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Posts posted by F250

  1. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Boy's team locked down the championship. Bats were lit. 3rd baseman basically sealed the game with a bases loaded line drive catch that resulted in a triple play, after dropping one earlier. I'm gonna have a hard time with the boy when he has to choose between fall ball and soccer. 

    Congratulations! Sealing the deal with a triple play is pretty bad ass.


  2. 2 hours ago, Lagunamadre said:

    No clue. I'm not well read on the various isms, so can't speak to any one groups thinking. I'm more referring to it in the abstract, that the events that happen in between a human's birth and death were out of their control, that a higher power controlled their actions, and at their birth the higher power knew how their story would end. 


    What ism would that fall under? 

    As Twicehorn said, that kinda falls on the Calvinist side of the tracks. The idea is that every event has already been determined by God at the moment of creation for his own purpose. The idea becomes controversial when it addresses salvation because it's not a choice any individual can make.

  3. 3 hours ago, Stunns38 said:

    I could only live in a New England type small town or something In the northeast like Montauk on LI(I know, NY douchebags overun it in the summer) ; it’ll have to be within 2 hrs of a larger city too with some exceptions. Can’t do a small town in the south unless it is close to a coast.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So the kind of place where you can find some Johnny Cakes.


    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Does anybody on here believe in predestination? I would love to have  civil debate on that, if so. 

    Surly acting up. Double post.


  5. 3 hours ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Does anybody on here believe in predestination? I would love to have  civil debate on that, if so. 

    Are you referring to theological determinism "Calvinism" or something like libertarian free will vs philosophical determinism?


  6. 2 minutes ago, Stros said:

    My 9yo son is playing in Dripping Springs this weekend. Does anyone know how the fields are there?  

    Pretty terrible, don't go. I've been out there a few times over the past 5 years and hate the place.

    All the fields are turf. The place lacks natural shade or any shade for that matter and is a heat magnet. The fields are decent but the environment is pretty crappy.

    The complex in New Braunfels/Zorn is much nicer.

  7. 29 minutes ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    Ugh. 5 yo developed a fear of the ball this year. He’s been playing sports for a few years and this is the first time it’s come up.
    We are still in Tball so it isn’t coming from the coach pitch aspect.

    I’ve tried tennis balls to warm up but it hasn’t worked.
    Any suggestions?

    I assume you mean afraid of catching a ball since it's Tball. Playing bare handed catch with a tennis ball is really good for developing hand-eye coordination. Just instruct the kid to receive the ball like he would with a glove. Fingers down towards ground when ball is below the waist, thumb side facing ground when reaching across the body, pinky side down when reaching away from the body, etc... It also has the benefit of teaching how to catch with soft hands.

    Once the coordination kicks in the confidence will too.

    As far as hitting pitched balls, 5 is young so I would stick to tennis balls and whiffle balls for awhile.


  8. 15 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Boy's team in the championship game tomorrow coming out of the winners bracket. little league has reinvigorated my love of the game. 




    One of the many reasons I love Little League is the sense of community. Our league championship games "Tournament of Champions" always generated big crowds. The stands are full, people lined up all the way up and down the fence line, pick up trucks behind the field with people watching from the bed of the truck. All of the kids that didn't make the championship showing up in their jersey and hats.

    My boys have played in tournament championship games in Florida, Arizona, Colorado and Nebraska with crowds of maybe 50 people. Nothing ever came close to the thrill of playing a Little League championship game in front of the community except maybe an All Star tournament championship game because usually it's multiple communities gathered at the game.

    • Like 2
  9. 9 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Absolutely it's not unusual, but I also don't know if it's wrong to say most don't.  Maybe if you are speaking in the context of college grads with business degrees, but if the context is expanded to everyone you are going to be getting a lot of general clock punchers.

    I am speaking in regards to college graduates. Yeah, I am aware of the liberal arts folks punching a clock at Starbucks. I kid, I kid.


