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Everything posted by Updawg

  1. What about a Samsung with a broken ice maker on the freezer side
  2. I find it amazing that there was no master plan for expansion say 5/15/25/50 years. They had a blank slate
  3. This is reminds me of Perry’s tax cut. I know we will get bent over in two years I’d rather they spend the surplus on construction and infrastructure
  4. I’ve always been curious how much they actually make. Doesn’t seem like it can be that much. But I guess if you read a few good advertisers you get to pocket that? I think people like Jeff ward had some good runs back in the day. But some of the mid tier staff I don’t understand Erin probably did well since he was talent and manager I think. But someone like trey, chad etc? Seems like you’d need to move up to another market unless your spouse is the money maker
  5. I think there will probably be a couple more besides that
  6. I agree with this And their rent had to be way too much for them
  7. It’s amazing. Same with fox etc I had no idea people still were so interested in the nba Then they will discuss a little nfl, but that will be about the jets and Aaron rogers Absolutely zero baseball
  8. And probably gaining 10% right. Not like there are many choices
  9. Depends on where in Houston and where in austin y’all live Will she use 71/I 10 or 290 to go back and forth?
  10. They forgot to put the 1 in front of the numbers
  11. Must be, a lot of people don’t understand currents Sad
  12. I’m actually thinking about it nowadays Wife picked me up from the airport the other day and mentioned she needed gas. Had her check the range left and it was 7 miles. Pulled into the closest gas station after that. I would have been pissed to fly back into this hellscape and have to walk to get gas or something
  13. Just back from the pixies in austin We were way in the back so the sound sucked but had a breeze so it wasn’t hot I think I saw immamac while leaving the bathroom. Didn’t feel like asking but he looked like him from what I can tell lurking on this site
  14. Went to shit quick for sure. I picked a good week to go to Florida for sailing and boating. Not looking forward to coming back to Austin on Sunday. Brutal
  15. Good thing we have a top notch attorney general….wait
  16. Covid shit is when he lost them and he’s been chasing ever since
  17. Yeah it sucked. But they didn’t choke.
  18. Can’t believe I’m agreeing with him
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