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Everything posted by Updawg

  1. Was driving earlier and tried 104.9 which used to to work for me. Not any more so I just got rid of it on my preset. Sad.
  2. Same here. I did a little yard work last night and could smell it. But the wind direction didn’t make sense for any advertised fires. Who knows. Was afraid circle c park was on fire at first which would be bad for me
  3. New shitty manager tactic is to threaten return to work 5 days a week whenever they freak out over a situation. Won’t be good for them
  4. Also. How long do tires last? I have a 4 year old 4 runner with not many miles and tires in great shape. But I’m wondering if heat, age, rot etc makes them needing to be replaced before the usual causes. Seems like driving 80 mph on 5 year tires might not be a good idea even if they still look good. I have no idea. Never had this issue before. They usually show their age
  5. Every time I switch from Michelin I end up going back to them. Hopefully I’m done trying different Discount tire + Michelin is the way to go. (Costco is good as well if it works for you. Definitely the place for car batteries) Only downside I had was when I was on a road-trip in New Mexico and a fairly new tire got ruined on a Sunday. Discount tire isn’t open on Sunday so I had to buy an oddball tire at a pep boys
  6. I’ve been told that’s called winning
  7. There is local Kroger delivery in austin now. They just started it up and I’ve seen their trucks around town. Someone started a thread about it or mentioned it here not too long ago. So I assume she is saying they will honor those ads in austin Not sure why you are looking at those flyers to begin with, seems kind of weird Seems like Costco or a meat market might be a better option if you are buying bulk
  8. Liuccii will manage the glory holes
  9. Glad I’m PEC. The good news is my wife’s salon appointment got canceled due to that outage
  10. Had no idea gawga was that low
  11. And Aaron rogers / jets talk. No thanks
  12. Is that a thing nowadays? Was on a jet blue flight out of Ft. Lauderdale a few weeks ago that kept getting delayed by weather. We eventually had to get off at one point. Finally we are about to leave and some dumb ass got booted from the plane for playing music. He was drunk and hanging in the bar during the delays but still nobody wants to hear your shit.
  13. I think you can make reservations for the shuttle/747
  14. Gag order. So no real people will speak until the circus starts. Well buzzbe might
  15. My prediction is the trial lasts 5 minutes with no evidence allowed for some reason
  16. That was a fucking fun game to watch
  17. Yeah. I’m surprised by some of these numbers
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