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Everything posted by BamaATL

  1. I at least think I understand it. It was never about emails or his criminal charges, or anything of the like. For the MAGA nuts, it's always been about being cruel, racist, extraordinarily selfish people. They comprise about 60% of the current Republican Party, this is always who these people have been, they just never had a vocal champion to get behind; once they did, it allowed the to come to full froth in the public eye. The other 40% of the Republican Party is comprised of people that were always willing to turn a blind eye to the others because the genuinely believe that Republican policies work in their favor (the vast majority of these folks are wrong, because while they believe they are wealthy, they really aren't). So to me, the sad truth is that there are about 40 million voting Americans beyond saving or redemption of any sort, and there are about 30 million voting Americans who don't mind courting the folks beyond redemption because they believe it suits them. We aren't going to peel away pretty much anyone from the MAGA portion of this; as I said they are beyond redemption, with rare exception. The target group is the 30 million of them that just court those idiots. With those folks, we might have a chance of convincing them to either not vote or in rare exception get them to vote Biden. 10% makes this a blowout, 5% makes gives us a fairly comfortable path. I wish I could tell you we could convince a larger number of people, but I don't really think that's realistic.
  2. I've never been on a cruise, neither has the wife, you aren't helping to sell me on it. These people obviously haven't gone away, but they used to think that everyone thought the same way they did, they now are well aware of the unpopularity of their thoughts/beliefs. They've gone quiet, but they certainly aren't gone, they just aren't advertising it as much. It all comes down to youth turn out.
  3. In all seriousness, I feel your pain. You certainly aren't alone.
  4. Just spit balling here, but isn't a company that lacks competitors due to mergers and acquisitions that in turn is also attempting to purchase the supply chain rife for an anti-trust investigation and subsequent break up? Boeing certainly isn't alone as a company on this, but my goodness, when was the actual last anti-trust enforcement? I can think of about 15 companies and conglomerates that are in need of being broken up; this is beyond out of hand. Additionally, the innovation and economic growth (over the long haul) of these break ups would be economically favorable. I also couldn't agree more on criminal action by the DOJ, these executives are well aware, and have been long well aware of what they are doing. It flat out is negligence of a criminal nature.
  5. I can assure you this sort of stuff is why many of us leave to Atlanta (and other locales). Combine it with better opportunity and there you go.
  6. It's not at all surprising to me, his whole life is a game of three card monty, and when you do that he's constantly robbing peter to pay paul, which means you never actually have anything that isn't going right back out to keep the scheme going. When it's all said and done, I think we are going to find out that he's upside down several billion dollars. The good news, in a couple of weeks the State of New York is going to start that process.
  7. Any fucking of her would be uncomfortable, it'd be like sleeping with Eva Braun.
  8. For all we know, Chubb is the insurer on the 737 and that is the collateral, which assuming that is free and clear is probably about right (a rather large assumption, I'll grant).
  9. How you gonna keep em on the farm when they've seen Karl Hungus?
  10. They'd also never get a court so stacked to get rid of Roe. FAFO, when people tell you who they are, believe them.
  11. I doubt it, he's not going to do anything that remotely resembles balancing a ticket. I wouldn't be surprised if he nominates David Duke as his VP.
  12. There would have to be brains to drain.
  13. There's stuff to be positive about, even if it is worrisome. The fact of the matter is that 25% of Republicans on a national level have voiced their displeasure with at least the perceived incumbent candidate. I wish I could tell you that he was for sure going to fall over dead tomorrow, but I can't. That having been said, the current Republican platform, which lets face it, is entirely MAGA, resonates with the same people it's always resonated with; it doesn't with the broader public; and this abundantly clear in the suburbs, particularly in the swing states. Any defectors we peel off or just get to sit at home is just gravy on top for us. Also bear in mind, that in 2016 it took a completely unenthused electorate behind a bad candidate combined with them getting every nut job out to vote. They did it, and ever since that time, Democrats have been winning on every level. It's scary to play a game of brinksmanship even if you think there is an 80% shot you win. On the national level, I like many of the numbers we are seeing. This is pretty much all going to come down to young people like yourself, and your ability to recruit your peers. It's our biggest advantage, and frankly this group, 30 and under, will determine this outcome. So if you are feeling down, I hope this motivates you and reinvigorates you; you will make the difference; we need you, and we need you to recruit voters.
  14. BamaATL

    Texas Primaries

    As to why Carl lost, or why people chose Moore, not specifically I will defer to @RDCanecutter on that. What I do know is that this is a bi-product of the redistricting that forced Moore into what more or less was Carl's district. They are both Trump nuts, so why one won out of the other, I do not know. The best news is that the new district was so non-viable for Republicans it lead to eating one of their own, which is always good to me.
  15. That's entirely possible as well, and bodes even more in our favor.
  16. He won by about the same margins in rural areas, but the suburbs are where they Haley voters showed up, and that's not great news for him. If we can just get 10% of the Haley voters to either no show or vote Biden, quite frankly either combination, things look good for us. Nationally that sort of number would tally somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 million to 2 million votes. Even if you evenly distributed that across all 50 states (it's more concentrated in swing areas), that 50kish per state has pretty big implications. Obviously we need to turn out, but there is plenty of soft underbelly here.
  17. Van Jones is the only person worth a shit at CNN.
  18. If the math is correct, in Virginia, it looks like Republicans will under perform in Virginia compared to 2016 by 50k to 100k.
  19. First polls close in 5 minutes, they include Alabama, Virginia, and Vermont Alabama turnout 2016 - R 861k Alabama turnout 2020 - D 453k Virginia turnout 2016 - R 1.026 m Virginia turnout 2020- D 1.326 m Vermont 2016 R - 62k Vermont 2020 D - 158k
  20. Not gonna lie, I'm interested.
  21. You'd have thought she would choose an appropriate place for announcement, like hiding in a stall in a bathroom.
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