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Everything posted by Bottlecap

  1. small anecdote from last night Was at the Decemberists show at Bass and it was pretty full. Colin Meloy was like, why the hell are you guys here and not at the Beto/Willie show? [huge cheers] You probably bought these tickets before that was announced right? [audience laughter] Thanks for honoring your commitment, and they'll try to be half as good as Willie. then they sang some whiskey river. Point being, Beto is visible and relevant as shit, even to those outside of Texas. BTW, Colin Meloy is funny as shit. Good show, but bummed to have missed the Willie/Leon/Beto gig.
  2. The set will be inside the stadium, correct? you can probably stop with the lame sign suggestions since it won't be that kind of gameday. also gameday sucks. fuck gameday.
  3. oh fuck, this mix pack is perfection. i love RAs pale ales. Swifty is a GREAT beer.
  4. didn't realize it until 4 or 5 years ago that the gas n go where they do their 'beer run' is the Shell station right by Draught House
  5. This is a pretty good oral history leading up to the film/filming that is like 15 years old, but still a great read https://www.texasmonthly.com/the-culture/the-spirit-of-76-2/
  6. Uhmm, ABGB just won GABF large brewpub of the year FOR THE THIRD TIME IN A ROW. This is America's best brewery. Many other Austin breweries have medaled as well, including ABW, PHP, and NXNW. On my phone at a tailgate so apologies for the brevity w specific awards
  7. Fuck that. New registers are important, but I'm hard pressed to believe that this Beto movement aren't getting NEW MIDTERM VOTERS to the polls. Such as myself, my wife, my parents and siblings ... hell, my whole fuckin block. I sincerely doubt i live within a three block radius of anyone who voted last midterms and its Beto central all over it right now.
  8. how the fuck did they not ask outkast to headline? their hits are tepid enough for the olds too, i think.
  9. Dem plan to double voting population for 2036, invite Leon to the party
  10. The NEXT SMITHS!, as it was sold to me at Tower records in 95/96-ish Bought everything they had after SXSW in like '99. One-third of it was excellent, excellent stuff. The other 2/3, eh ... This was one of those $25 imports from Technophilia (1997-ish), but worth it because BAWL were gonna be HUGE once all the best of britpop emerged. This was their only album. I think they did get on the cover of an NME tho.
  11. I always maintain that we should have said FUCK THE NCAA and shown whatever content we wanted on the LHN, including, but most especially, HS football games featuring our recruiting targets. We still should.
  12. nevermind. says it right there in the tweet. LBJ lawn. Did anyone find craft beers on bevo blvd? Only found the $5 cuuuurs. still a good deal.
  13. CDC aint fuckin around. Thats a stubbs level or evening ACL level get. The stage is by LBJ right? Might have to campus a little earlier than i thought.
  14. everything is a fucking scam when it comes to this current crop of Rs. who could reasonably support this fuckboi?
  15. It was weird to be leading at halftime when it felt like the usual plodding offensive start. Thanks Dicker. The kicking game in CFB is YUGE. Charlie might still be here if he'd had even a decent one.
  16. The stadium was completely full 15 minutes before kickoff. I can't remember the last time it was full 15 minutes AFTER kickoff. As TexPete mentioned, having Bevo Blvd right in front of the stadium and drawing fans closer in from the tailgates was a genius move. We lost our tailgate when lot 7 went away, and this finally feels like a good replacement. BB was packed and all the energy from it made people just want to naturally get to their seats in anticipation. Haven't seen DKR that excited about a game since Missouri 2008. The students showed out and that drives a whole stadium.
  17. Goddam ABW fresh hop is fuckin sex
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