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Posts posted by F250

  1. 36 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I have my doubts about the girl doing any swinging.  But I have my suspicions about people in her group doing some swinging.  I suspect the facts, timeline, and circumstances will be confusing as shit.  Which is a bad place to be when you're dealing with someone with a pistol.

    I wouldn't be surprised if some people were throwing things or swinging something at the agent. My college roommate ended working in the BP for a couple of years. He said if you encountered a group alone it was not unusual for the group to start hurling shit at you. One time he had a dude standing above him try and toss a big ass rock on his head. My friend didn't shoot but did pull out his gun and threaten to shoot him if the guy didn't cut it out.

    I'm with you on waiting for more information and while I am no fan of law enforcement, I do realize they are often in dangerous situations we civilians never experience.


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  2. 14 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    I’m rooting for the bears to viciously kill some hunters.

    Depending on the constraints placed on the hunt, there is a very good chance someone is going to get mauled to death.

    I'm ok with issuing limited tags but no guides, no one to help you out when the bear charges you and you piss your pants. If you are allowed you should have to risk life and limb.



  3. 3 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    Yep.    And kids can still ride a bike through a neighborhood faster than the bad guys can drive.   Just watch E.T.     But seriously, we used to get away with crazy shit.   Perhaps the information paranoia has destroyed all our minds 

    We used to screw with teenagers as kids and get away from them on our bikes. There are a lot of shortcuts you can take on a bike that you can't in a car. We watched RAD and BMX Bandits one too many times.

    One time we shot some bottle rockets at some HS schooler's car back window and gave them the finger. We took off on our bikes before they could turn around. We made it to the next street when we heard their tires screeching around the corner. I drove through someone's yards and tossed my bike over their fence and jumped into their backyard. Another kid did the same but our friend Andy had a shitty Murray that weighed 50 pounds. LOL he couldn't get it over the fence. I yelled, "leave the bike!!!" He broke down crying as the teenagers pulled up. I yelled "Shit, I gotta go". Me and the other kid jumped into the alley and hopped through another yard and took off. Andy ended up getting smacked around a little bit and his bike trashed, it was a lousy bike so no loss.

  4. 8 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    I always had a fair amount of stranger-danger when I was a kid.  I remember my mom telling me the story of Adam Walsh who was abducted in a Sears after he had wandered from his mom, and then I saw the TV movie.  That shit freaked me out at a young age.

    Yeah, same here. I also remember a program where people put a sign of a hand on their window in neighborhoods to signify it was a safe place to seek help if approached by a stranger.



  5. 15 minutes ago, TheStoicPaisano said:

    Was going to go for the Amazon Locker IN Whole Foods double whammy.

    Wait, are there two versions of the coin? I see $20 and $60 price points.

    $20, $60 whatever it takes.


  6. 5 minutes ago, Art Vandelay said:

    Great question. Without doing a whole lot of thinking, Guns 'N Roses is the one that comes to mind.

    EDIT: According to Wikipedia they were formed in 1985. Dammit. I would've guessed 86.

    Yeah, does not qualify. There were some good bands that started in the early 80's that I wanted to eliminate, G&R was one of them.


  7. On 5/14/2018 at 8:56 AM, TornACL said:

    You don't keep rooting for a different school once you go to college. 

    What the hell is the matter with you? 

    I guess you wouldn't find it poor form if a kid grew up an Aggie fan and then kept rooting for A&M while getting his undergrad at UT? 

    The continuing increase in acceptance standards will prevent that from happening anymore.

  8. 33 minutes ago, ousux said:
    52 minutes ago, F250 said:
    I will forever love him for that. It looked goofy as hell but his herpa derping down the field was magnificent.

    That entire sequence was like watching a slo-mo car crash, I swear at one point he stopped cold and went backwards a bit, but I was pretty sauced up that night. (T-day with family will do that to ya)

    My memory of the run is in slow motion too. That is the only time I've ever experienced the perception of time slowing down while watching a sport. The pucker factor was at 11 when Case took off running. With Vince making a break for the corner of the end zone in the Rose Bowl, I was holding my breath but it was Vince so I was confident. I almost broke my wife's hand from squeezing it too tight but I was confident. I am pretty sure my life flashed before my eyes with Case's run.





