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Posts posted by locodos

  1. 21 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Every day I log in here and hope that this thread title has been changed to "45 Is Dead."

     I'm sure that we can do better. 

    • Is there ketchup is Heaven?
    • A load has been lifted off Ivanka
    • Trump finally makes America Great again!
    • St. Peter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

    The memes and GQP tears are going to glorious

    But I don't want him to die adored by 30% of the country and have a State funeral forced upon us, I want to see him exposed and his followers humiliated.   He should die poor, old, sickly, and ideally in jail.



    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, hornian said:

    I've got 3 girls, 3 years apart each. My oldest is now 8 (2nd grade), middle 5 (pre-K), youngest 2.

    Luckily we are out of diapers completely (except pull ups at night for the 2 year old), but right now with music, sports, school, kids birthdays on the weekends, etc. it's non stop.


    3?  Can't play man, gotta play zone

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Born to Run said:

    Nice kits, the finest boots, matching rucksacks.
    Parents rocking scarfs.

    Lake Travis even has those bubble shelters on the bench so little Okayden feels like a pro. (All the fans are on the other side of the stadium so it's not player protection, just cheesey.

    I would have gladly taken the shelters!  My schools' soccer team sucked, but we had an italian coach and an English Headmaster.  Every game was a beating both on and off the fieldpitch.

  4. 11 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    He's an 84 year old white guy from Ohio who played golf back when it was pretty much lilly white except for Lee and a few others.  What the hell did you guys expect?

    That in the 60-ish years he's been an adult, he could have figured out how to not be a miserable cunt.  Lots of folks grew up in similar or worse circumstance, but have overcome the urge towards our worst human instincts.

    It's not a lot to expect.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  5. 1 minute ago, blacklab said:

    Close to the same here, went from $1800, $2200, $3300, $4900. 

    Shopped around but haven't found anything. Amica want's $11k/year, State farm and progressive wouldn't give me a quote on their website. 

    This sucks, but be glad you can even get quotes.  In FLA, and especially in S Florida, you just take what they offer if you have the good fortune to have an existing policy.   I got my renewal notice and called my agent to see what other options were available.  She basically said that I should be thrilled that they even offered a renewal and that to the best of her knowledge no other insurers were writing new policies in the area (coastal S Florida).  In addition to massive rate hikes I also occasionally get demand letters from them telling me I must replace a water heater some random appliance, the entire electrical service to the house, water lines etc... and that these are also conditions for renewal.  It's annoying.

    This year I spent hours calling major carriers, but the phone calls were short.  "We are not writing new policies in your area at this time..."

    I used to be amazed that the insurance companies weren't writing  homeowner's policies, but the automotive divisions of those same companies were still giving competitive rates and robustly going after business in the same market.  $350K concrete structure? "too risky", $200K of vehicles that roll around and can get hit or stolen...  "fuck yeah! we'll bet any price!"

    But alas, the automotive coverage, is heading to the moon now too.


  6. 17 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I don't want to speak for @mdmost, but I also have generally been sympathetic to Israel.  And for a long time, there were good justifications for that sympathy. 

    From a national-interest standpoint, Israel was a staunch ally in the Eastern Mediterranean facing Soviet-backed enemies.  Its position near Suez and straddling the Eastern Med into the Middle East makes it strategically important.  And in the binary world of the Cold War, if it wasn't going to be our ally, it was going to be the Soviets'.  

    From an emotional standpoint, yeah--it's easy to agree that the Jews ought to have a safe space given the unpleasantries of not just the past century, but the centuries before that.  And as one of the sponsors of the establishment of that safe space (along with the rest of the UNSC), we owe some obligation to ensure that it remains safe.

    But those justifications are rapidly fading into the ether of history.  The Cold War is over.  And while the Soviet threat is somewhat replaced by threats from China and Russia, Israel is not exactly a reliable ally in any sort of anti-Russian or anti-Chinese bloc.  As we try to build alliances in the region to address regional threats, Israel is often more of a hinderance than a help.

    And while creating a safe space for Jews in the Levant made sense, I don't think we ever signed up to support a starvation genocide of the Palestinian Arabs.  And if we did, we ought to un-sign right the fuck now.  Because "Never Again" shouldn't be read as "Never Again to us, but maybe it's ok if it's by us against some other group."

    When Secretary Blinken was in Jerusalem last week, the Israelis announced the largest seizure of Palestinian land in the West Bank since 1993, with the land to be converted into settlements.  That's not how you treat the foreign minister of your most important ally.  And now Israel isn't sending a delegation that was summoned by the United States?  As @Brisketexan asks, what exactly does Israel think the power dynamic is in this relationship?

    Israel obviously thinks that the United States is some sort of vassal state that owes it an unquestioning obligation to supply it arms and money in times of war.  Israel should be disabused of that notion.  If Israel wants to be an ally, then it can start acting like a fucking ally.  But if it wants to be our feudal lord, then fuck that--we ought to declare our independence and cut Israel off.

    ^ Cosigned

    Don't forget Israel has also been doing a non trivial amount of spying on the US and has been doing so for many years with virtual impunity.  

    I assume that Israel thinks that the Jewish population in the US is an effective lever to coerce, cajole, and perhaps control the political parties. Or, at a minimum, to temper their reactions to provocative Israeli policy.

    I do wonder with Florida leaning more solidly Republican and New York solidly Democrat if Israel still feels that they can move the needle in a presidential/national election.  

    I don't claim to have any insight beyond that of an average Joe, but I do know that Israel has problem that will force them to make some tough decisions. Embrace a version of apartheid or have the policies of Israel increasingly shaped by citizens that don't share their religious beliefs.  Israeli citizens classified as Arab are out breeding Jews in Israel and are already 21% of the population.   I heard a news story about this trend in the late 90's and evidently it's a real issue.   What is a Jewish religious state to do when a large portion of their citizens are not Jewish?  Moderate or Subjugate... and it looks like Israel is not embracing moderation.

