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Posts posted by Tom

  1. Orca is going with the Trump strategy with "I always vote Democrat" and "I don't even support Trump."  Tell a lie enough times and hope people will start to believe it.  

    We can see your posting history.  We don't believe you.

  2. Tell Kevin Hart playing football stadiums that standup is dead or dying. 

    There are more standups making it right now than at any point in history.  Standup is not only not dying, it's never been easier to make it as a comedian with social media and with Netflix producing specials every five minutes.

    It's the same with music.  There's just so much more content and so many different people producing content that it spreads the audience thinner for most.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Art Vandelay said:

    And most comedians today like Bill Burr just shrug and laugh at the PC crowd and tell non-PC jokes anyway.

    And when has Seinfeld ever told offensive jokes or pushed the envelope?  I don't claim to have seen all of his stuff, but from what material I have seen he's about as clean as they come.  I can't imagine anyone getting offended at his jokes.

  4. 8 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Sometimes what's funny changes and sometimes it doesn't.  

    Shakespeare is still funny.  Oscar Wilde is still funny.

    George Carlin and Richard Pryor are still funny.  But the millennials will not have a Carlin or Pryor of their generation.  Nor will they have an Animal House, Airplane, Blazing Saddles, etc.  The Huffington Post thought police and their own need to feel morally superior at all costs won't let them.


    Disagree.  This decade has been somewhat of a second golden age of standup.  There will be numerous comics from this era that will hold up and still be talked about 30 years from now.  


    And when the millenials are in their 50s, 60s, and 70s, they won't be talking about Aninal House or Caddyshack because they'll be talking about Anchorman, Superbad, Wedding Crashers, The Other Guys, The Hangover, and so on while yelling at clouds about how the worthless younger generation in 2050 aren't as funny as the stuff they grew up with.




    • Like 1
  5. Alligator through Sleep Well Beast is an amazing run of albums.  They're a great band.  I've never seen them live though, and even though I always hear how amazing they are live, all the footage I've seen on Youtube leaves me unimpressed.  Matt seems like a lot of the time he's singing live he's drunk, flat, and off key.  What am I missing?

  6. 18 hours ago, TornACL said:

    When I become president, backing into parking spots will be illegal. And punishable by sterilization.

    You fucking idiot drivers who do this tell me over and over again that it makes exiting your parking space easier. Well guess what, you dumb shits, no wonder you mouth breathers struggle so much with backing out of parking spaces....because you don't look before you dart your car forward into traffic. And I can't tell that you're about to move because you backed into your parking space and so there are no reverse lights to flash on to warn me that an idiot is about to be on the move.

    Nearly every day on the way out of my parking garage at work, I have to slam on the brakes at least once because some backing-into-parking-spot fuckhead starts to lurch out right in front of me because they didn't bother to even look.


    Exactly.  And whatever time they may save by being able to leave faster they waste by the five attempts it takes them to back into the spot.  No shits given that they're causing a traffic jam because they think they look cool if they park their  (90% of the time) truck backwards.  

  7. Just curious, but has Hannity discussed anything on his show other than the "Fake Russian Witch Hunt" or Clinton's servers over the past year?  Every clip I see of him he's hyperventilating over the same exact shit.

    I suppose like Trump's Twitter account, the strategy is to repeat the lie enough times until it becomes others' truth.


  8. I'm confused by how that happened.  I thought marriage automatically = visa/green card.  My mom lived in this country for well over 20 years just on the basis she was married to my father before she finally became a citizen.  

  9. 2 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

    Is that done or just between seasons? Mr. Mercedes was pretty good as well. Slow burn on that one may have been a little too slow though.


    Second season is supposed to land sometime this fall, last I read.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    This argument needs to die. Generations are different and society changes. I'm more liberal in my 40s than I was in my 20s. 



    Not to mention there's a huge difference in the economies millennials and Gen Z (or whatever they're called) know and what Boomers and X'ers inherited.  

    The Great Depression led us towards The New Deal.  The economic anxieties today's young adults face could easily influence them to continue to push for a much larger social safety net even as they get older.





    Being 30 then and now

    In the mid-to-late-20th century, the American economy and culture were ripe for 30-year-old men, who — more than European and Japanese — typically landed well-paid careers, bought homes, and supported large families. But since then, getting ahead has become much harder.

    What's going on: Today, 30-year-old millennials are more likely to be still living with their parents and, while earning about the same or less than boomers, are typically saddled with college debt.

    One consequence: Possible trouble for an older generation that will rely on them doing better.

