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Posts posted by Tom

  1. 1 hour ago, Buzzrock said:

    Everyone should see The Nice Guys. Shane Black is the king of the buddy cop movie.

    The Nice Guys was hilarious.  One of my favorites of the last few years.  And a few years before that, The Other Guys. 


    "The _______ Guys" formula is proving to be a huge success for naming comedies.

  2. I really don't think Democratic law makers calling for people to harass their political opponents is going to be a good look towards those on the fence in November.  It's not even that I don't agree with her.  Trump officials should be called out and made to feel uncomfortable for their inhumane and deceitful, anti-American behavior.  But someone in her position pushing it is just going to be ammo for Fox News and Sinclair out there in the coming months.  I can see the Hannity segment now....

    "Remember when Michael...I mean Michelle Obama claimed they go high when we go low?  Well listen to what Maxine Waters had to say......"

    • Haha 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, naija said:

    If you have to issue a post-finale interview to "help" people understand what's going on, you aren't doing it right


    So much this.


    Show was really good the first season.  This season was a convoluted clusterfuck that tried to do too much and jumped the shark with the non-linear storylines.  


    1a.  WW Season 1

    1b. WW Original Movie








    247. WW Season 2.


    If there's a third season, I'll still give it a shot.  It's completely possible for the show to return to form.  But confusing the fuck out of your audience and nothing making sense for 9 episodes only for you to kind of, mostly tie things together in the finale isn't fun television.  This felt like "Lost" crammed into 1 season.

  4. 13 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Her age is not the problem.  It’s that she’s a sucker.  Trumps a con artist, and she’s an easy mark.

    Maybe for her specifically, but on a larger scale, far too many seniors want to just turn the clock back on a world and society that has passed them by.  20 years ago it was email forwards, now they believe every photoshopped Facebook meme on their feed, lock it in their brains, and take it with them to the voting booth. They think that the "Sean Hannity Fans" Facebook fanpage is a legitimate news source.  They tend to be overwhelmingly selfish and, like this woman, many have lost their grip on reality.


    It's also possible I'm just being a generalizing asshole, and that's fair.  

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, F250 said:

    Chik-fil-a has screwed up my order the last two times I've ordered food through the drive-thru. Whataburger has screwed up my order twice in my entire lifetime.




    Damn, I may have to turn in my liberal AND Texan card today, but Chickfila is delicious.  And I've never waited 20 minutes sitting in a Chickfila drive thru only for my food to be cold by the time they put it in my hands.  Yeah, I'm looking at you, Whataburger on Northwest Hwy.

  6. 20 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    Never forget when Clay Travis blamed Texas for forcing ESPN to put the A&M-LSU game on at 11am.

    And when his whines were met with a mix of confusion and corrections as to how kickoff times are determined, he came clean and admitted he was just mad that he wouldn't have enough time to drink and tailgate before kickoff. 

    In short, he's a fucking moron. 

    I mean that just shows a lack of drive and effort.  

  7. On 6/16/2018 at 6:04 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:




    Trump is like a backup quarterback who comes in when his team is up 42-7, scores the final touchdown, and demands the game ball and everyone declare him the greatest QB ever!!!!11!!!!

  8. 2 hours ago, ScottishHorn said:

    I'm not saying it's right.  I'm saying bad shit happens to kids when the parents fuck up.  I'm saying there is no nice way to separate parents and kids but this shit has always happened.  It has become a political issue bc of who is in the white house.  The media wouldn't give a shot if Hillary was president.  Nobody cares about the shot that happens at the border.   The people on their moral high horse now are pathetic


    What's happening now wouldn't be happening if Hillary was president.  Regardless of whatever retarded Facebook memes you've read, this wasn't happening under Obama or Bill Clinton.  There are no Democrat laws that Trump is enforcing.  You are an anti-intellectual pussy.

    I honestly don't get it.  You campaigned on being anti-PC dicks, but now you're cowering like feckless cunts.  Fucking own it already.  This is all on Trump's administration.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    It’s about distracting the public. Rudy was correct that the outcome of that investigation is subject to the court of public opinion. 


    Yep, and unfortunately it's working.  Polls indicate more people are growing tired of the investigation while Democrats are also losing ground in some polls I've seen.  Guiliani's job is not to be a lawyer.  It's to help Trump in overwhelming the public with disinformation.

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/16/2018 at 8:56 PM, Hank Kingsley said:

    I LOVE golf. If I had time, I would play 2-3 times a week. That said, I haven't picked up a golf club in about 9 months due to having a 1 year old. 

    Of all the arguments regarding Trump vs. Obama, I wish the golf thing would go away. Yeah, Trump is a fucking horror and it's sickening how much he plays at his courses. But Obama played a FUCK TON of golf for a man in his position as well. 



    I can't speak for others, but I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't a main talking point of his campaign and Twitter rage for years.  It's just one of an endless number of hypocrisies that his supporters are more than happy to overlook.

    Kind of like how he blows up an Iran deal that has actual parameters and concessions from the Iranians like not enriching uranium past a certain threshold or letting inspectors in. He ends it for being a bad deal.  But he'll pat himself on the back and claim he solved the NK nuclear crisis just from a vague promise from Kim with nothing else.

