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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by LonghornSean

  1. I suppose that's all true. Unlikely to be fired after next year, barring a complete disaster. And if we move to the SEC in 2024 as many are saying, Sark won't be held to the standard of being expected to reach the conference title game. But, if after 4 years his team has not played for a conference title once, I don't see how you justify retaining him. That said, how that SEC inaugural season transpires would be an important factor.
  2. 8-5 is pretty frustrating in that it’s sort of right on the edge of the success/failure spectrum for this year. Close margins of defeat give a bit of weight to the success side, but I think most would agree it tends more to the failure side given the missed opportunities. In the end, all that really means is that next year’s result will carry most of the weight towards Sark’s tenability as coach. (Year three, no shit) My opinion, failure to appear in Big 12 title game next year: Sark is on extremely thin ice if not fired outright.
  3. Game doesn’t mean all that much but it’s disappointing not to get a win which would have us finish top 15ish and instead we’ll be unranked, again.
  4. Clock only stays stopped OOB after inside two minutes
  5. Yeah just take 30 seconds between plays with clock running. That’ll work
  6. Last four drives for UW have all had like 12 or more plays
  7. Thank you to UW for snapping it with 16 left on play clock
  8. Damn, disappointing drive to give up. Respond with another TD and we may have a back and forth finish on our hands
  9. First replay I thought arm landed out first but not sure on second look
  10. How many halves this year without an offensive TD? At least 5: (OSU, KSU, TCUx2, UW)?
  11. Come out with a TD drive to open the 3rd, and we are back in a good spot. But when do we ever do that?
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