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Frank Drebin

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Everything posted by Frank Drebin

  1. Yeah, but are they Florida State 2013-sharp like they were last August?
  2. Maybe. If they really consider him a son, maybe not. It would take a lot for me to disinherit my kids. Maybe they feel he is being led astray and don't place blame on him. Maybe they feel they have some culpability and don't place all the blame on him.
  3. Suggesting our 2023 schedule is weak? It's the opposite of that. Probably one of the toughest in the country.
  4. Whether he is adopted and a legal heir is immaterial if he is named in the will. According to the book, they added him to the will. My recollection is that Sean said in the book that Michael was going to be rich one day due to the will regardless if he ever went pro and thus did not need to take any money from colleges under the table. If he lied about that, it is really shitty. I doubt they showed anyone the terms of the will, including Oher or the Tuohy kids. Given their wealth, I suspect they also have a family LP. To the extent he has LP units, that is probably a pretty decent indication what -- if any -- provision they are intending to make to him in their will.
  5. These Oher's own words from his 2011 book, I Beat the Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond. https://books.google.com/books?id=ErNPEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA169&lpg=PA169&dq="It+kind+of+felt+like+a+formality,+as+I’d+been+a+part+of+the+family+for+more+than+a+year+at+that+point.+Since+I+was+already+over+the+age+of+eighteen+and+considered+an+adult+by+the+state+of+Tennessee,+Sean+and+Leigh+Anne+would+be+named+as+my+“legal+conservators.”+They+explained+to+me+that+it+means+pretty+much+the+exact+same+thing+as+“adoptive+parents,”+but+that+the+laws+were+just+written+in+a+way+that+took+my+age+into+account.+Honestly,+I+didn’t+care+what+it+was+called.+I+was+just+happy+that+no+one+could+argue+that+we+weren’t+legally+what+we+already+knew+was+real:+We+were+a+family."&source=bl&ots=51PvhRADLx&sig=ACfU3U06GPt-SBMjVtuEMhbX_1KWo9zEcw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjMqc2koeGAAxWYkGoFHVxVBe4Q6AF6BAgwEAM#v=onepage&q="It kind of felt like a formality%2C as I’d been a part of the family for more than a year at that point. Since I was already over the age of eighteen and considered an adult by the state of Tennessee%2C Sean and Leigh Anne would be named as my “legal conservators.” They explained to me that it means pretty much the exact same thing as “adoptive parents%2C” but that the laws were just written in a way that took my age into account. Honestly%2C I didn’t care what it was called. I was just happy that no one could argue that we weren’t legally what we already knew was real%3A We were a family."&f=false Given Oher's quotes from a book he wrote 12 years ago, any claim by him that he only recently discovered he was adopted is bullshit.
  6. On the other hand, Reddit city pages are almost exclusively full of dipshits.
  7. That's from Oher's 2011 book, right? I think Lewis' book said the same. That he was not adopted. But they were appointed his conservators.
  8. It's been 15 years, but my recall is that in Lewis' book it is reported he was not adopted because they did not want to offend the birth mother. But that he was going in the will and getting equal shares to natural born kids. My memory is hazy on the adoption issue. But I am fairly certain Lewis quoted Sean Tuohy on the will part.
  9. There were lawyers involved. And a conservatorship. I’m guessing they didn’t want to risk his eligibility. Nor were they going to commit fraud or not disclose the contract. With the conservatorship it could have even been filed in the public records. The NCAA was ridiculously strict back then on stuff like this. Ask Jeremy Bloom.
  10. Because the deal was signed when he was still an athlete. Movies take at least a couple years to go from development to release.
  11. The movie deal docs would have been signed when he was a NCAA athlete. I’m wondering if he was unable to keep eligibility had he received cash or profit share from movie. The book was really good. The movie sucked. Have the Tuohys responded yet? Got to think that’s coming.
  12. People who post excessively to social media. People with "In This House We Believe" signs in their yard People who leave grocery carts in parking spaces instead of cart return People who litter People who do not take care of their homes and yards Pit bull owners Grown men who wear jerseys
  13. I'd love to see the student to teacher ratio versus the student to administrator ratio and how each has changed the last 50 years.
  14. Bama needs Milroe to make a big jump, which is not impossible. And they need to let him run a bunch.
  15. TCU should not be ranked. They lost a ton. Their portal adds were largely highly ranked busts. Texas is about right.
  16. Getting former 5 stars from portal who really sucked in a couple years in a college program isn’t what a team should be doing. TCU about to find that out too.
  17. The best recruits in the country will be in the SEC footprint. And that's why the SEC will continue to dominate college football. I would add FSU to make sure I had a stranglehold on Florida. Kick Missouri out so you can stay at 16.
  18. Basketball. Market probably does not matter. I would think both state schools do about the same in Phoenix. So many transplants in that town.
  19. 65k is plenty big for a college football stadium. Under 50 is kind of embarrassing.
  20. I used to hunt on Buster Welch's ranch just east of Snyder. That land on the edge of the Caprock has some incredible vistas and really neat country -- big draws, ravines, and caves all over. Mr. Welch was a hell of a Texan, RIP.
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