  10. 2 hours ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    If you are punching a clock, then you certainly aren't taking your work home with you.  However I don't think you'll find a lot of people making 50k as an exempt employee taking their work home with them either, or at least they don't expect to be making 50k/year for long if they do. 

    Most of them would definitely be taking their work with them because they would be in the early years of their career. My point was it's not unusual to work outside of business hours for a lot of people. Complaints about long work days will fall on deaf ears for a lot of people.

    Working without consistent salary increases to overcome cost of living or no merit based raises is a legitimate complaint that most people will identify with.

  11. 37 minutes ago, trauma babe said:

    Most jobs stop once the employee leaves the premises of work. Teachers continue to work at home. Do you really believe teachers only work 40 hours a week? 

    Is this common with most careers? It's not something I ever experienced.

  12. 3 hours ago, sachick said:

    Is this at thing? Do we always create military coins for meetings with other countries? And it's a bit presumptive to create these things ahead of time.



    This thing has the Electric Company silhouette thing going on.



  13. 14 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Is Slorch really arguing in favor of race-based restrictive covenants?  I mean, shit--props for having the courage to take an unpopular position, but damn, man.

    No, he is just writing a critique of Thomas Jefferson's letter to Madison concerning the idea that "the earth belongs in usufruct to the living".

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Interesting.  What do the Weekly Standard and National Review have to say?  

    "The more important question is what any of this has to do with Mueller. While then-FBI director James Comey and his band of merry men were investigating Clinton, the man who would become the special counsel was plugging away at his private practice at WilmerHale. Whatever gaffes the FBI might have made during that investigation or during the early stages of the Russia investigation, it is preposterous to lay them at Mueller’s feet—particularly considering that he was hired in part because that investigation had become such a political mess that it was necessary to bring in an objective third party to take over.

    The president has not bothered to let such distinctions get in the way of his story. Trump does not seem to understand that Mueller, the FBI, and the Department of Justice are separate entities. Rather, they are all simply the “Witch Hunt”—a monolithic force of destruction and obstruction that, like its close cousin “fake news,” exists for no purpose other than being unfair to him."


  15. 1 minute ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    I don’t think China’s policy to steal intellectual property from American companies is not a good thing for our country. Forced partnerships creating a barrier for entry into the market that does not exist in the USA. 

    thats just one

    And could you explain why trade deficits are bad?


  16. 6 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    My entry is an easy one to remember, because it was a completely shitty thing to do.  I went to baseball camp at UC Riverside when I was maybe in 7th or 8th grade.  We were having breakfast in the cafeteria.  I was at that age where I did stupid shit for attention.  So this blind kid is walking by, and I intentionally put a chair in his path to potentially trip him up.  A teacher/coach sees me do this and freaks out on me.  I almost got sent home.  Someone gave the kid a heads up before he tripped on it.  Damn, I still feel shitty about that almost 40 yrs later.

    1. That is epically fucked up.

    2. What was a blind kid doing at a baseball camp?


  17. During P.E. In middle school we played a game of soccer. I was assigning positions to the kids on my team when this chubby dorky kid insisted on being the goalie. He said something about taking lessons and guarnteed no one would score on him. I said ok but if he costs us the game I would beat his ass.

    He ended up sucking and gave up a goal at the last minute. I started running towards him from across the field when he took of sprinting towards the gym. You had to go up a steep hill to get in the gym from the fields. I caught up with towards the top of the hill. He started squealing and wrestling away from me so I grabbed him by the back and threw him down the hill. He tumbled down the hill and then face planted. I didn't mean to cause him that much harm so I went to check on him.

    As I tried to help him up, he slapped my arm away and started hysterically crying. I think I was motivated by shame because his loud crying and rejection of my offer to help resulted in a few punches to his face. I left him balled up crying and went into the gym.

    That one still stings me to this day. I tried to make amends with him years later in high school. He refused to speak to me, I never approached him again after that.

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