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Posts posted by F250

  1. 4 minutes ago, Paul Wesley said:

    He doesn't know the words to "God Bless America," he doesn't know how to pronounce "Two Corinthians," and he has failed in numerous interviews to name either a favorite bible verse or favorite book in the bible.  



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  2. 1 minute ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    The President should be the defender of someone that chooses to exercise their right to not stand for the anthem.  Doesn't mean he has to agree with it, but he should defend it.  After all his oath is preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the US.  The Constitution gives an American the right to spit on the flag if they choose.  If we outlaw that action, then we start to diminish the Constitution.  And once again, you can dislike and protect someone's right to do so at the same time.     

    In theory, yes this is how it ought to be. However, Donald Trump took the oath which means he will do the opposite of whatever he swears he will do.


  3. 51 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    It means that team team has indicated that they do not intend to be gracious guests.  Sending 4-10 players is not behaving graciously.  It's insulting.

    Behaving Graciously? Are you fucking kidding me?

  4. 1 hour ago, Lurch said:

    I just can’t imagine how our history books will deal with him. If you’re going to tell one story of ineptitude, deceit or corruption, which of the hundreds do you choose? The act of sorting them from most-offensive to “Jesus Fucking Christ! He did that?!? AGAIN?!?” is a near impossible job.



    Trump is generating a shit ton of work for future historians. Hell, there will probably be multiple specialties dedicated to Trump. Some will only focus on his political corruption, some on his illegal business activities and others on Trumpism. Forty years from now he might have as many documentaries as Hitler.


  5. 51 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:

    I think Trump’s foreign policy with China, Russia and NK will focus on foreign policy theater, whereby Trump secures symbolic “wins” for his administration and his family fortune. Because Trump is as corrupt as it comes, these three anti-democratic nations can secure deals under the table that benefit them while weakening democracy, global diplomacy and the world’s economy.


  6. 11 hours ago, swraith said:


    In terms of physical interconnects this is true. ERCOT has little ability to import/export electricity. In regards to FERC oversight you are also correct. And FERC already sided against Trump on this.

    But the Bloomberg article references this as a National Security Council memo in conjunction with DOE. This policy being couched in terms of National Security likely does have Federal reach into ERCOT.

    All that said, this policy is definitely targeting coal and nuclear plants in the Midwest/Northeast.

    That's how I understand it from the Bloomberg article. Because of DOE involvement, all ISO's would be impacted including ERCOT. Texas does have a number of deprecating coal plants or at least they did when I was involved with ERCOT, that might see this as a life line. But you are probably right about this targeting the northern states. I know that plants in S. Texas will sit on stores of fuel in order to resell it to the northern states during the winter since our demand drops off due to a lack of cold weather.


  7. 2 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

    I had never heard the Michael Cohen taped threats.   Listening to him certainly reinforced my opinion of this guy as a bully.   Perfect for the Trump way of doing business.

    It also gives some insight into others like Caputo who still defend these turds.

    The link allows you to listen and read along with the transcripts if you want.  It also has certain areas marked throughout the 7 plus minute report.



    I get the feeling that Cohen always suspected Trump would throw him under the bus, so he kept all this stuff, made all these tapes to 1) protect himself, and/or 2) use them as leverage against others he was trying to influence on behalf of trump.  As in getting them to say something they could later be blackmailed for.

    Now he has to decide can, if or will trump pardon him if he doesn't flip.  I think the mindset of the legal teams doing the investigating, they want as much dirt as they can get, especially that material that could lead to charges the cheeto in charge can't issue a pardon for. 

    The pic they chose for the article has that dead eye quality and smugness to it that a lot of cohen pics don't.  


    People like this make me ragey.

    Reminds me of one of my favorite lines from Open Range.


  8. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Just wanted to see who the parents of young kids were in the thread. 

    The first actress to play Caillou will hopefully escape the trade war with Canada alive and make her way to the US  


    She can stay at my place if need be.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    This.  1000X this.

    That can/should be the whole campaign against Cruz.  Texas: where the men are men, not cowering simpering little losers who let someone shit on their wife and father, and then bow to him.

    It should be used in the campaign. Cruz didn't even defend his family why should we expect him to stand up for Texas. It's a major character flaw that needs to be addressed.


  10. 2 hours ago, Newdoc said:

    Yes, the first president to be described as the worst and the one who is going to ruin the country. Haven’t heard that accusation against another sitting president in years. Like 2 or 3 years. And I did not realize that Rosanne had such influence on our Republic.

    Trump is not a good president but lighten up with the hyperbole Francis. 


    Trump is using the Hoover administration as a template to run our economy but the difference is Hoover was working with what he knew at the time. Trump despite all of the economic knowledge available, is doing his best to trash the global economy. This isn't hyperbole, he really is generating a shit ton of chaos in the global economy.



  11. 2 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

    If Heidi and Ted are celebrating, I guess it means Trump won't be "spilling the beans" on Heidi. 



    This was some serious beta shit on Cruz's part. At some point a man has to throw a punch. Cruz is an embarrassment to Texans.

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Wow, everyone, Sen. John Cornyn has “some unease”.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Cornyn must not realize that the market thrives off of uncertainty and havoc.

  13. Trump fired off some trade war shots today that could have a serious impact on our state economy. How are the candidates addressing this?




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  14. 10 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    How the fuck does the United States make Canada say "US will have to pay serious cost for its actions"...CANADA.

    That is some mind blowing shit. Has Canada ever threatened the United States in the past 150 years? This is like starting a neighborhood fight with Caillou's family.

    I was just reading about how the U.K. will be hit really hard from all of this. I guess even our historical Anglo allies are out the window now. Trump must have forgotten to fuck over Australia.


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