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Posts posted by TXpride

  1. 11 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Can someone tell Kurt that no one gives a flying fuck what Tim May's crypt-keeping, tosu-lifer ass thinks. It's a shame Dan Jenkins is dead - Kurt could have gotten his 2 cents too!


    He feels it in his gut though. That has to count for something, right?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Happy Gilmore said:

    I can see him going on a Saban like run if everything goes smoothly, he was essentially forced out at tOSU. Then shit was catching up to him at Florida. Not saying it's all roses here by any stretch of the imagination but this will definitely be his last go. Might as well go out the GOAT. 

    We all assume this will be a short term fix because of Meyer's age and health concerns, but Saban was about the same age when he took the Bama job. Granted, Saban might not even be human.

  3. 10 minutes ago, NTVTXN said:

    TH- “Hey Chris, what’s up with the giant carpet rolled up in the corner?”

    CDC- “Never mind that Tom. Why don’t you stand right...here. Actually, move six inches to your left. There, nice and centered.  Now, please face the door.”


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  4. 7 minutes ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    Do you agree that based upon recruiting ratings both Charlie and Tom should have won more than 0 conference championship?  They were both consistently either #1 or 2 recruiting class in the conference. Is that not success? 

    Sure they should have. They would've faced the same fate as OU though. Winning this shitty conference shouldn't be the ultimate goal.

  5. 1 hour ago, Handcruser said:

    Fitzgerald would be stupid to leave NW. that’s home.

    But I like him.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    I respect what he's done at Northwestern, but he strikes me as the type of coach who'll recruit 3 star "diamonds in the rough" that fit his culture. That's not the recipe for success at Texas. Never has been. It's the same reason I'm hesitant about Campbell. We need someone who can lock down the state and leverage every advantage Texas has.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    They aren’t happy. Apparently, a lot of people are freaked out by the mere thought Urban would coach again—at UT. We have the resources and a fertile recruiting ground. This scares people. It should. If we were actually to land that plane. Lights out. It’s like introducing a new apex predator into an ecosystem. We, UT, haven’t scared teams in a long time. The last time was really VY and our conference opponents were super happy he declared. They couldn’t stop him. People actually didn’t want to play us. As much as I love Colt. And I do. And he was great and we were great with him. Fear was VY and what he could do to you. And yes, I know we had a more complete team. Crazy talented team. People were just intimidated by our QB. 

    They know their Texas pipeline would dry up real quick if Urban comes here.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 3 hours ago, WinningIsHard said:

    There’s a lot of context to the anger though. He started with the culture angle making kids eat fucked up food for not winning practices. 4 years later and that culture hasn’t amounted to any sustained success. He constantly mettles with the OC he claims has complete control of the offense. Our special teams is awful. Recruiting is a dumpster fire (legacy parents/kids hate herman). Our game planning is all over the place and the in game adjustments follow the same logic. Then you add in the Missouri side line show, the double birds caught on camera, mentioning searching fans message boards for game planning while blaming those same type of boards for tanking recruiting, and his arrogance towards any type of criticism at all. That shit added together turns into vitriol man. If only half of those things were happening then it would be us over reacting I think. That’s just my two cents though. 

    Fair points, I just don't feel that much vitriol. Most coaches are assholes, and pretty much all of them get defensive when criticized. The first part of your post is all I really care about. I do think the culture has improved since we don't get blown out like we did under Charlie/late Mack, but the overall product on the field has obviously been a disappointment.

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  8. 3 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    I don't see why it's necessary to villify a person that you want to see fired for good reason. For some, this seems to be more an excuse for vitriol than anything like an actual discussion. I don't see why it needs to spill from the Fire Tom Herman thread into any other possible venue. 

    I was happy about the Herman hire. After beating Georgia, I thought we just might be where we wanted to be. But no, it's shitfights every week and failure too often. I want to move on. I'll even get behind Meyer. I don't hate Tom Herman.

    Holier than thou? Maybe, but it doesn't feel like I'm clearing a very high bar to achieve holiness. 

    To be clear: Fire Tom Herman. If Urban is available, I don't care if we win the conference. Herman is not the guy.

    Agreed. The personal attacks towards Herman look like nothing more than emotional outbursts from an angry mob. And I too am all for bringing in Urban.

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  9. 1 hour ago, CTC2 said:

    If you have UM committed to come you sure do fire Herman.  He is just too much trouble.  Flipping off LHN, running on field to fight Gundy, whatever that was that he did at the Mizzu bowl game, his wife on twitter, his personal life, the list goes on and on.  And that's just the things we know about.

    None of that shit would matter if we were winning. Most people here loved the Mizzou thing at the time because we were kicking their ass.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Laxtonto said:

    So now what? What does Neb do? Can they try and fire Frost, which seems outlandish to consider?

    I mean what can they do beyond their typical bitch and whine? Just bend over and take it? What is the long term plan, because right now they look like a program still mired in mediocrity...

    Nothing. First it was all Texas/the Big 12's fault. Now it's all the B1G's fault. Bitching and whining is all they can do to avoid facing the reality that everyone (including them) plainly sees: they'll never be back.

  11. 1 hour ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Good luck with the recruiting under "St. Urban the Innocent" when even the alumni are telling recruits to stay the Hell away from UT football. And kid who agrees to play for Urban should immediately be ridiculed as being a scumbag. Decent people see what Urban Meyer is about.

