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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. And that explains why Nick Saban is head coach of UT Austin. Right. There is an old joke that in academia, "the knives are so sharp because the (stakes/steaks) are so small." Give the academics something not small to unify behind (not giving merit raises, but blowing $40 mil to permeate the university with the odious stench of a human piece of shit, etc, etc) and the academic mission of the university will suffer. There will be hell to pay. If Hartzell and CDC abandon any premise of integrity to bring the odious stench of Urban Meyer onto the UT Austin campus, I can only hope the Legislature suitably abandons any premise of financial commitment to the university. I am far from the only alum to feel this way. The people of Texas deserve a public university they can be proud of. If not UT Austin, then maybe the time has come to redistribute the PUF, and make suitable adjustments to legislative funding formulas so that the people of Texas will have one. Texas A&M has proven it cannot fill that role. With UT Austin fall into the same category of scorn and ill-repute as A&M? Urban Meyer is not worth the trouble he would bring to UT Austin. Not even close.
  2. The short answer is "no." I can't imagine many people would be willing to even bring up the question with either Hartzell or CDC. Just a question - are you familiar with CDC's early upbringing? Do you know anything about him as a person? My estimation is that should any such arrangement as you propose be approved, CDC would resign, rather than participate. Your scheme would also require the hiring of a puppet AD to play waterboy to the football coach. You might as well plan to name Urban head coach and AD. Neither Hartzell nor CDC are they type of individuals willing to sacrifice even a shred of integrity simply to help the football team win one or two more games each season. You also seem to forget the Tom Penders chapter at UT Austin. As well as the Bill Powers chapter. It is a well established principle (thanks to Powers) that the prerogatives of the president of UT Austin are sacrosanct. Powers set the standard for not allowing Regents to interfere in hiring decisions when he nixed the hiring of Saban over interference from the BOR. If the Regents were stopped from contravening the authority of the UT Austin president, it would be unthinkable for the current school president to subordinate his own authority and cede complete control of the athletics program to the school football coach. Also, should Hartzell demonstrate his weakness as school president in that he was unable to properly manage the athletics department, he would be summarily removed. The faculty infighting and politics far exceed any pressures Hartzell will ever feel from the alumni over the football coach. People seem to have a misguided impression of the influence of the football team over the university. The egos on the UT campus are substantial. Bringing an even bigger ego (with horrific personal baggage clouding his personal integrity) and telling that person he was accountable to no one would have ramifications. The academics would prevail and would push for changes that would seriously affect Bellmont. Baylor proved the arrangement of the head football coach not being held to any standards of conduct and accountable to no one can provide one or two more wins each season for the football program doesn't operate effectively. The thought that Jay Hartzell's first major decision as UT President would be to turn UT Austin into Baylor doesn't seem likely. People wanting Urban Meyer at UT need to brace themselves for Tom Herman surviving at least through the 2021 season. CDC showed at TCU that he can play the long game quite well. Some people don't seem to have grasped there is a new sheriff in town.
  3. Interesting story. Not true, but interesting. I was BL's contact for tickets to the Dell match play. We had been in touch a lot during that week. If you remember, there was an alternate url being used when the new site first launched. But thanks for your story. It's always interesting to see what alternative memories people have.
  4. "During Meyer’s time with the Gators, Florida had at least 31 arrests involving 25 players. Many involved alcohol possession and disorderly conduct, but a dozen involved initial charges of felonies or violent misdemeanors." And then there's Ohio State. I have no doubt CDC believes it is possible to win with integrity. I firmly believe Jay Hartzell will trust the counsel of CDC. But please, continue to convince yourselves otherwise. I find it comical.
  5. Hartzell and CDC are paid to "give a fuck about this." There is a reason they are running the show and people like you aren't. There are far more important considerations when running UT Austin than just the football team. Hiring sociopaths to win one or two more football games a year is what Baylor did. Hartzell and CDC (especially) isn't going to turn UT Austin into Baylor over the record of the football team. If they even hinted at doing so, they would have an instantaneous career crisis they wouldn't recover from. Hiring a known sociopath to let the football team run wild and commit crimes with the protection of the athletic department, all to win one or two more football games a year is a bold move, to say the least.
  6. "Texas" has no political capital. The individual administrators are the ones who have, or lack, political capital. And, I haven't said the money isn't there. It is. But it was only on Sept 1 that CDC announced the staff reductions necessary to handle the current budget problems created by the Covid pandemic. To lay off staffers, to then blow $40 mil on hiring a known sociopath would "raise some eyebrows." Add to that, these news gems from not so long ago: "University of Texas officials on Tuesday said they are freezing merit raises for all faculty and staff to mitigate any financial fallout from the coronavirus pandemic." "UT also is reviewing large expenditures and said only those that are essential to the core functions of the university will be approved." https://www.statesman.com/news/20200414/ut-cuts-summer-tuition-freezes-raises-for-faculty-and-staff If Hartzell blows $40 mil to hire a known sociopath, the faculty would turn on him immediately. Try to imagine the fallout when the first accusations of sexual assault (actual or fabricated) against one of Urban's players makes it to the press. "Urban Meyer" has "shitshow" written all over him. Which is what sometimes happens to human pieces of shit. Faculty pissed, the legislature just aching for places to cut spending, getting pilloried in the press for hiring that sociopath in the first place. If Jay Hartzell made his first major decision as UT President the hiring of Urban Meyer, it would be his last major decision as UT president.
