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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ndawg

  1. Inevitably, the conclusion of your semantic games will be that you don't really have any personal responsibility to help ensure everyone in the US gets an equal opportunity. After all, you're not privileged. It's other people that are underprivileged. But that's not your fault. You're not one of the racists. You don't believe blacks should be forced to sit at the back of the bus. That's what a racist is, right?
  2. I understand, and I am really sorry for your situation. Ugh. How sick is it that there's such a broad range of degrees of getting fucked over by them. The thing that infuriates me about the drug I take is that it's "discovery" came from publicly funded research. Our taxpayer dollars funded a private monopoly. This is the kind of thing that taught me in my early 20s that the America we learn about in schools doesn't actually exist. It's a fairy tale designed to delude people into thinking that if they're getting screwed, it's their own damned fault, because after all, America is great.
  3. Oh yeah, my situation is "fortunate" compared to the most absurd and egregious examples. Still, these kinds of people that can happily exploit the sick are the kryptonite of any civilized society. Socialism, capitalism, it don't make a shit. They'll rise to the top and steal from the bottom.
  4. I pay $300 a month for a drug that was essentially developed at a publicly funded university. The pharma company added an immaterial variation, patented everything, and now has a monopoly. The people running some of these companies are psychopaths.
  5. It doesn't seem like you comprehended what I said.
  6. Y'all don't get that aspect of what I'm saying. You're leaping to the conclusion that single parent households are themselves a root cause, for which blame can consequently be attributed. It would be very hard to defend that conclusion because of the strong possibility that single parent households are themselves caused by something else. You might have identified a substantial link in the most important chain that explains the high murder rate. You have to keep pulling on it to get to the source.
  7. Pretty easy to say that on a message board. Pretty useless, too. Is your formula proven to be effective? Your argument would only hold water if there were nothing that whites could do. There's a lot we can do. For instance, not throwing men who happen to be fathers in jail for circumstances that would not result in a white person being even prosecuted. Offering a career path free of biases that force blacks to do twice as much work for less pay just to prove they aren't "thugs." But no, you get to armchair quarterback from a cozy, comfortable vantage point.
  8. Blaming gun violence on a breakdown of family structure is pretty lazy analysis. Where's the measurement of the breakdown? Where's the root cause analysis? People who have never lived in these neighborhoods (including myself) have absolutely zero working knowledge of what the real situation even is. By the time we see such a low precision statistic like murder rates, we're looking at a proxy variable that's so far removed from the fullness of their reality that the most responsible course of action we can take is to refuse to draw conclusions altogether. At least without equipping ourselves with a deeper understanding. Different cultures throughout the world vary greatly in their family structures. Do you even have any particular style of family structure in mind when you mention the "proper" kind of one?
  9. That 40% of morons/psychopaths in presidential elections end up being a much bigger factor in mid terms. They show up more than other groups. And all the GOP really needs to do to have a shot at 2020 is to push a simple narrative on the political middle: with all the crazy lies flying around with both sides, you can't really trust either one. Trump may be a scoundrel, and he may cheat to win here and there, but the left is way worse because they pretend to be honest and fair, when they've been out to get Trump since he won the primary. Remember that, when they predicted he'd never win, but he did? Etc. If they succeed with that messaging, they'll convince some of the people in the middle of the spectrum to vote Trump, and others that might lean left will feel justified in staying home. This will get worse if the Dems pick an unpopular candidate again.
  10. Indeed. One way or another, after the 2018 midterms, they can suddenly see the light whenever the next wave of damning evidence gets released. Americans have short memories. Many will forget how long the Republican party licked Trump's boots once they start siding with impeachment. It'll be a feel good moment. It'll also make me sick.
  11. That's good shit, man. Good shit right there.
  12. Do you mean a right leaning pundit on a "liberal" network or a right leaning pundit on Fox News? Because a conservative pundit has to pretty much unmask himself as a demon of some lower region of hell to get fired from Fox News.
  13. Doesn't that play into Mueller's hands by giving him more time to wrap up the investigation?
  14. She prolly has an even younger dude of her own, too!
  15. Man for a sixty some odd year old woman, Brigitte has really got it going on.
  16. Let's be honest, the minute the GOP decided to support legalization, the Democrats would support it and turn it into a bipartisan movement, ultimately helping the perception of neither party.
  17. Constructive criticism: the contrast between the background and the content areas is too strong. Also, horizontal separators that match the starkly contrasted background making the main content area feel disjointed.
  18. Damn, RIP. Also, 73 years of marriage. Well done.
  19. Zero problem whatsoever, though it did make me impatient for the work day to finish
  20. OP thought of a 4/20 joke, and then wrote a thread around it as window dressing
  21. Alright, this disaster of a presidency has gone on long enough. Time for one of his staff to push the cheat code that will end this thing by tomorrow afternoon. Just leak a story to the press that Trump has definitively refused to step down amidst all the rumors swirling around him. He'll be fuming, of course, and then he'll do the exact opposite thing that said he was intending to do.
  22. Watched the whole meltdown video. I wonder if he hawks pills as a cover story to explain his extravagant lifestyle, and actually has a Russian oligarch backing him. He actually called the Russians the white knights of the middle east lol.
  23. He's got the ideal persona for a pro wrestler. His fake crying about Trump is really good.
  24. Chik-fil-A sucks. This article sucks. I won't expend a single brain cell trying to figure out which one sucks more.
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