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Sgt. Slaughter

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Everything posted by Sgt. Slaughter

  1. Opens up a $10.9? million trade exception for us to be used within the next year. Curious how we will navigate utilizing it without committing to a long-term cap hold.
  2. Excited to see this new 8 second basemen and a pitcher defense we will soon employ.
  3. Because they have one of the greatest coaches ever in the twilight of his career and they may not hold this amount of power for a few more decades. Strike while the iron is hottest.
  4. What are the chances Army and AFA just made a trade?
  5. I love that we have accumulated a top 5+ team in the country and the topic of conversation is having too many talented guys. Take a breath.
  6. Pitt should have enough free money to get him signed. However, they have followed up the Davis pick with 3 high schoolers with signability concerns, so I guess it depends on which ones they pursue hardest.
  7. Twitter speak says really improved his power this past season, most regional followers think it’s a good pick and should sign under slot
  8. At times when I feel under-qualified for my job, I remember Mike Roach gets paid to predict future events.
  9. They end up doing the Kool-Aid Man through someone’s kitchen like Sergio Kindle?
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