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Everything posted by Bottlecap

  1. Cannot fuuuukkin wait til the full side gets together at some point. Hopefully this summer.
  2. speaking of weah, he had a bit of a match today
  3. There are like 20 or so different breweries in various stages of opening in austin alone, so I dunno. Theres still a lot of market room if you aren't complete trash.
  4. so we like berhalter or nah?
  5. I heard that Adelbert's has limited time left
  6. because of the three tier system, manufacturing breweries have to be on a their own tier apart from wholesale distributors, so forming a co-op would be illegal. Manufacturing brewers ARE able to self-distribute, but their 250 BBL/yr distro cap would go down to 40K. Guess what happens if a brewery in TX goes over the 250K cap and also sells on-premise in Texas? The brewery would have to sell it to the wholesaler only to buy it back for onsite sales, even if the beer never leaves their brewery in the first place. There are only a handful of breweries in texas like this, including Karbach (owned by AB-Inbev), Revolver (Miller/Coors), and Independence (Heineken, sorta). They are somehow grandfathered in (whoa, wonder why, maybe because BIG DISTRO is basically in bed with BIG BEER?) and don't have to do that. But there is one craft brewery who falls in this category: Oskar Blues in Austin. Brewpubs are considered retail and can sell to-go and also self distro up to 1K barrels, so they are on that 3rd tier.
  7. If you want to read up about the massive dipshittery by the Texas Beer Wholesalers and their fight against craft brewer for every day normal beer shit that every single other state except Texas enjoys (including this year's BEER-TO-GO bill), then here you go: https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2019-02-01/the-battle-of-small-beer-vs-big-distributors-rages-on-with-texas-to-go-beer-bill/
  8. Fuck yeah. TWO dates for Austin. The only town getting two BTW
  9. As mentioned, Last Stand was VERY close to buying it, deal fell through due to some sort of licensing I think. I might me making that part up. Anyway, SM is still going through back of the house permitting, but buildout is done, just a few details to wrap up. They wanted to open up the taproom last year and distribute from 6th street to SM, but some local or county rule prevented that. They still have their barrel "room" thats housing a bunch of SM shit in far east austin. I think once they clear that out, they might move there or open up that barrel program they've been talking about for a while. "Either move or expand" is a pretty hilarious spectrum. Circle was all but gone to open a farmhouse (hahahahaha) brewery until McKalla Place was announced. Now they think their brewery can be sustainable. Not sure it makes it to 2021 in its current iteration though ... although lots of people love em out in the market. Their taproom is awful though, so not sure they are really capitalizing on their potential. I hope they stick around just to siphon off some of the gameday brewery foot traffic. Also, hope more breweries open in that area. Its a blank slate for austin brewing culture with all the shit going on there within the next 2-3 years.
  10. for PR purposes and image rebuilding, this season could not have gone better for RL ahead of Tokyo.
  11. I liked 'HH' well enough and '2021' just sounds like an add-on b-side, although nice, way too short to be taken seriously. I saw someone comment on twitter that HH sounds like Dirty Projectors with a sweeter voice, and i agree. I hope the album gets a lot sexier than these two singles but then again I also remember not 100% digging VW's first singles ahead of an imminent album in the past with 'Diane Young' off MVOTC and 'Horchata' bc they were stylistically different than what I was used to with VW (I dig both of those tracks now). I think this album will be great, but Rostam was the fuckin man. His albums have been a nice bridge.
  12. i agree. it was a good debut tactics wise. its gonna take an exciting brand with our a-listers to bring fans back. feels like its been forever since we've had a full squad.
  13. all the other dales besides scottdale are pretty shitty. they should all have their own individual sections.
  14. Its magnificent the difference in touch and 1v1 from the youth on this particular squad and the lead foot dinosaurs from 8 cycles ago who playing on this squad today
  15. Yes. Davis Tucker left to found NXNW.
  16. this brings a sinister joy to my heart. fuck AB for charging $23 for 500ml.
  17. No doubt all of these fuckboi parents switched to Bic razors this week
  18. I've gone back to dabbling into BIG BEER because the cost of craft has driven me back to thinking about my beer budget. I'm between 2 - 8 beers per night depending on the day, so some of that has to be absorbed by non-craft. Lone Star is still a fun beer to drink, even though it tastes like a hangover to me. Coors is the benchmark for lagers. I wish they still made Michelob. That reminds me of soccer practice in U-8s. That was our dad's dad-night beer in the park and Michelob was their jam. Anyway, i think big beer tastes fine as long as you don't go to the light lagers because, why would you? Calories? Fuck that. (i'm super thankful for BVBs mama tried usually being $13/per twelve at HEB. Thats just a great beer and better deal.)
  19. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    portland can suck a pierced cock. also, swiping our "keep austin weird" thing is 3rd rate hipster dipshittery. fuck portland. also, isn't timbers fc basically the *opposite* of "el tree". they cut a tree after a goal don't they? now THAT is some of the corniest shit i've seen in sports. that's fit for some white people shit like lacrosse. also fuck portland.
  20. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    Decent homegrown chant
  21. craft lagers are the biggest thing in small beer right now so you're in luck. unless you like beer to taste like pink champagne, in which case you are also in luck.
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