Lamar Consolidated had Michael Lewis (best player I've ever played against) at QB and took second. La Marque had Roylin Bradley and Dwain Goynes that went to A&M. Texas City sent four kids (Tyrone Jones, Jermaine Anderson, Ervis Hill and Everick Rawls) to Texas after that season in Mack's transition class. Weirdly enough, the two best players on that Texas City team were the RB Adrian Daniels (grades I think) and a sophomore DT named Marcel Moses that was once committed to Texas but never made it to campus...damn, I officially an old. Also, Daniels went for over 400 total yards (I think like 330 of that rushing) in the state title game 

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