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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. Remember back when my 12th Man story was picked up by the Wall St Journal? That, and Seattle in the Super Bowl caused aggy administrators to panic and look for anything they could to bolster their claim to the trademark. Brad Marquardt was (allegedly) told to handle the issue. Brad Marquardt is/was one of the aggy school employees responsible for marketing, or fairy tales, or whatever. One of the things Marquardt (allegedly) did it take a manuscript about the subject submitted by a writer to the athletics department for pre-publication comments, have his secretary retype the writer's work into A&M's computer files without the copyright info, and then he (allegedly) sent the manuscript to 350,000 alumni. Marquardt was sued by the writer as was the school. The school is claiming sovereign immunity. That issue is still outstanding. Marquardt was denied sovereign immunity protections. He appealed. His appeal was denied. As it stands, Marquardt is still personally liable for copyright infringement damages which under DMCA can start at $2,500 per incident. Multiply $2,500 by 350,000. Whether A&M can hide behind sovereign immunity is the other case the 5th Circuit heard in July. That decision should be out shortly.
  2. California also has an economy that dwarfs that of Texas as well as state revenues that dwarf that of Texas. That being said, Texas does fund its post-secondary institutions rather meagerly.
  3. The first of the 5th Circuit opinions on Mike Bynam’s 12th Man lawsuit against A&M just came out. Bynam’s about to get paid. Not quite sure how much yet. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/ca5/20-20530/20-20530-2021-09-08.html
  4. The ags have been having an internal sturm-und-drang moment over the "Fuck Joe Biden" chant and (heaven forbid) that some fans were booing instead of hissing to the refs of a perceived bad call. It's truly comical. http://www.thebatt.com/news/head-yell-leader-responds-to-obscenities-at-fall-opener/article_ad76751a-0ff9-11ec-ade4-cb941c025d1f.html Yet again, their fairy-tale self-image is conflicting with the reality of their culture and who they actually are. The problem of aggys being vulgar rednecks during football games goes back to al least 1906, as shown by the clip from the October 6, 1906 edition of the school paper. What makes this even more comical is that even though they were complaining about vulgar yells by the "yell leaders" at least starting in 1906, they insist their tradition of having yell leaders didn't start until 1907. Add to it the aggy behavior that got one of them killed at the Baylor game in 1926, the admissions that most of the state of Texas held them in low esteem in the late 1940s and early 1950s, etc, etc, and you have a clear pattern of the ags never being the "classy" fanbase they insist they are today.
  5. This isn’t the first time society has resorted to the courts to settle a cultural disagreement. I’m perfectly fine with this being litigated. Litigating it is probably the quickest to get the relative arguments laid out in detail and for a third party to opine. Not that this will settle the matter entirely, but it will allows those passionate about the subject to be heard. Bring on the civil debate and let’s see where things stand afterward.
  6. It was Rooster who drew what today is known as the “Royal logo,” the current longhorn silhouette seen on the helmets.
  7. They just upped the pay to $20/hr for event staff for the next UT home game. Seriously.
  8. If the ags are actually some "super courteous fanbase," I'd love for one of them to explain when this supposedly started and why the big change. The 1926 death of aggy Charles Sessums during halftime of the A&M/Baylor game was a direct result of the fans around the SWC being sick and tired of the aggy students attending away A&M games being such assholes to the home team fans. The teew before the A&M/Baylor game A&M played SUM in Dallas and the aggy students attending were so bad, the Baylor decided they would be ready for them the next week in Waco. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, the aggys were widely despised by sports fans in texas for being such assholes. This continues well into the 60 with the regular fights aggys would start when attending sporting events at other SWC schools (article below is from 1963). Need I mention 1973 Rice? So when as why did aggys quit being such assholes? Last I noticed they were still assholes. Doing typically classless things like making death threats against people who simply tell the truth about aggy history and aggy culture.
  9. When has Leon ever opened his mouth without making it clear to everyone that Fallen Timbers State University truly was the perfect school for him. Sounding like Buckwheat every time he speaks is going to be the least of Leon’s problems as he goes through life. Leon has long been destined for a job where he gets paid by the hour. Think about it.
  10. A couple of small details the ags don't seem capable of processing. How many students does aggy have? How many students are attending UT Austin? Yet UT Austin spends $1 billion more each year than aggy to educate students. Only an aggy would claim an additional $1 billion of additional financial resources would make no difference in the quality of education offered at A&M. Imagine $1 billion more in financial resources PLUS 20,000 fewer students. aggy's athletics debt is almost twice that of UT Austin. Check out the institutional endowment. Again, only an aggy would claim an additional $4 billion in endowment investments would make no difference in the quality of education offered at A&M. So, $1 billion in additional financial resourced every year, 20,000 fewer students, and $4 billion in additional endowment investments. But there is no difference between the two institutions. Ok, cool. Hook 'em.
