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Sgt. Slaughter

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Everything posted by Sgt. Slaughter

  1. Explaining football to a Californian is equivalent to explaining basic hygiene to the American Southeast.
  2. For those not familiar with campus life and don’t get the reference, Jester is known for being an all male dorm.
  3. I think it was @golfclap and he just confused the two of you because of your 40-yard dash times.
  4. At this point in the cycle, it is. At worst, these kids haven’t even played their senior year of high school and late risers seem to be a pretty consistent theme each year.
  5. Said he’s not committing today. I’m guessing a chance to use everyone’s tension to gain followers.
  6. Too much bitchassedness in here for July 4th. Grab a cold one, tie a firecracker to your cock and take it from 6 to midnight.
  7. It means he’s realizing he’s out of touch this cycle and his business is in jeopardy.
  8. Jokes on you. None of this is real. none of us went to UT. UT doesn’t exist. Football is a figment of your imagination. You’re now at your breaking point, here is your loss. Simulation is over.
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