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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Gatorubet

  1. 24 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    What?  Says he's going to take out DACA as well.  A road to citizenship... fraught with all sort of bullshit obstacles, I'm sure.  Like sharks with laser beams.


    Holy Fuck!  The internal polls must be murder.

    • Like 2
  2. We are lucky he's just a coward that threatens, but doesn't actually follow through.  If he weren't, this would be really worrying.  That said, he should be removed and shot into the sun.

    I disagree with the into the sun part
    • Haha 1
  3. Does anyone have a timeline for the failed prognostications these wankers go on about?  There was to be some amount of Lucy pulling the football away times when they get that they were rubes taken by laughing grifters.  

    Or maybe that is expecting too much.  Yeah - the Patriots will jump into action when they least expect it - soon after Trump goes to jail - and the plot will be sprung and the Clintons will be put in the very same jail cell where Trump orchestrated the take down. *


    *Send 59.95 for the download, but first swear that you are not a Democrat!

  4. Congrats!  I started/and finished about 7 months ago at 43.  It's a little weird since most of my friends have kids going to college and I am just starting.  But, in my eyes, it will keep me young.  Enjoy your freedom for the time being.  Shits about to change.  

    Has my caboose at 42. Enjoy it.
  5. 22 minutes ago, Lobo said:

      I have access to Cruz, Abbott, Williams, et. al. within 24 hours of a request for an in-person meeting.  I have done deals for the Bush family for a decade and my cousin gave the Eulogy at Nancy Reagan's funeral.  But you lump me in as some far-left fanatic because I pay attention to shit like facts and truth.  Rex Kramer would be happy to know...I am a longstanding and powerful Republican. 


    Then ask for the in-person meetings and  24 hours from now tell them to quit adopting policies that are killing us - and to go fuck themselves if they don't.

    I've always liked your posts, but you essentially just said you were a powerful Nazi with access to the Nazi insiders - but personally your were a good Nazi, and not a meanie at all. 

    So - congrats, I guess.   But tell me, what have you been doing the last 15 years as the GOP morphed into the party of hate and anti-science?  Did you support any of those fucks in their elections?  Because if you did, then I'm not giving you a God Damn kudo for not being as bad as the worst of them.  

  6. 9 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

    Sister (60ish) and mother (90ish) of co-brother in law (husband of my sister in law) just tested positive in San Antonio.

    Scary, plus I hate how old typing that makes me sound.

    Tested positive due to feeling poorly - or just tested?  I'd love to hear some 60s and 90s asymptomatic stories.

  7. I'm not a rocket surgeon but I think 20 is higher than 18

    No, you aren’t. You said La was wide open on St Paddy’s Day. I explained that we were not. Rather than accept the fact you were wrong, you now moved the goalposts to two texts of folks with plastic bar cups. Which has something to say about people - and maybe bar owners who violate the law on a particular day - but nothing about your claim that the Gov of Louisiana was not doing anything and letting it be wide open. He did, it was not.

    You had over 6K new cases yesterday and La had less than 1, and you claim victory on cases per million?? Are you an Aggie?? There is no victory with this fucking virus. If you want to win, then you have my blessing to put up a banner.

    But we were officially closed on St. Paddy’s Day. If you are in Austin, stay safe in any event. And I mean it. Tell idiots to wear masks.
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