    It's the blatant hypocrisy that pisses me off, not that somebody wants time off from a job to play golf.  The fact that he's likely enriching himself while doing it through my tax dollars is also maddening.  Obama never did anything like that.

    • Like 8
  11. 7 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

     I'm sure there is also a thread from 2008-2010 were you bitched about the Dems doing jack shit about the illegal immigration problem in this country.


    Hey libs...remember that time when for two years out of the past two decades  Democrats controlled both the legislative and executive branch?  Why did you not solve every problem and every issue ever?  WHY NOT DONE!?!?

    • Like 1
  12. Still watching and looking forward to the finale, but the show really is an unnecessarily convoluted mess.  But I also feel that way about a lot of Jonathan Nolan stuff, mainly Inception and Interstellar.  (ducks)

  13. 5 hours ago, TSipper said:

    How about a policy that both acts as a safe harbor and allocates money to illegal aliens in the LA Unified school district while 75% of black boys and 68% of latino boys CAN'T FUCKING PASS A STANDARDIZED READING TEST? You do know what happens when a child grows up not knowing how to read, right? That's what the school-to-prison pipeline looks like, but again, all those Hillary voters don't give a FUCK about the minority boys and girls in the 2nd largest public school district in America.

    But hey, I get it, you like fake outrage on social media because it makes you feel good with your wine drinking, white friends while you keep choosing foreigners over American citizens. I do not, but then again, I have non-white friends.





    Perfect!  The "I have a black friend so I can be racist and say racist shit" response.  I'm honestly surprised you didn't finish with "but they're some of the good ones."

  14. 1 hour ago, TSipper said:

    Absolutely! Send those people back where they came from. Crying children do not move me, we have crying brown children in America, white libs just don't give a fuck about them.

    Exactly what policies or bills have liberals pushed for that say they "don't give a fuck" about minorities?   

    Go right ahead and fuck yourself with your faux outrage and concern about brown American children.  Your bullshit is transparent.  You'd likely ship every single non-white legal citizen out of this country tomorrow if you could. 


  15. 6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:


    No it’s fucking not.

    Whitney’s version better than Dolly’s????



    My opinion is still the same.  Dolly over Whitney any day of the week.  I was just trying to be a kinder, gentler, more amicable Tom that respects others' opinions.  

  16. 3 minutes ago, slorch said:

    lefties still commenting on rep.


    Tom left out that he started his shitstorm of his own accord.




    I originally negged you for doing the same shit you're doing to me to somebody else.  I'm not wasting another post on this retarded rep bullshit, but just know I'll pay you back and more for every B.S. neg you throw around because you're too fucking stupid to argue a coherent point and you'd rather just neg people instead of participating in an exchange of words and ideas.

    • Like 3
  17. 30 minutes ago, Tom said:


    Please don't encourage Slorch to have more alcohol.  He's clearly had more than enough.


    LOL, and now Slorch is going to every post I've made in every forum and negging it regardless of content.  He just negged me for saying Dolly Parton's version of "I Will Always Love You" is better than Whitney Houston's in the music forum.  What a fucking pussy.


    Again, please, put the bottle down, @slorch.  It gets better.

    • Like 2
  18. 53 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:



    Remember when conservatives/Repubs on the old board kept going on about how we shouldn't call them racist because we thought everything was and how the word didn't mean anything anymore?

    Yeah, you're definitely fucking racists.

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Mapache said:

    Pruitt Just Gutted Water Protections for 117 Million , informed Trump in a happy birthday tweet

    The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday inched closer to proposing a regulation to replace an Obama-era rule that clarified which bodies of water qualified for federal protection. 

    The proposal comes more than a year after EPA administrator Scott Pruitt signed an executive action to revoke the 2015 Clean Water Rule, also known as the Waters of the United States, or WOTUS, rule. The regulation clarified which wetlands and streams could be protected under the Clean Water Act and expanded federal authority to all “navigable” waters. That extended the federal safeguards to 2 million miles of streams and 20 million acres of wetlands, securing the drinking water of more than 117 million Americans. 

    But a federal judge stayed the Clean Water Rule in 2015; the rule has since bounced around the courts. In January, the Supreme Court volleyed the case back to the district court level. In the meantime, Pruitt began the process of repealing the rule outright. 

    On Thursday evening, Pruitt said he planned to send the new rule to the White House Office of Management and Budget. In a tweet wishing President Donald Trump a happy birthday, Pruitt said he announced the WOTUS replacement in a meeting with farm interests in Lincoln, Nebraska. 



    If there is anyone I hate as much if not more than Trump it's this piece of shit



    Make America Flint Again!

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Other than the fact she wasn't  indicted for infractions  that pretty much anyone else would have been indicted and a meet and greet on the tarmac.  Those are just two things that you'd be crowing about if it had been a republican at issue.

    Let me know when the investigations and "lock them up" chants begin from your ilk for Trump's kids using private email for government business and for Trump using a non-secure phone in the white house.  We know how much these security issues matter to you guys 

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