  11. Leon will win the Heisman. Why else is Jimbo known as “the linebacker whisper”? Book it. If I'm wrong, I will promise to shit in my hand and slap myself on the face with my shit-laden hand. I’m a better American than you. But only for the corrupt referees, we would have won every national championship for the last twenty years. Yay “better Americans” making war! I love serving my country while at Texas A&M. Active duty isn’t really all that tough. As a military academy, at A&M we get extra juice boxes and extra cookies because everyone attending A&M is in active military service because the President could call us out of chicken farming class to save democracy at a moment’s notice. After my three years at Blinn and my three years at A&M, I will have enough active duty service time to qualify for military retirement benefits. I’m a better American than you. We hate our current president but we’re still better Americans than anyone else. I was chanting "Fuck our Commander in Chief" last night when we were hyper virtue signaling, congratulating ourselves for having worn color coordinated t-shirts twenty years ago. Have I told you lately that I'm a better American than you? We also don’t believe in immunology because we know better. We are going to deliver millions and millions of doses of vaccine within days if there is ever a global flu pandemic. We were paid hundreds of millions of dollars to build a vaccine production facility. And we're aggys. What could possibly go wrong? Have I told you lately that I'm a better American than you? We’re going to build a big wooden structure instead of going to class later in the semester. Want to help? Excuse me as I squeeze my testicles. (swidt?)
  12. Show her the audited financials from each school's athletics program. The difference on the academic side is beyond comical. Texas A&M 2020 NCAA financials.pdf UT Austin 2020 NCAA financials.pdf
  13. At least the ags were self-aware enough to forego the plan to light Kyle at night.
  14. And I'm still waiting for any aggy to explain how someone who kills people of color for the express purpose of "establishing the supremacy of the white man" isn't a white supremacist. sul ross biography copy.pdf
  15. Texas A&M has had consecutive seasons with a winning record in conference play since the 1990s. Players such as Myles Garrett never saw a winning record in conference play the entire time he was at A&M. Since 1998 aggy has exactly ZERO seasons with 10 or more wins over FBS teams. ZERO. Only by the comically low standards that define "aggy excellence" is a record like that considered a "national powerhouse program." Not one of them has the intellectual depth to recall when their team "failed to meet expectations." The best part is those ignorant, dumbfuck white trash rednecks truly believe they exemplify "excellence." They truly believe this is their year. They truly believe this year is "next year." This is going to be hilarious.
  16. I think Richard Justice needs to check on the definition of "national powerhouse." https://www.texasmonthly.com/arts-entertainment/jimbo-fisher-contract-extension/?utm_source=Texas+Monthly&utm_campaign=8ef064bc68-TM+Today+9-3-21&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_92f99d7313-8ef064bc68-53408619
  17. I'm enjoying the tap dancing the ags are having to do around their 100-yr commemoration of the "12th man" game. "As the legend goes...." You are a fucking AAU member research university. Cut the "legend" shit and start telling the truth. No, he hadn't "earned letters." He quit the team before the UT game that season because he wasn't good enough to earn playing time. They had a whopping three players suffer injuries during the game. Dobie was spot on - "that pimply outbreak on small natures who cannot abide with equanimity their own smallness." That pretty much encapsulates all that is aggy. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  18. White trash rednecks. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  19. https://books.google.com/books?id=gZuzDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT60&lpg=PT60&dq=lying+four+flusher+sul+ross+goodnight&source=bl&ots=oIU0rg_3nx&sig=ACfU3U3FNfg6g5fwMEkie3WJhS9aBKAMCg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiW7ZeI197yAhWSTN8KHWz7BtsQ6AF6BAglEAI#v=onepage&q&f=false
  20. College coaches trying to recruit with only three years left on a contract are often at a disadvantage. Remember Mack also got an extension late in his time at Texas. The extension will usually generate headlines (as it has with Jimbo). If the “not for cause” termination clause is modified, the contract can be extended but the cost over the original term is the same. When looking at college coaching contracts, look at how the provisions other than the original term and salary structure have been modified.
  21. The hypocrisy of those white trash smoothbores can be illuminated with two words - Sul Ross. Not one of them has ever dared to have an honest conversation about why they worship that human piece of shit, “the gallant Texas negro killer.” UT culture has long decreed the racist pieces of shit connected with The University, and how they held back the school, the state, and the nation. aggys worship the racist pieces of shit who defined the school’s culture and insist their repugnant brand of white supremacy remains an intrinsic part of aggy culture and the school’s curriculum. Name me one major university that maintains an alumni and faculty Klan robe collection among their prized artifacts or a shrine to white supremacy as the center point of their campus. Fuck you aggys, you worthless pieces of shit. Feel free to use anything I have written on the subject. Needless to say, I have much more info on the subject. https://aggypedia.com/wiki/Sul_Ross
  22. This past spring Texas A&M had its first individual NCAA national champion in men’s swimming. First in school history. And the ags had to essentially ignore that accomplishment because to tout it would only raise comparisons with UT Austin’s men’s swimming program. The dog shit that defines Texas A&M is extensive. With football season around the corner, the ags can now go back to claiming their cherished “highest minimum secondary market football ticket price” national championship prospects. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  23. aggy is pulling out all the stops to catch Central Florida for the coveted “nation’s highest enrollment” title. Because when you are aggy, shit like that means everything. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  24. Kyle needs to post this as his "aggy fact Thursday" on Twitter.
  25. True, but the ags have a defining cultural bias that impeded their ability to perceive what is obvious to others. At some point, most people can assess the credibility of various mouthpieces. aggys, not so much. Add to that the fact that Liucci was one of the central figures in Manziel blowing off rehab in favor of constant partying back in 2012. In retrospect, Liucci wasn't doing Manziel (of the A&M program) any favors. To my knowledge, Liucci has never accepted any responsibility for his part in that and he certainly hasn't been held accountable by rednecks. The fact Texags only still exists today because of it's government bailout on 2020 shows just how adept Liucci is at running an actual business. Never been impressed with Liucci, other than as a source of unintended comedy.
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