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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. The guy that lost a lawsuit to a fictional cow, perfect VP pick, for sure.
  2. Wealth hardly equates to happiness. You can have all the money in the world and be just as, if not more so, miserable as someone broke as a joke. In my experience, limited as that may be, often times wealthy people have an even larger disaster of a personal life than ordinary folks. To me, a fulfilling life certainly doesn't mean being destitute, but if your entire world is built upon wealth and its acquisition, you might as well be on the road to nowhere. A lot of times, people just wind up having stuff (code for crap they don't need) and the constant consumption of stuff; in some sort of search to find what is missing (which won't be found this way at all). I just can't imagine my entire worldview being transactional and remotely fulfilling, and perhaps for people caught up in this cycle, that's what it's constantly like. My guess is it leaves many of them hollow.
  3. His approved fill-in "Worm" was on it.
  4. They are mid major basketball players?
  5. While I'm at it, I'm now hard core pulling for Rand Paul to die from some sort of budget cut.
  6. That's like Tipper Gore dying from rap lyrics.
  7. She's no RJD, but she has her merits.
  8. Any porn involving Linda McMahon is gonna be a hard pass from me.
  9. Gonna need a full day of mourning for the both sides movement.
  10. I hope this doesn't effect those of us that cry out for magic
  11. I could be wrong, but I think it had to do with state redistricting. It was odd.
  12. These are the same people that dominate the skiing and shooting event in the Olympics. Bunch of weirdos like to add difficulty to everything.
  13. Just for clarity, this is suburban Huntsville area. As above noted, this is a large scale upset.
  14. Just an idea, and without knowing anything about the local geology, but I do wonder if wouldn't be quicker to tunnel. Those massive boring machines can chew about 1/6 of a mile in 30 days or so. Considering the total length of the bridge, about 1.6 miles they could conceivably bore that in about 180 days. Fitting the tunnel after the fact is another matter, but it may well be a quicker solution.
  15. No worries, me and my guys will have that thing up an running in a couple of weeks, and by a couple of weeks, I mean about 400 and just a few billion dollars. In all seriousness, that's pretty awful, though I have to admit I'm surprised we don't get more of this. Between failing infrastructure and just weird shit, its a chaotic world.
  16. I'm by no means an expert on this, but from what I've read get ready for 1 to 3 years, all concurrent, with a really good chance of being suspended. So get ready for a big ole sack o dicks. Convicted felon, that's about it. This has by far the least amount of teeth.
  17. This may well be the pathetic thing I've ever seen.
  18. Single digit handicaps often are known missing a target by 45 degrees or so from under 50 yards. It's just that small break thru you need to get to scratch.
  19. I don't have the costume (well I have ideas but they are all in extremely poor taste, even for here), but I do a few ideas: 1. Make her read aloud "On the Origin of Species" 2. Selected works from Fredrick Douglass and Maya Angelou 3. In lieu of reading (I'm not sure she can), have her watch the entire original Cosmos with Carl Sagan.
  20. What I know of Truth Social is that the 3 billion number comes from their "expected" IPO of $50 per share, Trump's portion of the IPO would in theory at that IPO level equal $3 billion. However, this is a pure fantasy. First, Truth Social operates at a negative at current, per quarter, as of earlier this year, they were losing as much as $10 per active user (which by the way, seems near fucking impossible). The total number of registered Truther's or whatever the fuck they are, is right around 10 million; however, active users are only about 2 million. So what the media would have you believe is that a platform with 2 million users, and no clear path to growth or profitability is somehow worth between 6 and 10 billion. and to top it off, they somehow lose money per user. Forgive me for calling bullshit. 2 million people isn't nothing, but billions, not so much, in actuality, not even hundreds of millions.
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