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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BoomMF

  1. Great name! In other news, on the flight from Austin to L.A. I noticed a dude get on with an old beat up Fender case. When he sat near me I asked him what was in it. He said, "Buddy Holly's Telecaster" and I mentioned how interesting that was since he's so identified with Strats. He mentioned how he went from an Ensquire to the Tele and I was floored. Never heard that before! The guy turned out to be Randall Bell, Leo Fender biographer (whose book with Phyllis Fender is available on Amazon). Very cool guy, (even showed him a pic of the music room to prove I was a kindred spirit) we talked quite a bit and when we arrived at LAX I made a joke about it being a win that we were flying with one of Buddy Holly's guitars and we landed safely. The plane landed better than the joke which surprised me cause that shit's funny. In the terminal he opened the case to let me see the guitar. He opens it up and it turned out to be Buck Owens' Telecaster! A-ha! His mind mustve been somewhere else and Buddy Holly's name slipped out. All of sudden our conversations made much more sense and all my references seemed less like I was a crazy person who only talks about Buddy Holly to strangers. (Inside the case I noticed an email from Redd Volkaert outlining the provenance, as if this guitar needed it.) He let me hold it which was surreal. I grew up on Buck Owens and classic country. Bakersfield sound > Nashville sound. Super cool guy. He's opening a Leo Fender museum in Fullerton where this guitar will be featured.
  2. Instant Asmodee board game library on Humble Bubdle right now. https://www.humblebundle.com/games/play-pink-best-asmodee-digital?utm_campaign=07_0562&utm_medium=paid&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=2021_playpinkbestasmodeedigital_msrp&utm_term=2021_playpinkbestasmodeedigital_game_bundle_mobile&fbclid=IwAR2jUW5J0hUre2QQPPT8QL_CrE59AxuBxPKtgr41eNgWGePQ-jIajWJn_yI
  3. I can't find the Hell Yes I Want A Surly Guitar option, so mark me down for the Hell Yes option.
  4. Fender's acoustic are the most popular starter/student guitars on the market currently and you get Fishman elecs in the ~$300+ models.
  5. I introduced the kids to an old timey game, Catan. They loved it. I've always thought Catan was plodding and staid, but I thoroughly enjoyed it in this 3D version. Maybe I'm easily entertained by bright colors and plastic mountains. (Honestly, table presence has become such a big draw for me. Like, if I take the time to set up a game and get a bunch of people to put aside the time, the game needs to be an event that justifies the effort. Table presence is a big part of that - it can go quite a ways in helping define the experience for me. A game can be a bona fide classic, but if it looks ugly or "beige" I'll play something else and not think twice about it. )
  6. Arguably their second most important album, perhaps their second best full stop.
  7. In Utero is a bona fide masterpiece, but Nevermind changed the course of music history in way no other single album, outside of maybe Sgt. Pepper's, did. So what does "best" mean?
  8. I don't know shit about Tribe's catalogue, but those other 3 are their respective bands' best so I assume "The Low End Theory" is a generational set of songs.
  9. Visited with a legend today.
  10. I have quite a few cards in PWCC's Vault. I should probably have them ship them back (for a crazy fee, no doubt).
  11. I can't imagine a successful artist today would be so without pursuits that have little to do with music. There's no money in songs anymore.
  12. Anyone looking for a Dumble to complete the collection? https://wildwestguitars.com/extras/1984-dumble-od-50w-overdrive-special-50w-combo-owned-by-joe-bonamassa
  13. His singing gets a lot of credit and it still doesn't get enough.
  14. These could go here (did I already spam these somewhere?). I recently went and saw a Dallas-based KISS tribute band, Rock N Roll Over, while I was in San Bernadino. Played everything all the way to the criminally underrated Psycho Circus album. (Don't tell anyone, but they rocked better than the OG lineup when I saw them during the first reunion tour - though I would go see the OG lineup again in a heartbeat.) Drummer plays in a Pantera tribute band, too, so Beth was apparently out of the question.
  15. His conversation with this latest generation of guitar luminaries is a great listen. Some interesting perspectives... But hearing that there exists a modern metal guitarist who's never heard the Black Album was a punch in the gut.
  16. #2 of 15 checking in. I don't even let people look at it, Nigel Tuffnel style.
  17. Your boy made some moves. Now the collection is complete.
  18. BoomMF


    Astro Record Store, run by this cool Brit that looks like Elvis Costello, which is probably how all record store owners should look.
  19. BoomMF


    There's a cool little record shop in Bastrop that had a lot of interesting records. Well, not as many today as they did yesterday. This is a cleanest Dark Side MFSL ('81) I've ever seen, so I had to deal for it. And PSA: Cold Fact by Rodriguez really is a great album. Shout out to the Sugarman documentary for hipping me to this dude.
  20. I'm slowly and with much resistance coming to the conclusion that random YouTuber with a guitar has chops that shit all over my heroes. Bassists, too. There's dudes out there with 500 subs that can absolutely wreak havoc.
  21. Grooving is why I plucked Polyphia out of this new wave of chops driven math rock. They are skilled beyond whatever level exists 10 or so places above me, beyond what I thought the ceiling was, but they groove. (Like, can you listen to Danny Carey and also not think this Polyphia drummer is on that grooving spectrum? Flippin nay.) Polyphia isn't as angry as I'd like, but there is evil is that drummer and bassist. Can you listen to this and not feel grooved? Flippin nay. (And it's been some time since I watched a band's video and couldn't ID a single one of the guitars. That's kinda cool for a lot of reasons.) Chon is another mathy group whose songs tell a story musically. And they quite possibly groove. Edit: hope you like Animals as Leaders (I can take them or leave them), because Tapa decided everything needed to be a link to their videos. (Fixed.)
  22. It's like someone looked at the calendar and realized it was once again time for someone from the Metroplex to change the way guitarists think about guitars and dropped this Henson dude on us. Like, here you go, have fun with the tab. Homes with a plugin ad playing a Jem without the silly handle, I guess, and I'm looking for my credit card to buy more software I already know I'll never learn... I mean, how beautiful must his brain be? What must it be like to think in that dimension?
  23. When absolutely everything about the guitar needs to flex.
  24. And this reaction. LOL And you get to stare at yet another unnaturally gorgeous PRS... Which reminds me, I'm right outside Pasadena ATM, which means Wild West Guitars and their bonkers collection of PRSs, Strats, LPs, and Gretches. Gonna have to stop in and look at guitars I have no business looking at.
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