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Posts posted by AUinHsv

  1. Is there something I am missing here. Using Firefox and the new theme has some sort of picture of what seems to be clouds as a background but the heading and then the box forthe topic take up 90% of the screen, I have a one inch section htat shows the background.

  2. Well Cruz or his campaign has no clue about robo calling. Got one yesterday except I moved back to Alabama last year and the phone does not have an Austin area code anymore. No idea how they decided I could be a targeted voter.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Paper_jam said:

    Ka-chunk chunk

    The fuck did those things actually do anyway? I mean I know they printed/copied your credit card info, but how did the retailer actually get paid without an electronic terminal?



    I think they had to send them in.  No picture but at one time merchants had a phone book sized list of stolen cards and were supposed to check any card purchase against the list before allowing them to charge.

  4. 2 hours ago, hornimal said:

    what is the most interesting breed mix anyone has seen in person?


    in the spring of '99 I saw a rottweiler and basset hound puppy at the dog park on i-35 and east riverside.  the owner claimed it was the result of an accidental breeding.  he had a black and brown coat with the markings of a rottweiler with a docked tail the rest of him looked like a basset hound, maybe with slightly shorter ears.  he was gorgeous.

    Think they are illegal now but in the 80's a girl I knew had a German Shepard/Wolf breed. It was not an accident but deliberately bred that way. Very friendly but I remember it having a rear end that looked like it took steroids.

  5. Good point - they're off the list.  This reminded me that back in college I was told by the manager of McDonalds that the policy was two packs of ketchup for a sandwich and one for french fries. No exceptions.  That was in the 80's and obviously has changed but this crap isn; t new.

  6. 4 hours ago, Planet Houston said:

    Are napkins the most expensive things on earth for restaurants from a cost perspective?  That's the only explanation I can come up with for how fucking stingy most restaurants are - and 99% of the napkins that are locked up like the gold in Fort Knox are the one-ply, super shitty napkins.  

    I can't stand it when I either get one napkin handed to me with a to-go order (somewhere like Salata) or I have to go to a random corner of the restaurant to find the one dispenser that is stuffed so full of napkins that it's impossible to get a single one out.  

    In short, fuck the "to go" napkin policy of almost every restaurant out there.

    Very similar to the ketchup policy for take out. they seem to keep the packets in the safe next to the cash.

  7. Yep - some seem to only like Reed if he's kicking butt in the Ryder Cup...  I hate to admit that I like the guy because he got to the tour the absolute hard way. He won something like 5 or 6 Monday qualifiers just to be allowed to tee it up and then won a tournament to get status. Irregardless of his college mess I can't think of another well known pro that started with Monday qualifiers and went from there.

  8. 18 hours ago, abuelo gringo said:

    Okay, somebody help me.  (l-r) ?,?, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis Jr., Frankie, Deano, Peter Lawford, Don Rickles?, Jack Palance? top, ? below, Norman Fell, ?

    Tough job identifying all. Extended Rat Pack?  Las Vegas stars?  

    Front left is Henry Conte?, Henry Silva is left of Jack Palance. Not Don Rickles but no idea who


    edit - should have looked at whole thread before replying

  9. 1 hour ago, bigup2dahorns said:


    Is 12 actually on the green on did they just put it in the creek since that's where most of the tee shots will wind up?

  10. On 4/4/2018 at 11:10 AM, RDCanecutter said:

    It's still from New York City. Think of all that trustafarian skinny-legged-jean Brooklynese butt-slime leaking into the aquifers. We'll have blind mutant cave-crawdads bursting from the earth, demanding better Wifi so they can work from their laptops on their next McSweeney's article.

    what he said....

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