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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. I'm by no means an expert on this, but from what I've read get ready for 1 to 3 years, all concurrent, with a really good chance of being suspended. So get ready for a big ole sack o dicks. Convicted felon, that's about it. This has by far the least amount of teeth.
  2. This may well be the pathetic thing I've ever seen.
  3. Single digit handicaps often are known missing a target by 45 degrees or so from under 50 yards. It's just that small break thru you need to get to scratch.
  4. I don't have the costume (well I have ideas but they are all in extremely poor taste, even for here), but I do a few ideas: 1. Make her read aloud "On the Origin of Species" 2. Selected works from Fredrick Douglass and Maya Angelou 3. In lieu of reading (I'm not sure she can), have her watch the entire original Cosmos with Carl Sagan.
  5. What I know of Truth Social is that the 3 billion number comes from their "expected" IPO of $50 per share, Trump's portion of the IPO would in theory at that IPO level equal $3 billion. However, this is a pure fantasy. First, Truth Social operates at a negative at current, per quarter, as of earlier this year, they were losing as much as $10 per active user (which by the way, seems near fucking impossible). The total number of registered Truther's or whatever the fuck they are, is right around 10 million; however, active users are only about 2 million. So what the media would have you believe is that a platform with 2 million users, and no clear path to growth or profitability is somehow worth between 6 and 10 billion. and to top it off, they somehow lose money per user. Forgive me for calling bullshit. 2 million people isn't nothing, but billions, not so much, in actuality, not even hundreds of millions.
  6. That road trip to Starkville is what puts it over the top.
  7. I've never been in a Tesla, so I don't know about the locking mechanisms on them. If what I remember from a Mythbusters episode years ago was that as a car submerges, they tend to flip upside down, so to add to the chaos and panic in this sort of situation, now add to the level of difficultly of being upside down (at least potentially, hell, Elon's cars probably don't float right). Once the car is submerged to a certain degree, I don't think it matters which door or trunk you are trying to use, the pressure is more or less the same all over. If you think about it, and this is speculation on my part, water per gallon weighs a bit over 8 pounds, imagine that over the surface area of the vehicle and it's easy to understand why you would have to wait until it equalizes. Unless you could bench press several hundred pounds, perhaps more (or leg press that) you aren't getting out. Even if you are that strong, you'd better pick the door or truck with the smallest surface area to even try. I don't think there are many 50ish plus women on the planet that are going to have much success in that situation, hell Apollo son of Zeus might not.
  8. The problem with this, as I understand it, is that you have to wait for the passenger compartment to fill with water before this will be possible. That of course is possible, but I wouldn't want to try it sober, let alone that drunk. Most people will panic under that scenario stone cold sober.
  9. You forgot the Washington General's shoe launch in Philly. Sure to turn voters heads.
  10. For him that'd be like dividing by zero and showing your work on paper.
  11. Who the fuck buys Time magazine? Oh yeah, old people.
  12. Well, I'd guess she let loose before they found her....... so yeah.
  13. It's like swimming on a cruise ship.
  14. Bullshit. Right now we have a neighbor dealing with an adult daughter with tremendous mental difficulty and there is literally no where for her to go. Specifically blaming Reagan may not be entirely right, but he and his ilk, and their cost cutting no government services platform are to blame for this sort of thing. He was the ring leader of this movement that found power and his doctrines have guided us to where we are today. Trickle down economics and tax cuts for the rich have a direct correlation with the suspension of government services, like mental health. He doesn't get a bad rap, if anything he gets far more of a pass from most Americans. Fuck him, and fuck that movement.
  15. My fear of being anywhere near cans is finally over.
  16. So its like watching NFL draft coverage?
  17. I don't know the specifics on #1, but as for #2 I can assure you that the government is always going to be the first to get paid in a situation like this, taxes, fines and all. So when they seize, it won't be just the fine he needs, any tax implications will also have to be resolved before he gets any leftover (hilarious, can't even type it with a laughing) proceeds are his.
  18. Her next dance is right after someone says, "Next up on the main stage, give it up for Alina!"
  19. A bit conspiratorial to add to this, but the rural counties have been reporting first, pretty much national wide, and this slow down provides an opportunity for urban areas to potentially report first, then the fucking around could happen in rural areas, which is where their base is. Crazy, as I said conspiratorial type thinking, but given what they've shown us they are willing to do, I don't think it's a huge stretch. Hopefully, this idea is all for not, as the urban vote is too much overcome even with ridiculous shenanigans, but to put it completely past them....
  20. How the hell else are you supposed to remember your ATM code?
  21. I read earlier that he has a projected 9 point lead. Polling might be off, usually considerably, but a 10 point swing would be pretty wild.
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