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Everything posted by Bottlecap

  1. If you liked/miss Zilker's third anniversary beer 3rd Space like I do, SW is fairly similar. It has Galaxy and Citra like 3S, but with an addition of Strata and some New Zealand Wakatu.
  2. Is AB putting enough pastry in their stouts?
  3. Maybe he can get that arena building company to buy out Shaka too. I spent $5 for a ticket and I feel robbed. At least the two $5 pregame beers were fun.
  4. I dont mean this in a dickish way, but .... why??
  5. I brought one of those to Thanksgiving from the exact same batch/year and my beer nerd/massive beer trader BIL practically shit himself that I still had one and was willing to drink it even after he told me the value. I've long since ditch bottle collecting/cellaring, and wasn't about to ship it off to some dipshit in Mesa Arizona for him to enjoy. Drink it.
  6. that shitty rendering reminds me of that photoshop of the old aggy tacklebox with the upper decks just superimposed on one another till it filled up the frame. no way it ends up looking like that and only holds 10K
  7. The inside just looks like half the erwin center, or, like something generic like the don haskins center.
  8. word on the street is that Big Bend might be financially boned by that canadian brewing equipment manufacturer that just went bust. hope they have a lotta marfa lights to sell
  9. Bottlecap

    Austin FC

    I like the crest, don't I like the white austin above the tree ... but i guess its the most appropriate tribute to this city that there is.
  10. For all the shit LHN gets, this particular day makes the whole operation worth it. Every school should be jealous of this kind of signing day coverage, and its gotta be cool for the athletes to get coverage on themselves right off the bat.
  11. Double negged. Take that to 'San Francisco: Let's Talk Beer' on Pintrest
  12. a lot of badgeassedness going on in here
  13. this thread is a fuckin facebook group
  14. Well, according to ABW, they make about half the volume of Sputnik as they do their other seasonals, so stock up if you like it. Can someone remind my alcohol ventilated brain: was Sputnik ever sold in six packs ... and was the 4-pack price ~$10.50 (at any open HEB) last year?
  15. it has the body of a stout, which i guess (?) might be the only real stylistic difference bw a stout and a porter. Its definitely not abv in this current brewing age.
  16. well it really needs to be a year rounder anyway. they've got the space and i've got the money.
  17. Zilker CMS is a core beer and takes permanent residency in my fridge even during the hot months because fuck seasonal stout brewers. Pusses. Can't believe i've completely dismissed Sputnik. I haven't even seen it around town yet. Is it on shelves?
  18. A little help with something I'm working on: What have been yalls favorite local (Austin) seasonal beers this year? (caveat: the beer has to have been distro'd/packaged) A few of mine that I dug/still digging this year: Real Ale Swifty Zilker 3rd Space IPA Live Oak Gold (yall prolly dig Primus more tho, right?) Jester King Montmorency v Balaton BA Cherry Sour Austin Beerworks Super Awesome Helles Hi Sign Violet Blueberry Blonde What were some of your favorites?
  19. not really in to tripels but how is it?
  20. he watches a ton of youtube and lots of college bball and my wife is a Michigan St alum. He does.
  21. I was gonna take my 7 year old to his first basketball game on Saturday. Fuck that.
  22. my god this team is so annoying to watch.
  23. 'Cody' really has got to be the perfect aggy name
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