  9. On 5/19/2018 at 12:02 PM, GotThatFire said:

    aggy ran away from us and our conference, so they didn't have to be our bitch anymore. Why would they want to be our bitch again? They don't. This was part of their plan. Run away, then act like they want to play again, knowing it's not gonna happen, to make themselves not look scared.  

    Case McCoy really, really fucked their plan up. They thought they would get that last win at home then ride off into the backwoods with their heads held high so they could talk shit for the rest of eternity... Nope. 

    I will forever love him for that. It looked goofy as hell but his herpa derping down the field was magnificent.


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  10. My wife gave me the green light to sign up my 7 year old daughter for machine pitch in a summer league. She has been in gymnastics for the past 3 years and the wife didn't want any interference during the school year. So no Spring ball.

    I took her to Baseball Express to do some preliminary shopping for new gear. I tend to go get carried away with baseball gear. I have a ton of equipment put away that my sons have outgrown. The wife tried to convince me to reuse the old stuff. I said, nah that's boys equipment, we are going to get some Girl Power equipment.

    We spent a little under 2 hours in the store. Tried a bunch of bats out in the cage, tried out a lot of gloves, spent a little too much time color coordinating Pink/Purple stuff LOL. That was a first for me. Ended up having to put in an order for a purple and pink bat and glove we will pick up later this week. Bought a helmet with face guard, backpack, purple and white batting gloves. My youngest son tagged along and managed to get a Wilson A2000 glove out of the trip, the guy knocked $60 off the price so I got it for $200 which is pretty good.



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  11. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    The NRA was about little more than gun safety for decades.  Things started to change ~ Reagan's election.

    I'm not old enough to remember the political landscape during the Reagan administration but it seems shit really changed during the Clinton administration. I enrolled in college during Clinton's first year in office so it's possible I just wasn't paying attention to things during the H.W. Bush years.


  12. 29 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    When you look at the NRA as a consumer marketing organization to sell products (guns) they make a lot more sense than if you see them as a political group.

    Exactly, that video was meant to feed paranoia. The ominous tone along with the creepy speech cadence coupled with the bat shit crazy message isn't about the 2nd Amendment. That's the NRA creating a demand for more guns.

    I'm pro 2nd Amendment but I clearly see the how the gun industry generates sales.

  13. A friend I grew up with had an older brother that was like this guy. His parents tried all kinds of things to chase his 25 year old unemployed ass out of the house and get a job. Put locks on the kitchen, air horns in the morning, threw away his stuff and eventually put his shit in the driveway and changed the locks.

    The guy wasn't a junkie or anything, he was just a lazy bum. Dude looked pretty tattered walking around in worn out clothes, had a hairstyle like the guy in the article.

    His brother is a detective with the Las Vegas Police Department and their sister is a surgeon. I don't know why he turned out to be such a slacker. He did end up moving to Vegas with his brother until his brother's girlfriend moved in.

    He eventually became a casino card dealer. From what I understand, he has been doing that steadily for the past 10 years. The last time I was in Vegas we all went out, the dude acted like he ran Vegas but then expected me to pay for his drinks.


  14. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Boy's team locked down the championship. Bats were lit. 3rd baseman basically sealed the game with a bases loaded line drive catch that resulted in a triple play, after dropping one earlier. I'm gonna have a hard time with the boy when he has to choose between fall ball and soccer. 

    Congratulations! Sealing the deal with a triple play is pretty bad ass.


  15. 2 hours ago, Lagunamadre said:

    No clue. I'm not well read on the various isms, so can't speak to any one groups thinking. I'm more referring to it in the abstract, that the events that happen in between a human's birth and death were out of their control, that a higher power controlled their actions, and at their birth the higher power knew how their story would end. 


    What ism would that fall under? 

    As Twicehorn said, that kinda falls on the Calvinist side of the tracks. The idea is that every event has already been determined by God at the moment of creation for his own purpose. The idea becomes controversial when it addresses salvation because it's not a choice any individual can make.

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