    The background: Millennials now comprise almost a quarter of the population and are the largest generation participating in the workforce. But their median salaries are lower than the prior generation of 30-year-olds, and the financial burdens they carry are heavier, limiting how much their lifestyle can mirror that of their parents





  11. On 6/14/2018 at 7:49 PM, F250 said:

    Yeah, I was pretty impressed for this being an AT&T original series.

    Loudermilk was a pretty good show too that nobody saw because it was only on Direct TV/Uverse.

  12. 50 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

    You see this doesn't matter because all Democrats are running a pedophile ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor that doesn't have a basement. 

    It's more complex than that.  You see, all men like to fap,  even if you're dating a Miss Texas runner up.  And sometimes people just like an audience.  Sometimes people just walk in.  BUT WHAT ABOUT BILL AND HILLARY???????????

    • Like 2
  13. On 7/20/2018 at 11:51 AM, sachick said:

    I've read the book and liked this book more than I did her others. I wish they would have made her skin a little more noticeable. If you're not paying attention, it's hard to tell anything is wrong with her skin. I would think these type of scars in real life would be more red and raised than white.

    It was fairly subtle other than the one that said Vanish.  I mentioned it after the show was over and my lady friend didn't believe me.  Had to replay that part because she didn't see them at all the first time.  

  14. 2 hours ago, Swam@Texas said:

    I'ma justa gonna put this here.




    Ambassador Stevens' family have implored Republicans to quit using their dead son for politics and have said they don't blame Clinton for his death. Apparently hyper-partisan Kris Paronto and shitheel Swam didn't get the message.  

  15. 21 hours ago, Swam@Texas said:

    Wait... is it it Wednesday or Thursday? Which days is it that his America First position is driving an irreparable wedge between our country and the rest of the world and which days is it that he's Putin's puppet? It's almost impossible to keep up with the left-wing anti-Trump hyperbole.

    Oh, yeah... almost forgot. Hillary Clinton will never be president. 


    It's Friday.  His Trump First position is both driving a wedge between our country and our NATO allies while he also serves as a puppet to Putin.  That's a 4-day a week job for him.  The other days he plays golf while pumping your tax dollars through his properties and into his pocket.

    Try to keep up.


    Oh, and just to stay on topic.......Happy No Hillary Day!

  16. 22 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:


    I mean, she's not ugly, but for a son of a president/trust fund kid I'd think he could do a lot better.  Maybe if Don Jr. had something resembling a chin or a jawline he could pull better women.  I blame bad genes.

  17. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Don't watch it. And you have your head in the sand if you don't think there are people who want more open borders.  Hell, people right here have advocated for it in the past.

    It's amazing to me how many people don't watch the most popular news network yet have every one of their talking points down.  Reminds me of how Gary Johnson got all the votes yet somehow Trump won the election.

    • Like 1

    17 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Realignment has nothing to do with being good at football or any sport. You realize Rutgers was the biggest winner in realignment, right?


    Sure, but from a fan perspective of any other Big 10 school, Rutgers and Maryland waters down the conference.


    7 minutes ago, DeadArmadillo said:

    Image result for tcu kansas football game empty


    Fair enough.  TCU has struggled with Kansas a few times on their way to outshining Tech just about every season they've been in the Big 12.  While I'm being a dick towards Tech, I guess it's just weird to me that a school with that many students and resources underachieves so much.  I really miss the Leach years when Tech scared me and they were a legitimate threat.

  19. Tech hasn't won an outright conference championship since 1955, before they joined the SWC.  I have no idea why they're brought up in conference realignment discussions going to the PAC.  I can't think of a more boring program.  TCU is a much better football school.  In 5 years by co-winning the conference championship and winning the Peach Bowl, they've accomplished more than Tech has in half a century. 

  20. Thank God the 1990s were such an innocent time.  We all know people like Ken Star and Gingrich had no political opinions or biases when going after Clinton.  


    Time to wrap the Peter Stzork Witch Hunt up.  Its gone on long enough and is costing tax payers too much.  Amirite,  Repubs?

    • Like 5
  21. 1 hour ago, Storm the Field said:

    Trump's official Twitter lapdog with a scorching hot take:


    I've never heard of this pimple faced kid, but took a look at his profile anyway.   Earlier today he was making several tweets about how Trump should tell NATO to get lost and how we should forge a new prosperous alliance with Russia.

    He also bragged about how Putin is more popular with Republicans than Obama.

    Anyone not convinced yet that the GOP is an enemy of this country and our true allies?

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