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Posts posted by F250

  1. 4 hours ago, Not that Bob said:

    We had Dad and his best friend out for lunch Memorial Day. Dad, a Pacific War Vet, his buddy Korean War Vet. 

    Dad is declining rapidly. A long, fruitful life, but it's still difficult to watch the decline of a guy who got up at 4 AM as a child to milk the cows, went to school, took off school at lunch to help his Dad deliver the milk, on a horse drawn cart, then back to school and repeat the next day. After the war he continued his education and became successful and respected. The paragon of a man...but Monday he was struggling to cut his pork chop. They weren't butter tender, but not that tough. I offered to help, but he declined. My son, his grandson got up and took over. Dad will often let his grandson do things that he won't let me do. There's some sort of generational divide that is different from father to son to grandson. 

    I have bittersweet memories of the happiness it gave mother when I fed her in the nursing home during her final days. Definitely more bitter than sweet, but it had to be done and she could feel the love. That was hard. That was my "Mommie", but somehow this is different. Seeing Dad realize that he can no longer even cut his pork chop. Seeing the provider become dependent. Seeing the look on his face as I take over paying his bills and other chores he can no longer do. It's hard. It's real hard.

    My allergies are suddenly bothering me.


  2. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Tyler Texas is really that bad? 

    One time my buddy described his brother in laws redneck family by saying, "They're from Tyler." That was it, "They're from Tyler" was the only description needed.

    I've advocated for a long time that everything East of Bastrop should be given over to Louisiana.



  3. 15 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The world is moving way too fast for everyone to keep up and those falling behind are revolting.

    how I see it.

    Yeah, the world has been moving in the direction I prefer and it's been good for me and my family. I would like to keep it that way. We just need to figure out how to help these people adjust.

  4. 4 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    The only people who bitch that somebody doesn’t “get” them are angsty teens. 

    Or people looking to get laid. "Most people don't get me but you do. You are special that way."

    Trump is sending a signal to his people with that Tweet. "You get it, they don't, trust me not them."


  5. 37 minutes ago, R2D2 said:

    The fucking Trump movement is part of a grand global assault on democracy itself, and this will "make america great again".

    What a bunch of grotesquely stupid people these Trumpians are. Total stooges for fascism.

    I think it's a lot more complicated than "this is a global attack on democracy". The right wing populist movements didn't occur in a vacuum. I think in part, this is a reaction to poor economic conditions and the rise of globalism. Economic globalism creates more international competition which creates winners and losers. It also creates a lot of movement of people across the various borders. When a group of people find themselves on the economic losing side, especially when it benefits foreigners a natural reaction is to turn to one's tribal instincts. These conditions whet the appetite for populist nationalism.



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  6. The liberal-media bias debate is a distraction, imo. Too much time is spent on this argument in the political arena. What concerns me about the media is the government has been attempting to suppress the media in the name of national security ever since 9/11. Surprisingly, Trump has kept his war on the press to name calling whereas Obama and Bush used the power of the state to go after reporters and their informants.

    We are in an interesting period where a lot of issues stemming from leaks are popping up. As a nation we should put our focus on the freedom of the press rather than the liberal-media bias distraction because it impacts all of us.

  7. 1 hour ago, slorch said:

    One gigantic problem we have is people not owning when they fuck up. Instead we want to dilly-dally around and worry about their feelings or mental state.

    Why?  I do not fucking know beyond a a monumental guilt complex, within.

    Lack of accountability is a huge reason why we have the problems we have today.


    It isn't wrong to tell people they fucked up.  It isn't wrong to rescind freedoms/ liberty afforded to those who cannot wield it responsibly.


    No, you knucklehead, the idea isn't to spare feelings it's what is the best method for reintergrating criminals into society. The data doesn't support a strong punitive solution but it does support one that leans towards rehabilitation.

    The idea is to reduce the criminal class by bringing them back into a law abiding society. Obviously, our current method isn't working. All of the other developed nations seem to have more success than us with this problem and they don't follow our methods.

    Rather than stupidly chase the red herring of the pedo being allowed to be a preschool teacher, let's start with non-violent crimes.

    Does locking up some 19 year old for 35 years for selling crack really benefit society versus rehabilitating him and reintergrating him back into society with marketable skills and the means to gain employment?


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  8. On 5/28/2018 at 1:58 PM, phdhorn said:

    Little Jimmy Madison was like 5'4" and maybe 120 pounds soaking wet, and therefore our smallest Prez ever, so it would seem that he wouldn't fare well.  But he was so fucking smart, that he'd probably know some kind of "Vulcan D grip" thing to knock you out in 3 seconds.

    I think he would probably finish higher than several presidents, maybe like Obama and William Henry Harrison.

    I think if it were set up like brackets, the Final Four would be Washington, TR, Lincoln, and Truman (who was remarkably strong as a farmer, plus fast and athletic, and who also knew how to fire artillery into German lines in WWI and let's face it, dropped the big one.

    Washington vs. Truman = Washington in a close one.
    Lincoln vs. TR = Lincoln with that reach.

    Washington vs. Lincoln - Lincoln comes out storming, but no President might have had the stamina of George, who was used to standing for long periods of time, and in times of great deprivation.  Washington withstands the early barrage and finally TKO's Lincoln in about the 23rd round, Abe just gives out.

    Washington is the greatest, again.


    Both Washington and Lincoln were skilled wrestlers but it seems Lincoln's wrestling accomplishments were against tougher opponents. I think Washington might have benefited from wrestling with English nancy boys whereas Lincoln was demolishing frontier ruffians. Abe was also a vampire killer.

    Lincoln pound for pound is the best Presidential fighter.

  9. 5 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    If you take 30% of someone's monthly salary, a lot of people are going to end up stealing more stuff just to make ends meet.  The idea of monetary restitution instead of jail time is worth looking at, but I don't think something that steep is workable.

    Yeah, 30% of someone's income is probably unreasonable. That is likely to make an illegitimate means of income more rewarding than a legitimate one.

  10. 34 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    This kind of exemplifies the problem.  There is no such thing as a "convicted pedophile."  Sure, there are those convicted of child sexual offenses, but I'm not sure the general population is qualified to extrapolate from that that the person in question is or remains a danger to children.  Child sexual offenses are not the best example, but it applies across the board.  A theft-y conviction, even a misdemeanor, disqualifies people from all sorts of employment and professional licensing.  Some of that is as it should be, some is not.


    I'm not sure how you manage it, but letting laypeople draw conclusions about someone's criminal record strikes me as kind of a hazardous business.  And as SKJ notes, the aggregate effect of it all is to absolutely, completely ruin people's lives, forever, with almost no hope for redemption.  That ain't right.


    And worse, it virtually guarantees return to a life of crime.

    Good post, that's some Jean Valjean shit right there.


  11. 3 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    I would say the fact that he’s going to win the MVP this year and he probably should’ve won it last year. Kinda hard to do that if you’re not a top 5 player.


    top 5 regular season player at least.

    He is definitely a top 5 regular season player but that's basically "always a bridesmaid but never a bride."


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