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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ndawg

  1. ndawg

    Gun Control

    It's almost like you've never had an actual conversation with someone on the left about gun control. They can get you to believe anything, can't they?
  2. "No, you idiot, I told you to buy us tickets to the Sanetologists convention. Say it with me, S-A-N-E. We need to leave before they find out we've never read Dianetics..."
  3. Good thing I've never been one to follow any rules
  4. Fabio is actually a sharp dude, has a degree in electrical engineering IIRC.
  5. The Japanese had Deming. Advantage: Toyota.
  6. [Trump]What this clearly shows is that there's voter suppression on both sides. This is why we need stricter voter ID laws, and citizenship added to the census.[/kin]
  7. From Trump's perspective, I think he really is that stupid. From Putin's perspective, he probably believes he can bury this with three or four more news cycles. Which, thanks to 24 hour cable news, is only about half a day, give or take an hour.
  8. I was replying to this sentence of yours: "If you don't want one of these kids eventually taking office, vote against him in 20xx." You can take the bit of my post that you bolded as a direct response to that sentence. You presented the hypothetical, and I directly addressed it. I do kind of feel like I'm taking crazy pills at this point, so I'll shut up now.
  9. But don't ever talk about the risks associated with thrusting an intelligent, well intentioned but extremely unseasoned youth into a position of authority, solely because they possess a huge amount of social capital? Is that right? Just vote against them, but never discuss it? Come on, a concern troll is deliberately using fake concern in order to move the goalposts or distract from issues. I'm not attempting to distract from anything, just stating my worry that this could go very south for them in the years ahead. I realize now I didn't exactly think through my original comment -- I've got no problem stating unequivocally that this does not impact how I perceive gun legislation one iota, nor do I intend to throw a wet blanket on what they're doing *today*.
  10. Yeah, I agree with their message. I guess I should clarify what I'm thinking: I don't think they should be anointed as leaders of the political movements that their message is advancing. I worry that they will be, but I'm not criticizing the platform they've been given thus far.
  11. I do have to agree with the part of the conservative response that questions whether it's ethical for the broader liberal movement to put these kids on a pedestal. They made a wonderful statement, and should have the privilege of going back to being young adults and growing up, not be used as an instrument to galvanize the liberal and independent bases. Even if they don't mind the attention today, it's hard to imagine they won't end up with more and more expectations piled on them. The minute they get caught with some pot or experimenting with drugs, for instance, they're going to receive so much negative attention from conservatives.
  12. He sure sucks the same way CLH sucked.
  13. Imagine retiring this stupid trite rhetorical shortcut.
  14. Egads Genesis nailed that one. Oddly enough, as a kid, I didn't even know the song was a parody. Also, damned if that isn't a really nice pocket...
  15. Tahoe, they want something done to stop people showing up to schools with a gun and killing students. If this is a "political" issue, it's only because the NRA has turned it into one in order to prevent the harm to their agenda that is necessary in order to safeguard our schools.
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