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Everything posted by Ridingtosunset

  1. First time posting here, but been following thread for awhile. Basically just following @RCRanger03 and @Harrison Stafford. Kudos men, please pm me for some cool shit on your doorstep. I play with higher chips, lets do this shit.
  2. This country is one of the least racist on this planet. Doesn't excuse the racism that exists. But spend time anywhere else, any other continent. Asian, Central and South American countries take it to another level. Its part of the human condition. And its awful, we should all strive to be better. But if you can't see that racism and victimhood in this country has been co-opted for power and money, I don't know what to tell you. You're playing into the hands of very few that would like to divide.
  3. I used to train boxers but...Idiots all around. Getting in fights in bathrooms and achieving twitter fame from kids and MMA skid row strongly corelates to failure in life. Always will.
  4. Have to disagree there. Shortened bases, infield, bunting, slap bunting. It leads to amazing defensive plays that these girls make look routine often.
  5. This thing was politicized from the start, both ways. Unfortunately its still hindering our ability to get back to normal life due to the political cover that's taking place now. Shame on our elected officials.
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