    Not as easy being a scumbag program as you thought it was going to be, is it?

    I'm willing to bet recruits place more importance on winning championships and going to the NFL than what some random alumni (i.e. you) tell them. We all know your stance--you enjoy the smell of your own farts more than winning. That's all you have to say. But to imply that hiring UM will somehow hurt the football program just makes you look like a complete fucking idiot.

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  12. 29 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    We were told we couldn't win unless we held our noses and brought a rape apologist on the staff. Then we were told we couldn't win unless we had a felon who sold controlled substances to kids on school campuses. We have been told before that unless to started down the road to being a scumbag program we would be mediocre. And yet we ended up being mediocre.

    Now we are being told we need to be even more of a scumbag program if we are to win. Completely ignoring, of course, that there might be another variable at play other than "not unethical enough." The minds of those who are convinced success lies on the dark side of the ethical abyss are sad little things.

    The "fans" and "alumni" who insist the only road to success is ever lower standards as a scumbag program need to be told to go to Hell. The University doesn't need or want them. Their small minds can't envision any road to success not predicated on being disgusting people. Their (your) limitations shouldn't be the standard the rest of us embrace. Your inability to think other than in a despicable mindset is your sickness. It needn't afflict the rest of us. The damage small-minded, ethically challenged people cause as they go through life is all too often left to the rest us us to clean up.

    In ways large and small, history has shown what happens when the small-minded are allowed a voice disproportionate to their intellect. We don't need Urban Meyer to teach us those lessons again.

    You personally might, but most of the rest of us don't.

    Hard pass on Urban Meyer. The same small minds who insisted we had to have a rape enabler and a drug dealer "or be mediocre af" were wrong then, and they are again wrong now.

    This isn't really hard to figure out.

    Urban Meyer is not Tom Herman. He actually wins. A lot. Everywhere he goes, in fact. But you already knew that... I think.

    Anyway, will you leave the board and never return after we hire Urban?

    • Hook 'Em 3
  13. 4 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    There is zero reason to expect Nebraska to ever win another national title. Right now, it looks like the national title is going to rotate between a few SEC powerhouses plus Ohio State and Clemson. When you say "oh but <Program X> will insert itself", Program X has to have a few things going for it to make that a non-nonsensical statement. It has to be in a talent-rich recruiting environment (or able to recruit truly nationally, not "we signed 8 three-stars from the West Coast") and it has to have a winner-takes-all, who-gives-a-fuck attitude towards football. It needs to have a reputation for putting players (especially prominent ones) in the NFL. It needs to be in a P5 conference. After all of that, you can start talking about facilities, the size of the fan base, flashy uniforms, or being on TV. And lastly, as relevant as sprinkles on a donut are to its nutritional content, you can talk about the winning tradition, stuff that happened before HD or ESPN or integrated rosters or WWII or the forward pass. 

    So, among the programs that have won a least a share of a national title in our approximate lifetimes, here's who's in and here's who's out. In means yeah, you might win one in the next 40 years assuming the sport continues on its current trajectory towards the elimination of amateurism and a full-time, semi-pro NFL prep model. Out means you're not winning one 

    IN: Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State, LSU, Auburn, Georgia, Texas, Southern Cal, Florida, Florida State, Miami, Oklahoma, Notre Dame (barely), Tennessee (even more barely)

    OUT: Nebraska, Michigan, Colorado, Georgia Tech, Pitt (if you're old enough), Washington, Brigham Young, Penn State

    I should live another thirty to forty years. Absent a huge change in the structure of college football, and I'm talking about one we don't currently even see coming, I'll be shocked if a school on the OUT list (or not listed at all) wins a national title before I die. 

    The CFB landscape is ever changing. No one would've predicted Clemson would be a powerhouse 10 years ago. Historically, they were basically an Arkansas level program, so a lot can change. If the population continues to shift south and west, a team like Arizona State (just throwing them out there as an example) could become a contender. Oregon already is one. And as much as we hate to say it, aggie has the resources (which has always been the case, and they've always managed to aggie it up). Michigan and Penn State are both within proximity of several major (but shrinking) population centers, and they have big followings on the east coast. They still have a chance, but it's a more difficult path. I will agree that Nebraska is done; no one outside of flyover country gives a fuck about them.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Radical Larry said:

    arrested development no GIF

    I think if you let him lock himself in a dark room and just focus on X's and O's he could still be a great OC. It's hard to fathom that he's forgotten everything he ever knew about football. And it seems like the type of hire Saban would make.

  15. 1 minute ago, theBigHen said:

    I agree wholeheartedly, but what coach is out there right now that fits the criteria? There are no solid options at P5 schools that have any realistic shot at coming here. All of the real options that were on the table have outed themselves as being frauds or totally inept. We all want the perfect coach that we can just pluck off the tree with p5 winning pedigree, but this season that guy doesn’t really exist. Besides urban obviously. 

    Cristobal is the closest thing. He was Bama's recruiting coordinator from 2013-2016, so he fully understands the ins and outs of "the game." He was also a great OL coach, so he knows how to evaluate and develop that position, which is arguably the biggest key to success in CFB. The problem is he's only had 2 good seasons (will probably be 3 after this year), and he may not even want to leave Oregon with the way he's recruiting.

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