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Everything posted by Satoshi

  1. Also I would add that with the Palantir connection you’re going to get some Peter Thiel/Elon/tech bro involvement and some iteration of this is going to make it to the finish line.
  2. The signal I’m getting from all the usual posters here tells me this is a good idea with legs. The current University culture is hostile to thought or discussion outside the current woke ideology. I have a first degree relative that is a professor at the University and they basically have to stifle any communication about any cultural topics. Official communication commonly goes in depth on topics unrelated to their area of expertise. Dissent in the past has been used against people. I would agree that some of the participants make me cringe, but maybe that’s the point. Does everybody have to be on the same team? No fan of Summers and Palantir founder involvement is not ideal. Although this makes him more likable. In his 12 months as an Austin resident, Lonsdale has reportedly donated tens of thousands to the controversial Save Austin Now PAC, the group instrumental in reinstating the city's homeless ordinance in May. Last week, Lonsdale tweeted that men who took paternity leave were "losers."
  3. What was CR? Sharing a Bernie tweet? If so, sorry. It was the first thing I could find that referenced the deficit. I really would hope that would not be too triggering to people. If it’s deficit talk, well I’m sorry but that’s quite relevant to inflation discussion.
  4. It’s in the tweet, dipshit. CBO. Congressional Budget Office.
  5. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2021-08-05/cbo-infrastructure-bill-would-add-256-billion-to-deficit But it’s fully paid for? Ok. how does bitcoin mining fit into this? Contributing to the chip shortage?
  6. Congress just passed another $1T spending bill. Plenty of demand going to be dumped in. I guess we’ll just have to circle back. Speaking of MMT
  7. New ATHs on hot CPI number this morning. More infrastructure spending on deck. brrrrrrrr
  8. I remembered we had some predictions a while back. These were the only posters to put numbers down that I saw. Could be time to revisit. How much higher can we go?
  9. How do you feel about the executive branch ignoring checks and balances? This makes sense and explains why the administration is essentially telling businesses to proceed. Much like the eviction moratorium they know it’s doomed so the juice is going to come from the interim period where it’s in limbo.
  10. not a lawyer, obv. Need a fact check here. Quoted passage from this column. When it blocked the order, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recorded that “the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate.” As, of course, there must be. The Biden administration issued the mandate via the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a federal agency whose sole power under the law is to protect employees from workplace hazards. There is nothing in the Constitution’s Commerce Clause that justifies OSHA’s adoption of generalized police powers, and nothing in its charter that permits it to move from regulating toxic substances at employees’ places of work to regulating any hazard that employees might plausibly encounter during the course of their everyday lives. In a brazen attempt to circumvent the statutorily mandatory feedback period, Biden utilized an “emergency temporary standard” (ETS) as his vehicle. But this, too, seems inappropriate. No ETS in American history has ever been this broad, and the last one that was issued — a 1983 attempt to speed up OSHA’s regulation of asbestos — was struck down by the courts.
  11. Having a Spectrum-y son, this hits close to home.
  12. Captainantifa Why are you still hanging out on this thread? Even Captainantifa realized it was a lost cause. Unless he really got apprehended harassing those jurors this morning.
  13. I don’t think it’s that clear cut. We have definitely seen commentary assigning some of the supply chain blame to an expansion in post lockout demand. It’s also hard to imagine an infrastructure spending package not boosting demand. brrrrrrr
  14. Yeah plus he’s straight up telling people to leave. Not your usual ass chewing
  15. I’ll do you one better. 4 Little Satoshis coming up.
  16. I suspect changing the definition of fully vaccinated and modifying restrictions is next on the docket here after they push through OSHA mandate.
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