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Posts posted by F250

  1. 59 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    That’s a lot of words to say “the ends justify the means”. The rest of us will remember.

    I'll take "People that subscribe to moral absolutism until it's inconvenient" for $500, Alex.


  2. By the way, Rachel Evans has been writing about this topic for a number of years now. She is a former Evangelical who has found a home in the Episcopal church. I believe she is from Bama Chicks neck of the woods. I've heard her reference the Crimson Tide before but I don't hold it against her. Although I did go off on a mental "what if Colt didn't get hurt" tangent. The wounds were still fresh at the time.



  3. Interesting discussion. It's a similar discussion we started having at our church about 8 years ago. As previously mentioned in this thread, we Methodists get a number of people that stray into our doors, particularly Baptists.

    One of the discussions back then was a lot of the younger people showing up were not interested in the culture wars and turned off by the marketing (pretend to be cool) of Evangelical churches. What was noticed was that many were drawn to the liturgy, sacraments and basic Christian orthodoxy. Many of the new younger people were attending "high church" services, no gimmicks just traditional services (basically Anglican).

    Another thing was a lot of them were drawn to the idea of the social gospel. Things they can do to better the here and now. The young really respond to a message that emphasizes them to improve the world rather than plan for some eventual apocalyptic event.


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  4. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    What this post presupposes, is that the American people shouldn't be given the choice between a shit sandwich and a douche nozzle, and told that they should have picked the douche nozzle. 


    Our political systems are broken. We need radical change. And probably blood in the streets. Buckle up, its just a matter of time. 

    Nah, the Democratic Party is going to save us.


  5. 14 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    $122k base will cover his Friday night coke.  But where's he gonna get the money for his Saturday and Sunday night coke?

    Home security companies in Canada can parlay this into some business.


    On 5/9/2018 at 11:14 AM, F250 said:



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  6. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I call 'em as I see 'em.  They're unreachable -- there is zero chance they will budge -- I've written every one of them off. 

    I disagree, that swing vote has switched sides a couple of times over the past several decades. They have been consistently pro-labor more than partisan all this time. I really do feel bad for these people because they are being manipulated with populist rhetoric.




  7. 24 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    I would like to know when they are being talked down to. Seems like that’s bullshit drummed up by Fox News to anger them. When is all that happening? It also isn’t condescension to say, hey you’re being fooled by a con man. Snap out of it. 

    Every time they are called pieces of shit or whatever people call the Trump supporters. There are examples all over this thread.



  8. 19 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    I think it is because they are like him. They are defending themselves. As long as he continues to do what they like, he is fine. Nothing matters anymore. People are letting their hate flags fly. And they don’t care if you don’t like it. 

    And until people figure that out, they will keep winning. 

    This is true to an extent. The critical bloc of pissed off voters that everyone keeps forgetting about are the working poor in the rust belt. The people that Michael Moore referred to as "human molotov cocktails" looking to lash out against the system they believe fucked them over.

    As long as the opposition continues to talk down to these group of voters they will continue to be the golden ticket to the electoral college for Trumpism.


    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Bill Brasky said:

    Taxi ride back from boys town to the border in Nuevo Laredo.  Driver takes us through a checkpoint so the federales can shake us down for cash at gun point.  

    I've been through that but it's more of an "ah shit" moment rather than a terrifying moment. Always remember to keep your fake cash stash in your pocket and real money hidden because they usually just empty your pockets.




  10. 1 hour ago, Deej said:

    My fast food guilty pleasure? McDonald's Filet 'O Fish. 

    I am not ashamed.

    My first job out of college, I worked with this dude that would eat this meal two to three times a week. 2 Filet O Fish, 1 Apple pie, 1 chocolate milk shake and a orange or pineapple type soda. He would take bites out of everything at once instead of eating it in order. Seeing him dip his fish sandwich with cheese into a milkshake and then follow up with a bite of apple pie was mind blowing.



  11. 1 hour ago, Nivek said:

    Bolverk you see trump and gop supporters are righteous and unaffected by slanderous fake information unlike them stupid snowflake libs.  

    As I recall, the B1G Republican votes for Trump were not significantly different than Romney in those states. However, HRC's totals were less than Obama's. In her book she implied that Comey might have caused her support to drop off. A number of people including Bill think she didn't give enough attention to these critical areas in order to retain the Democrat votes that Bill won over in '92.

    My point, it wasn't the Republican voters that were influenced in those states.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    To protect the church from the state, and to prevent the state from instituting a state religion.

    It is in no way intended to separate the influence of an individuals personal morality, which in some cases can be religiously aligned, from expression through our politics.  

    But it's an invasion!

  13. Didn't the Republicans have like half a million more votes in their primary? Where does the Democrat candidate make up that gap for the general election?


  14. The way I see it, a Trumpkin is a member of the populist wing in the Republican Party that enthusiastically supports Trump. Their political agenda differs from the standard Republican conservatives as it's driven by emotions and not reasoned ideology.





    Not a Trumpkin



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  15. 32 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Yeah, general rule is try not to be a dick. Hell, with my team if I'm telling the outfield to play deeper because the kid has good bat speed I just yell it out to them ("OUTFIELD! Back up!" *hand signals until they're deep enough*). If I'm telling them to come way in because there's a weaker hitter then I call them out by their names and only use hand signals to position them.

    If there's a chance you're showing up a little kid then it's time to reevaluate. I also had to ignore the parents on my team this season whenever we'd get up by enough that coming back was literally impossible for the other team due to time and run limits. We were aggressive on the bases until that point was reached, then it was station to station. We'd move up on a passed ball but we'd stop stealing and we'd stop going home on passed balls. Not only did it stop running up the score but it also let our batters actually hit and try to knock some runs in instead of just being a revolving door on the bases. I don't get grown men that care that much about their 8-10 year old kids winning a baseball game by as many runs as possible. Teach them the right way to play the game, positioning them in the field, running the bases properly, etc. You know, how to play the game they way they'll play it once everybody has the basic baseball skill set instead of taking advantage of bad players in ways that you won't be able to 4 years from now.

    Excellent post.

    A simple approach to coaching youth baseball should be followed; focus on teaching the fundamentals, teach respect for the game, play it as it was meant to be played, make it enjoyable for the kids, and create future fans of the sport.



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  16. 5 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    ladies and gentlemen, this man is a christian!

    Eh, while I've never told someone to fuck their own face (It's good retort by the way), I have called someone a fuck face.


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