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Posts posted by TXpride

  1. 27 minutes ago, Creasy Bear said:

    You are aware that Tom Herman was our coach for 4 years?  He was all about the tough guy persona and chewing asses out.  Obviously that did not work out either. 

    It seemed to work in terms of getting our guys to play hard and not be complete pussies. The problem was Orlando's scheme and Tom's turtling.

  2. Our D-line was the strength of the team last year. We lost Ossai but still have plenty of talent. More than Arkansas. The O-line obviously needs a talent infusion (which is why we should have brought in at least 2 transfers), but not one player looks better than they did last season. This coaching staff failed miserably in the offseason and on Saturday.

  3. 30 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    I'm still trying to process hiring a head coach who was 0-18 in games down by 10 points or more at halftime.

    The zero come from behind wins is bad, but what's worse is the fact that he's been down double digits at the half 19 times in only 6.5 seasons as a head coach.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, RC Horn said:

    You have to give Coach Sark at least 3 years to implement his schemes. The offense he runs is the one that USC ran against us in the Rose Bowl. It's not a simple offense to implement right off the bat. Need to give him some time.  Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that Coach Sark has some MNC rings as well as an offensive assistant at USC in both 2003 and 2004.

    Being a coordinator and being a HC are two completely different skillsets. We fucked up. See y'all in 2024.

  5. I predict 4 years.

    I wanted Chip Kelly back in 2016. Last year, I was in the keep Herman for another year camp if we couldn't get Urban. Once it became clear we were firing him either way, I jumped on the Jeff Traylor wagon.

    CDC makes $2M a year... I'd be willing to do the job for half that.

  6. 20 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    We weren't charmin soft but we were still kinda weak IMO.

    Agree, but that was mostly because he hired Warehime/Hand and then whiffed on nearly every top O-line prospect. But even then it was never this bad.

  7. 1 hour ago, Steelers Roll Left said:

    It feels like this program had identified our program’s void of these types the past several administrations (remember talk of Charlie Strong’s strength coach and “The Pit”? How about Herman making players practice for their breakfast?). These stories were put forth immediately leading up to the Strong and Herman hires because it had become public knowledge that Texas football had become “The Country Club” and the narrative had to change.  Three coaches and a decade later we’re still saying the same shit.  At what point do you look beyond the coaches to the pool of players you are recruiting from which is another way of asking if basketball on grass Texas HS football produces the kind of hard, pipe-hitting linemen you correctly notice are lacking?

    We weren't soft under Herman. He made a lot of mistakes, but that's the one thing he deserves credit for.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 19 hours ago, trza-hawk said:

    I am hearing Matt Campbell to Nebraska, done deal, AD already loading up the song "Signed Sealed Delivered" on his Spotify playlist for a big announcement soon after the OU game.

    I don't see Campbell taking that job. Imagine ISU with a bigger stadium and a fanbase that expected to compete for NC's; that's basically Nebraska at this point. The disparity between expectations and the reality of their situation is probably wider than any other program. In that sense, it's arguably the toughest job in the country.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, Gravy Train said:

    Bagmen are being re-assigned this week, right?  When's the first 'croot shipment?  Once that pipleline is started, we gotta get the NFL involved, then it'll self-replicate.

    Yeah, because no one ever payed players in the history of CFB until Nick Saban came along.

    Have you seen Ohio State's recruiting rankings? They're right up there with Bama, yet he's won 6 in the last 11 years to their 1.

  10. 5 hours ago, satyanash said:

    cough cough


    You know it is possible to not want Sam back for a 5th season while also appreciating what he's done here. But he's had 4 cracks at winning the conference. Time to move on.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 7 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:


    Pretty much this. After nearly a decade of Herp, Swoopes, etc., Sam seemed like a transcendent QB. In reality, he's a solid college QB with some major limitations. Love his toughness, but he has an obvious ceiling as a thrower (and runner). If he comes back, I have no doubt Mensa will hand him the starting job, Casey will transfer, and our QB room will once again be fucked. I appreciate him putting his body on the line for our entertainment, but it's time.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  12. Really hard to predict how a Boise coach will do elsewhere. He won a lot of games there, but so did Dan Hawkins. And as good as they've been, they've clearly declined since Peterson's tenure. The chances of us hiring him were slim to none to begin with, but I'm glad he's off the board tbh.

  13. 30 minutes ago, mr.goodkat said:

    i don't see muschamp taking a dc role here under ANYONE much less traylor . imho


    Fuck it, keep Ash then. But I don't remember Muschamp leaving on bad terms. We gave him the HCIW title, which was fucking stupid, but probably helped him land the Florida job.


    12 hours ago, ztejas said:

    It's not about risking further mediocrity or losing seasons. It's about ceiling. I don't doubt that Campbell's floor at Texas would be better than Strong and close to Herman. Does that make him low risk? It depends on what "risk" means to you. For me, "risk" when it comes to our next coaching hire is what is the risk we are doing this over again in 4 years because it becomes apparent that we are not winning a national championship with the current guy. The chance that that would happen with Campbell is way too fucking high for me. Compared to a guy like Urban - long shot or not - who would be a near lock to at least get us to the CFP in the first 3 or 4 years. 

    We don't know how Campbell would recruit in Texas. We don't know how he would handle the pressure and everything else that he doesn't have to do/concern himself with at ISU at a big time program. We don't really know how he would prepare us for big time games. We have one data point on that now and it was pretty meh. 

    Had ISU came out and wore OU's ass out and beat them by 2 TDs today I'd definitely entertain the idea of Campbell coaching here. But they didn't - and I knew they wouldn't - and predictably losing to OU when the lights are on (I don't care about talent disparity or players or whatever - ISU has plenty of talent on this year's team and OU is down) is a massive red flag when you are talking about being the next head coach at Texas. 

    That doesn't mean he wouldn't be better than Herman. That doesn't mean that he'd never win a conference title at Texas or even have an outside shot at winning a national title here - it just means that there are a ton of things that we haven't seen him do that he would need to excel at.

    It's time for Texas to put up or shut up. Campbell - love the guy or not - would be a pussyfoot, wish-cast type hire and Texas cannot afford to make another hire like that and have it not work out. 


    If we do hire Campbell - I hope he wins every fucking game he coaches here and it's the best thing our AD has ever done. I just hope we don't hire him because I don't think he's the guy.

    Agree. Campbell has shown he can evaluate and develop lunch pale types. He's also had some wtf losses/near losses, and tends to play up/down to the competition. Sound familiar? He'd probably get us an extra win each year just by avoiding bonehead 4th down decisions, but I don't think he's that much of an upgrade.

    I'm at the point where if we can't get Urban, just give Jeff Traylor an Orgeron contract and money whip Chad Morris and Muschamp. I feel like that has a higher ceiling than any of our other options.

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