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Everything posted by Bottlecap

  1. Hi Sign is fine. I like their new blueberry blonde. One thing I have noticed is that there is a discernable difference in quality bw their stuff on tap and their stuff in cans. I almost never buy their canned beer, but i'm a big fan when i see it on tap. Strange. I haven't been in months, but do they have a canning line? Or are they doing that two at a time hand canning in open atmosphere for optimal oxidation flavoring kind of thing?
  2. dude is mush. he''s not even a poor mans colt.
  3. all the endorsement i need. they should find a big stadium in texas too.
  4. This was a fuckin jam. Weren't they like 16 or 17 when they debuted a few years ago? Makes sense all that instant indie cred made em lose their minds.
  5. well, its basically a dunkel lager not unlike a negra modelo, and not actually a bock, so that seems ok.
  6. I'm not above a shiner bock, but overall, the brewery should just stick to german-style lagers
  7. Also, in case yr branching out from your usual tailgating beers, here are some new ones that have debuted since the end of last football season: https://www.austinchronicle.com/features/2018-08-31/introducing-austins-pre-gaming-beers-of-2018/
  8. For the lager knowers and fans, the oral history of ABGB https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2018-08-31/the-oral-history-of-abgb/
  9. They are contract brewing at Celis, so probably the same heavy-handed hazy recipes with a new label
  10. Awful. I tried to write both into an article, but couldn't in good conscience do that to people with functioning taste buds.
  11. Thanks for the memories, Demps. That Ghana goal was fucking lunacy. And I got to see him score live three times. GOAT.
  12. What's Coach Pop up to right now?
  13. I like how they still have sportscenter going during this dipshit's tepid speech
  14. this should be a nice Beto bump ... For 2020
  15. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    If any of yall are in the area
  16. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    Well Austin aint kansas.
  17. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    Dunno, but i saw some AFC hats on twitter that I would fight every soccer nerd in this city for.
  18. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    OH FUCK. That crest is whole hund. Name is kinda generic, but at least its not fucking Bats FC or Grackle Dispshits. And the colors are awesome. I can dig this.
  19. Collabs never really meet my unreasonable expectations, but I'm really excited about this one Launch on draft is this friday at Zilker Tall boy cans soon. Just in time for FB season.
  20. Oops. my bad. for future reference: 1 kid: all breweries except maybe blue owl With more kids (i have three, kill me) I'd feel comfortable at: ABGB, Hi Sign, Jester King, Last Stand, Live Oak, Oasis, Oddwood (maybe, its kid friendly, but small), Pinthouse N/S, Skull Mechanix, Southern Heights, St Elmo, Family Business, Treaty Oak Brewery/Distillery (beer is terrible, cocktails tho), and Vista out past Salt Lick. I didn't miss any that I feel comfortable at, though your milage may vary. Vista is really my favorite pick w/r/t quality of beer, food, and overall experience. Live Oak is right up there too, but my kids are too wild for all that exposed rebar from ABIA construction. Sour Duck has been my new go-to. Whoever their buyer is, is on it.
  21. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    From what I've read from garber, there's wiggle room for austin to get an expansion. If crew stay in ohio, i think Austin gets the last expansion slot. And I'm all in on Waterloo FC, but its too rad to happen.
  22. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

  23. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    Holy shit. Pool has no clue how sports work. MUCH MUCH less how broadcast sports work. What a FUCKING DUMBASS
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