  7. I'm not the one claiming to have inside information. I'm the one claiming to understand the politics of the situation enough to understand why it isn't going to happen. Urban Meyer is a brutally damaged person with horrible ethics. One could call him "human scum." He's a sociopath. Hiring such a polarizing personality as the face of the school's football program would be epic. And not in a positive way.
  8. You've done your duty. We appreciate your contributions and will give them all due consideration.
  9. Lol. The shitstorm of justifiable ridicule that would result from his hiring of Urban Meyer would be epic. Neither Jay Hartzell nor CDC would last long enough to see Urban coach his first game. It would rank as one of the epic blunders in the history of UT Austin.
  10. I'll contact Thujone to get the "Longhorn coaching hire roller coaster" cartoon started. When you get the "super-secret high legel insider" info on when Urban's wife lands in Austin to start looking for homes, please pass it along. Let me guess, option #2 is Art Briles. Meanwhile, grab your ankles and get ready for the torrent of ridicule that will be unleashed upon UT and the UT brand as people continue to insist the Longhorn administration is so tires of having a sub-par football program that they would even discuss hiring - hold your nose- Urban Meyer. But as long as the "highly connected" are reporting it, it has to be true. Thanks for the insider info.
  11. The lack of understanding of any of the aggys concerning the relationship between federal military and civilian higher education is reflective of the "quality" of the Texas A&M education. The insist they are "better Americans" than anyone else, yet they have no functional understanding of our Constitution. Plain and simple, the federal government doesn't outsource armed forces training to the individual states. There are specific instances and meticulously defined protocols for state militias to be under the control of federal authorities. aggys know none of this. The A&M ROTC detachment and the aggy Corps of Cadets are distinct and separate. ROTC instruction is open to any student on campus, regardless of affiliation with any campus organization. The letter from the Department of Defense posted on aggypedia explains this. Texas A&M University is an arm (or anus, take your choice) of the state of Texas. The Texas A&M Corps of Cadets is affiliated with the university, making each and every one of the aggy Corps members civilians (not subject to military justice). A four star Army General could order the lowest of aggy Corps members to do something, and that aggy Corps member could tell that general to go fuck himself, without any ramifications whatsoever. The aggy Corps "commandant" could, as a representative of the university, tell any military officer of any rank and even the Secretary of Defense (or, for that matter, the Commander in Chief) to get the fuck off of university property, and they would be legally obliged to do so. The aggy Corps was started as a school sanctioned "club" in 1876 with the purpose of inflicting "discipline" on the teen-age farm delinquents that comprised the student body of the college. ROTC didn't exist prior to WWI. When ROTC was created, the Constitutional relationship between federal and state authorities required the state to invite the ROTC detachment to establish a presence on campus for the purpose of providing elective courses to any student wishing to take them. Any mandatory ROTC enrollment was a state requirement, not a federal requirement. That state/federal relationship still exists today. The aggy Corps has never been anything other than a civilian construct of the state of Texas, established as a student organization under the management of the school president. It's a fraternity. The designation of "senior military college" is a federal construct. Nothing in that designation requires anything of the state of Texas. No federal authority, up to and including the Commander in Chief, can make any demand that the state act in any way, subject to the designation of "senior military college." It is sad that people can obtain a diploma from Texas A&M University and not have a functional understanding of our Constitution. It is even sadder that there are officers who can receive a commission in the U.S. military without having a functional understanding of our Constitution. But Texas A&M is not about quality education. It never has been, and it never will be.
  12. Feel free to offer suggestions for additional content based on your conversations with the agriods. Some sections of aggypedia need some polishing, but I think all involved stand by the content and research.
  13. FIFY The kids might just be freaked out by being in a place for the first time where there isn't a single minority in sight. Nothing says "pure Aryan blood" like gameday at Texas A&M. Sul Ross would be proud.
  14. 38 posts and already enforcing thread discipline. That's what I call coming out of the gate with some game.
  15. This just in - aggy wins bye week. The bye week win explains their bye week rise in the coaches poll. I tell you, the place is simply magical. Players who haven't seen the field this season grew up in the span of seven days. This weekend, an enormous number of lifelong Arky fans will have their lives transformed by the majesty of the aggy campus. Most will write letters speaking of the near-religious experience of attending a football game at A&M. Tradition.
