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Hammerin Hank

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hammerin Hank

  1. That 41% no impact seems misleading to me. My answer to that question would be no impact because I would never vote for that piece of shit anyway. How many others in the sample would answer the same way for the same reason? I’ve seen that answer on polls before, and always thought it would lead to inconclusive polling results.
  2. Lol, I was thinking the same thing
  3. Are we on one of the regular ESPN channels, or do I have to fire up the app?
  4. Yeah, surely people are tweeting back at them about
  5. At this point the no 3B thing has to be intentional, right?
  6. How can you ring him up on that? Wow
  7. So awesome! What a performance by LBJ
  8. Holy fuck you have to swing at that. It was right there . Wtf
  9. I agree but don’t know who I would bring in
  10. It sure seems to me like the zone is wider when we’re batting
  11. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I want OSU to win this game then beat ORU twice and advance. That pitcher doing the “this is our house “ shit last night just rubbed me the wrong way
  12. We need to take advantage this inning
  13. At least we found someone to put at 3rd base
  14. According to Crash Davis it’s strikeouts that are fascist
  15. They’re hosting the A’s this weekend
  16. They’re saying 2:46 ct for first pitches
  17. Probably. I’m assuming Powell is still hurt?
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