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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. Personally, I have my doubts, he'd fit right in with the MAGA grift crowd.
  2. Maybe he can triple Lindy off the turnbuckle.
  3. The question with that would be is the bond is less than what they stand to lose against the building(s) if liquidated. This may well be a case of either way we are screwed, but this is better for us sort of thing. If they take control after the fact it opens options for them down the line.
  4. All that is missing is "Oops I crapped my pants"
  5. So Axos may have had a choice, lose $175 million against book value right now, or potentially more on liquidated property right now. They may well still lose the same amount a few months from now, but at least for now they are able to kick the can down the road a bit. Do I have that right?
  6. Knight Specialty Insurance Group, can't say I've ever heard of them, though if their website is anywhere close to accurate they are gigantic. From just glancing around, they are big in the reinsurrance market, which I'll be honest, I really don't know anything about at all.
  7. The comparative economic model works.
  8. It'd be the like hitting a trifecta to me, a skill shot if you will.
  9. Time to start scouting who is unstable and going to turn 27 in 2027.
  10. Just remember, they didn't steal the crown jewels, they were conquered. From what I recall, they were quick to tell you this, and often.
  11. Speaking of the Jasper Mall, there is a bizarre documentary on it's decline. It features, and I'm not making this up, an Australian guy with a mix of an Australian and Alabama accent. It's the kind of place that would be perfect for a Kari Lake VP rally.
  12. Jokes on you guys, it's a Mandarin accent. We used to have a big rickshaw culture in Birmingham getting people to the airport, but like all good things it was destroyed by tech bros. On second thought, I will go with a Jasper accent, that seems a more reasoned guess.
  13. The guy that lost a lawsuit to a fictional cow, perfect VP pick, for sure.
  14. Wealth hardly equates to happiness. You can have all the money in the world and be just as, if not more so, miserable as someone broke as a joke. In my experience, limited as that may be, often times wealthy people have an even larger disaster of a personal life than ordinary folks. To me, a fulfilling life certainly doesn't mean being destitute, but if your entire world is built upon wealth and its acquisition, you might as well be on the road to nowhere. A lot of times, people just wind up having stuff (code for crap they don't need) and the constant consumption of stuff; in some sort of search to find what is missing (which won't be found this way at all). I just can't imagine my entire worldview being transactional and remotely fulfilling, and perhaps for people caught up in this cycle, that's what it's constantly like. My guess is it leaves many of them hollow.
  15. His approved fill-in "Worm" was on it.
  16. They are mid major basketball players?
  17. While I'm at it, I'm now hard core pulling for Rand Paul to die from some sort of budget cut.
  18. That's like Tipper Gore dying from rap lyrics.
  19. She's no RJD, but she has her merits.
  20. Any porn involving Linda McMahon is gonna be a hard pass from me.
  21. Gonna need a full day of mourning for the both sides movement.
  22. I hope this doesn't effect those of us that cry out for magic
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