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Longboard Horn

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Everything posted by Longboard Horn

  1. I have them going 2-10. 3-9 if they're lucky
  2. Had a couple come in last night at the restaurant that went to UT. Their son is an engineering major at A&M on a full ride scholarship. I mentioned the bonfire and they said it's stupid and even their son thinks it's stupid. Then the dad says that he can't wait for Thanksgiving. "The aggies think they have a chance but I guarantee that Texas is gonna march into Kyle Field and kick their ass. Picking up right where they left off."
  3. Hey fuck you! MASH was great and All in the Family is number one all time! Archie Bunker was a savage and didn't care who's feelings he hurt. Respect! And I Love Lucy is an absolute classic.
  4. I personally know him, and I can say that ain’t him, that’s his twin.
  5. If true, I’ll bet her boyfriend flosses with it when he’s down there.
  6. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving fan base. Aranda will get canned 4 games into the season. IIRC, Kansas canceled their spring game and just had open practice to the public going into David Beaty's 4th season and look how that turned out. Aranda is done.
  7. Totally different scenario Exactly. People will pay to see Prime, not Burnt Vegetables
  8. Ask Quinn so you don't get towed.
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