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Ghost of LL

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Ghost of LL

  1. No--that's certain true. But it's a reason why the price of used Teslas has fallen off a cliff over the last six months.
  2. Uhhh, . . . . A Tesla is pretty much a red hat on wheels these days. I presume anyone driving one of those things is a MAGAt. Or at least an acolyte of Joe Rogan.
  3. I'm sure it was all reported to the IRS. Because Clarence Thomas wouldn't cheat on his taxes, would he?
  4. So I can’t be the only one who’s kinda wondering how Tucker thinks white men fight, right? I mean, right?
  5. Let’s win this thing in overtime now! Or maybe just in regulation!
  6. If ever an embellishment call were warranted, ….
  7. He just plays so soft; his game just isn’t optimized for the playoffs.
  8. If we’d have had Pevs, we’d have beat Minnesota in 4
  9. Which, judging by literally every game thread, season thread, realignment discussion, and recruiting evaluation, is wildly out of character for this site.
  10. Literally every fucking judge. The Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act, the Infrastructure Act. Oh, you're going to say that we had one vote to spare. But that means you're relying on Kyrsten Sinema. And that means you really didn't have one vote to spare, because you cannot rely on Kyrsten Sinema.
  11. I join you in your optimism. The poll out last week (maybe the Texas Tribune; maybe someone else--I don't remember) had Trump up 4 against Biden. It had DeSantis up 6 or 7 on Biden. But DeSantis is going to lose his ass in the primary, so that doesn't fucking matter. Four points isn't just a whole lot. It definitely says that Trump is a loser nationally. Any Republican who can only win Texas by 4 is going to get his ass kicked nationally. And losing has a momentum all its own. Nobody wants to turn out for a loser; nobody wants to campaign or fundraise for a loser. Show me a presidential candidate who is losing by 6 on October 15 and I'll show you a candidate who's losing by 10 on Election Day. Point being--Trump is going to be a drag on the ticket. And Ted Cruz is not the kind of guy who is going to provide his own boost.
  12. It’s just delicious. Fuck Boston in all its sporting forms.
  13. They ought to start deducting points from Spurs total for every time they lose by more than three goals. Because right now, no side deserves relegation more than Spurs.
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