  7. Here's the order. 

    Case Nos. 2024-01134 -2- Motion No. 2024-01025 2024-01135 It is ordered that the motion is granted to the extent of staying enforcement of those portions of the Judgment (1) ordering disgorgement to the Attorney General of $464,576,230.62, conditioned on defendants-appellants posting, within ten (10) days of the date of this order, an undertaking in the amount of $175 million dollars; (2) permanently barring defendants Weisselberg and McConney from serving in the financial control function of any New York corporation or similar business entity; (3) barring defendants Donald J. Trump, Weisselberg and McConney from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for three years; (4) barring defendant Donald J. Trump and the corporate defendants from applying for loans from New York financial institutions for three years; and (5) barring defendants Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation in New York for two years. The aforesaid stay is conditioned on defendants-appellants perfecting the appeals for the September 2024 Term of this Court. The motion is otherwise denied, including to the extent it seeks a stay of enforcement of portions of the judgment (1) extending and enhancing the role of the Monitor and (2) directing the installation of an Independent Director of Compliance. ENTERED: March 25, 2024


  8. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    If a theremin is in the running, then a saw is, too.



    Yeah but you can use it for other stuff.  Like cutting up the body of the theremin player.

    • Drool 1
  9. 14 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    Hell, the SEC can't even protect their first-round teams! WTF, Florida...

    You do know they lost their starting Center in the SECSEC tournament...  They were never going anywhere after that.


    Handlogten, a 7-foot-1 sophomore, had two rebounds in two minutes and was trying to come down with a third when he landed awkwardly on his left foot with 17:46 remaining in the first half. He immediately went down in pain and rolled onto his side, putting his hands to his face.

    The sound of bone apparently breaking could be heard on TV with blood immediately visible on the back of his calf.

    • Rage+1 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, hookem2010 said:

    This pregnancy has been an absolute ass-kicking for the wife (anybody else's 2nd seem so much harder than the 1st?), and we had a brief scare earlier this week, but the 12-week US looked great! Now that the baby looks like something and we will know the sex soon, shit is starting to feel real again.

    No, but let me hit you with something you know, but don't understand.   At some point with kid two, you are going to be thinking about how much extra work your doing while your partner is also feeling that they are doing a lot more work too.  You're both right.

    Well guess what?  You have twice the kids and that means twice the work for a while.

    And maybe you already internalized this, but my wife and I, only internalized this in about month 2.  Luckily my daughter slept a lot and was generally much easier.  I hope your second is too.


    My best Dad pro tip:  Whatever your partner asks you to do, do it happily, and don't bitch even if it was tough or really reallly OU level sucked.  Embrace the challenge and take it on with a smile, and perhaps a little shit, on your face.  Don't be a blackhole of bitchassedness, everyone knows it's tough and you'll just set a shitty tone for everyone.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Like 4
  11. 21 minutes ago, dcbc said:

    Isn't there some strange circumstance resulting in its not being homestead property.  I think he's technically the "property manager."  I know it's held by an LLC, but there was something strange about his acquisition of the property that's escaping me at the moment.

    He negotiated one of his famous deals with the City of Palm Beach.  MAL is NOT a residential property and cannot be homesteaded under Florida law.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  12. 9 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    I don't much bankruptcy law, we've done some Multi-Family deals out of bank workout but it's just us and other senior lenders/unsubs, no governmental entities other than maybe a late NNN property tax payment or two.  But I would think if the government can call the shots and only then can senior debt get theirs and if there's anything left over (there won't be), the equity LP's go last (or maybe mezz if there is any).  So if that's the case, never mind the equity balance on them.  The right squeeze, IMO would be some amalgamation of unrealized gains and property taxes.  Which properties appreciated above their cap levels combined with the most property tax liability.  Some blending of those two numbers gives you a punchlist to go for.  Because in addition to the fire-sale pricing, you also get him on the capital gains taxes and property taxes and associated penalties which just adds fuel to the fire.  Yeah, you'll have some lenders and even LP's get pissy and maybe pursue legal recourse on being shafted, but that's a regular Tuesday in New York real estate court.  Equity levels are one thing, but squeezing him on unrealized gains becoming realized plus a property tax kicker.  That's when shit gets fun and gets him stroked out.  

    You obviously have much more experience in real-estate.  But the capital gain is independent from the equity, especially since I assume he's been using these properties like ATMS. The most leveraged properties are probably ones he most recently refinanced to pay for other projects.  Cash them out first, so that you cash them ALL out.  Then he'd face the maximum tax liability. As in on every New York property.

    I don't understand your comment about the Property Tax Liability.  I assume that property tax only accrues on properties you still hold and are prorated to the sale date.  Any sale would reduce his property tax accrual. 

  13. My son (20) and his friends went to see Dune 2.   He was talking to them afterwards about Feyd and compared Sting's portrayal to the modern one.   His friends looked at him and were like..."Who is Sting?"


    My 2 cents, this remake is beautiful and soulless.  It looks great but it's just not as good as the first movie.

    • Spoiler
      • Christopher Walken is Christopher Walken, not the emperor.
      • Timothée Chalamet is not physically believable as a bad ass fighter.  The fight with Feyd, you know, for the Universe, was c+ type of effort.
      • Where is the sister...  not even born yet, ok cool\


    I'll go yell at some clouds now

  14. I think the play that gives you the most bang for the buck is to start with properties that have little equity...  Seize it, sell it, jeez that's $100 off your $450mil tab.  Next...  If he still owes $5 mil and he's down to his last property, oh well this one has to go too.


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