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Posts posted by AUinHsv

  1. Not sure whether this is lazy or something else. At work the small breakrooms have rolls of paper towels on a vertical bar mounted on a piece of wood. Multiple times I have found the roll on the bar empty but someone opened a new roll and just set it on the counter next to the empty one. Did they save 2 seconds by not throwing away the old one?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, ajax said:

    Apparently Till went temporarily blind during his weight cut. We've got fighters missing weight more and more often now. This is going in a bad direction. 

    For some reason I thought UFC was going to a system where you were weighed frequently and had to be within a certain percentage to fight in order to eliminate the drastic weight cuts.

  3. 7 hours ago, Don Johnson said:

    No way.  That would pretty much be a spoiler as to who lives.  95% + of the people who watched didn't know who lived and who died in the war.  

    Good point - I hated waiting 8 hours to see who some of them were but understand your point

  4. Interesting links but edited to remove since it also had other junk..   Most expensive series ever produced at the time.. never knew the Bastogne scenes were

    filmed indoors with paper snow


  5. 8 hours ago, Steel Shank said:

    Thank you kindly. I always thought Dean & DeLuca was a odd sponsor.

    There have been a few odd sponsors in the last few years - mainly on the lower tier.  Barbasol, Viking, Sanderson Farms come to mind.

  6. 57 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I protested taxes on my first house once. I went through the process myself and went to the hearing with all of my prep. It was your basic bureaucratic railroading where it was clear the game was rigged and I didn’t understand it. The 3 person committee declared that they’d uphold the original estimate even though they knew fully well it was bullshit. 

    I came totally unhinged and harangued them in some sort of blind aggressive rage that ended with me telling them that if there is a god above, he was sending them all to hell for little acts like this on their judgment day. My realtor was with me and disturbed by the whole thing and I think I lost a few years of my life with the experience. Two weeks later, bizarrely, I got a notice in the mail that they’d reconsidered and slashed the appraisal by over 20%  

    With that, I’ve never protested a thing for the last 11 years. With another crazy jump on properties after Harvey, I’ve bitten the bullet and filed a protest with one of the tax entities built to play the game. I’m interested to see if it is worth it at all. 

    Username checks out

  7. 12 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    Most of the homes in our neighborhood were built in the '20's and 30's.  Most had original footprints of between 1,200 and 1,500 sf, but with good sized yards.  Many - including ours- had additions added in later years.  A lot didn't though, and today people consider those 1,300 sf houses to nearly qualify as a Tiny Home.  My wife is eager for us to move into somethign larger, but I won't.  We have plenty of room for the 4 of us.  The number of times we have a guest spend the night is maybe once per year.  With the savings of not moving, I can put them up in the Ritz for a month every year.

    Half of Surly is now pm'ing you with their vacation plans

  8. Silent Coup was an interesting book/theory. The real surprise was how bad the burglars were. IIRC they were caught becuase they taped over the door lock. Frank Wills, the guard, saw it and removed the tape. They came back and did it again so when he saw it a second time he called the cops. First - if you need to tape a door like during burglary then WTH. Second - you find the tape missing and decide to continue. And third - if IIRC they didn't tape the lock on the edge but something instead ran the tape horizontally from back to front. All that was missing was a neon sign saying 'Bad guys this way"

  9. On 5/5/2018 at 4:25 PM, elfenix said:

    People who recline their seat before the door is closed. Only trivial because it's not my bull getting gored. I'm fucked if we catch fire, though.


    Edit: the universe has a sense of humor, apparently my seat was reclined a bit when I got here

    People who use my seatback as a pull up bar to get in and out of their seat.... If you can't get into a seat without hanging your entire body off of mine than start working out

  10. Dominos thin crust??? I got one of those and found out you have to ask for a traditional cut. Hate it when people decide to change the accepted rules and don't ask if you agree. Had some Einstein chef at a Hilton Garden decide I wanted a batch of wheat germ in my pancakes. Um no and next time you want to do something outrageously strange - ask me first...

  11. I think I mentioned this on Shaggy a few years ago but back in the late 80's I was a groomsman in a wedding in mid November. It was a "mixed" marriage - he went to Auburn and she went to Alabama. They managed to mess up everyone's Saturday with a 5:00 wedding. The late afternoon game was Alabama/Notre Dame and the early evening game was Auburn/Georgia. Pretty much guaranteed neither fan base was going to watch their game. I did see several folks with the old fashioned transistor radio and earpiece in the church and others were whispering for them to tell the score of the game.

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