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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Gatorubet

  1. I am seeing an extremely interesting defensiveness regarding the participants in Jeffrey Epstein's child rape scheme. The concept of drug dealers taking out a criminal defense attorney is no more or less "conspiratorial" than the concept of powerful people taking out a judge looking into money laundering and child sex that might connect to them, but I don't see the same defensive reaction regarding the supposition that the husband was the ultimate target.
    If anyone believes this was just some kind of random killing by a bored guy with a gun, I've got a bridge to sell them.

    Reptiles. Book it.
  2. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, see, here's the thing.... I refuse to ever acknowledge or believe that Belgium is a real country.  It's not.  It's just the plate of leftovers that Europe scraped together from the back of the fridge at 3:00 a.m., shithammered on warm beer and aquavit, microwaved for 30 seconds, and declared delicious as they wolfed it down watching another showing of Roadhouse on CMT.  It's a lot of things, but that ain't dinner, and Belgium ain't a country.


    EDIT: please note that this post is a slam on Belgium, NOT on Roadhouse, which is a classic piece of American art.  And pain don't hurt.

    YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!  I had the best steamed muscles of my life a few months back - before America was banned from Europe.

    I'd write this in German or Walloon or French, but they can't say which is their own language.  Wait...! 


    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Trump base will eat it up 

    Nobody cares about Trump's base.   We care about the growing number of independents and getting the 20% of non-putred GOP to vote for Biden....or stay home.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    And I've said this numerous times here: nobody is coming to save us.  Nobody is going to help us.

    We are on our own, and we are hellbent on self-destruction.


    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I'll suggest (and a great many theologians agree with this) that the commandments are not hierarchical; rather, they are complimentary, and are meant to be read and followed TOGETHER.  After all, the lead in on the "love your neighbors" is "and a second is like it."

    Love God.  How do we demonstrate our love for God?  We love His children.  All of them.  As is made clear elsewhere in the gospels, that means even our enemies.

    That evangelicals manage to go not just astray from the gospels, but literally in opposition to them, is the most appalling thing.

    I can roll with that.   But we need to do that NOT primarily to please God -  but because it is the right thing to do.  I certainly hope that it pleases God, and if it pleases Him or Her, that is a bonus. Semantics and theological construction are not as important as actions.  

  6. 6 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    That’s not logical man. We are to worship the creator at all times in all ways. Now, love of god that looks like dying to yourself and following his prescription for your life necessarily involves living your neighbor as yourself, obviously, but rejecting or failure to hold your creator in reverence is highly sinful. It’s also abundantly clear in both the Old Testament and New Testament that we are called to do this. The first part of the 10 commandments deals with our relationship to creator and the second part our relationship with the created. Jesus then says the same thing in his teachings exactly as I laid it out. 

    It is very logical.  And if you want to buy into Ant Farm Theology - where God could have with a wave of his hand made us in a different way, and erased want and pain and disease, but decided it was more fun to watch how we dealt with it all, and punish us for not worshiping him enough for the privilege - then by all means  carry on.  

    But the truth is literalists (Evangelicals) are stupid and dangerous.  Always have been.  (They were the biggest advocates of slavery in the South.)  80% Evangelical support of Trump is solid evidence of that stupidity.   Almost beyond questioning.   I will say that the link between Trumpkins and Covid and Evangelicals is a simple one: magical thinking begets magical thinking.  If you are a "God said it, i believe it, that ends it" type, you will always be as gullible as Daryl, Daryl and his brother Daryl come to town.   Wayfair sex rings, Covid is a hoax, Aggie 12th man, etc.      It is a good thing that Trump is helping to end Evangelical Christianity just like he is hurting the GOP.   IMO, of course. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 6
  7. A little early for that. Senate races are very nationalized these days. It's hard to break with presidential partisanship. I'm sure Bullock will outperform Biden bc he is very well liked, but a win is a big ask.

    Heard him at a recent AAJ convention.Impressive guy.
  8. That’s number 2 man. Number 1 is love the lord your god with all your heart and souls and mind and body. 
    There is a sovereignty toward God that gets ignored by many. That comes from number 1 command. 
    There is a grace and mercy that gets ignored by many others as well- that’s the second commandment. 
    Taken together we get it mostly wrong most of the time. Myself especially I’m sure. 

    Any God who puts loving Him above loving others is not worthy of your devotion.
    • Like 2
  9. On 7/11/2020 at 10:26 AM, Treefidy said:

    If you have 2 inverter gens they need to be the same amperage and voltage.  Connect them with parallel cables

    Do they have 30a outlets?

    Not sure.  The schematic of both the parallel model 1000 watt inverter and  this  1000 watt inverter model have the same part # for the inverter/inards, and the same wiring.  The only difference is the other model has the two inputs for the parallel cord.   The parallel model uses a 30a parallel cord.   Not sure how to tell the amperage of the outlets on my model, but I assume it is the same as the other model.   Unless I am missing something. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    My question is what is 1600 watts going to power in your home?

    I have a transfer switch.   I have an old 4000 watt generator that refuses to die, in addition to the 9000 watt and the two 1000 watt ones I just bought.   I also wanted the option to run the ACs off the transfer switch with my old unit and run the refrigerator off another via extension cord.   Basically I want options.  

  11. 2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    My question is what is 1600 watts going to power in your home?

    My main generator will run what I need.

     sportsman-portable-generators-801606-64_   O have


    But as a back up, I wanted something to keep my refrigerator  (700 max watts) and one portable room A/C (700 watts) and a 5000 BTU Frigidaire unit (440watts) going if my main generator crapped out.   I only need to power up the refrigerator every 4 hours in a shutdown, and If I can run one AC for about four hours at night I can go to sleep and get a good night's rest. 

    I can run the Frigidaire on a Tailgator 2-stroke for four hours just fine.   But I wanted an inverter and thought that would give me the capability to lend an AC and generator out to some elderly neighbor if need to - if it could run on 800 watts. 

    • Like 1
  12. Hurricane season being with us, I am listening to one of my new generators break in as I type.   I had heard that even though it is duel fuel unit, and will run on propane, you should break it in on gasoline. Brand new generator and it would not run out of the box on gas, but would start up fine on propane.    I just dismantled the fuel valve and line and carburetor,  put it together again, and it started on the first pull.  So that one can stay.

    I bought two little Sportsman 1000 watt 4 stroke gas inverter generators.   Got a deal, $149 per unit.  There is another 1000w Sportsman model that advertises as a paralegal unit, with two inputs built in for the Sportsman parallel kit.  See below




    Mine does not have those inputs.  


    The ones I bought are rated 800 running watts.  Bullshit.  It cuts off at about 660 on my Killawatt meter.   My window unit is about 700 watts at the highest. 

    So - the question for those smarter than me is this:  if I buy a Westinghouse parallel kit (that brand's cord has two connecting ends that are regular 120v plug  - not some special input) to combine the two generators.   I wondering if since I have two same model 1000 watt 60 hrz inverter generators, will they work on that rig - or am I risking the $300 and messing up the generators and burning down my garage -   and having cops come and shoot my dog?

    If I can't parallel the two I'm gonna return them. 

    I'll hang up and listen.



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