  16. After the aggys killed those drunk students, the federal government instituted an investigation that determined one of the principal causes of their deaths was "a cultural bias impeding risk identification." The only way those dumb fucksticks could have made those deaths any more meaningless was to learn absolutely nothing from their deaths. Which is exactly what they have done. There is something about the aggy culture that makes them incapable of assessing any given situation and determining the risks inherent. This makes aggys struggle with understanding the complexities of viral infection and disease transmission. They simply can't process the facts and identify the risks involved with the current COVID pandemic. And we see this inability daily in how aggys behave and mitigate the risks surrounding the global viral pandemic. They bleat the raison d'etre of their costumed fraternity where those with low self-esteem are told they are "special" is to "promote leadership." And in times of need, we see the type of "leadership" they deliver. None at all. In fact, following the example set by the overwhelming majority of those idiotic rednecks will get one rotting in a grave, just as following "the aggy example" got those kids boxed up to rot for all eternity. Those immersed in the culture of Texas A&M simply are intellectually incapable of handling any level of responsibility. It's cultural. And as an example of how politics has propped that place up in spite of the interests of the people of Texas and in spite of the refusal of the aggys to learn from their past mistakes, the legislature moved the state Division of Emergency Preparedness under the auspices of the administrators of Texas A&M University. In spite of the fact the aggys are utterly incapable of identifying and assessing the risks involved with what they are supposed be preparing for. Fucking amazing. Mark my words, many more people will needlessly die because of the stupidity that is aggy culture. Yet again, the aggys have proven the people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  17. What do you have against meteors that makes you such an anti-meteorite?
  18. People still think we make this shit up about aggys. Simply amazing.: "I told the manager at Kroger that if she thinks she has the right to demand that I wear a mask, she also has the right to tell girls to cover their whole ass when they come into the store, so my boys and I don't have to go to confession. If she has that right, then she has that obligation. And if he does not have that right, then she does not have the right to tell me to play along with a lie to which I am morally and religiously opposed." https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3150097/replies/57735245
  19. The budget of UT Austin is about $4B. The system budget is about $20B. The entire UT Austin athletics budget is only just over $200 million. TAMU College Station has a budget of around $1.8B. Their entire system academic budget is barely $4B. And after aggy, no public college or university budget exceeds much over $500 mil. Rightly or wrongly, there is an enormous incentive for a number of parties to represent UT Austin as having far too much and being extremely wasteful with what they have. Jay Hartzell isn't going to throw gasoline on that fire by hiring a largely despicable human being whose biggest supporters have to hold their nose over the stench he carries with him. You have obviously convinced yourself otherwise. Good for you. You are wrong.
  20. Sept 1, 2020: "These are unprecedented times we are in and all of us in college athletics are facing unexpected circumstances, a lot of change and very difficult decisions. None of it has been easy, and we recognize the impact it's had on so many and are deeply sorry for that. But we also know it's our responsibility to position Texas Athletics to remain solvent, steady and able to perform at the highest level. " -Chris Del Conte Jan 1, 2021: "Fuck it! $40 mil ain't SHIT to us! Bring in Urban Meyer!" -Jay Hartzell Never. Gonna. Happen.
  21. Sure! And, while we are at it, let's find out how many others are willing to never post here again if he isn't.
  22. The Texas legislature has long been cutting state funding for higher education. Adjusted for inflation, the state is about 25% below where it was a decade ago. One of the great problems the "major gifts" team has to deal with is a concern that what is given to the university as private gifts will only be taken away by the legislature through increased cuts in state funding. Look back to when the tech boom stated in Austin. Factor in the amount of equity held by those who helped drive the Austin tech boom. Now, think about where those equity holders are in their career cycles and their estate planning. There is a lot of concern that private gifts will be made meaningless through "equalization" by legislative funding cuts. The political question of "how much public money is enough for UT Austin" is very much a concern. Jay Hartzell isn't going to make a very public demonstration of the private resources he has available at his disposal to piss down the drain just so he can hire Urban Meyer (of all people). Some people on this board don't seem to understand the politics between the legislature since 1858, when UT was first established. Pa Ferguson ring a bell? The supremacy of a football program that has struggled since the 1970s for success isn't the highest priority of the newly installed UT Austin president at the moment. Personally, I don't think Jay Hartzell would piss on urban Meyer's foot if it were on fire, let along sacrifice his career for him. But people should convince themselves Urban is both coming and the savior of UT athletics. We can get Thujone to make a burnt orange roller coaster of coaching changes with the apex of the track being where the realities that the UT president has to approve slaps the dreamers in the face. Call me when the thread starts that Urban's wife was sighted in Austin house shopping. When you do that, I'll get Thujone to get to work.
  23. The legislature will gladly play the game of taking away as much public funding as the UT alumni want to privately fund. If money is no object at UT Austin, then there is a lot of public money that can be redirected from UT Austin to needy schools. I'm just saying that some self-inflicted problems are worth not inflicting.
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