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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by TornACL

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    This has always been a circle jerk thread where all the liberals post their daily fantasy that Trump will be impeached. Who wants to deal with that? Lol. I mean honestly, this is like the birther shit with Obama, just, admittedly, a little more substance to it and, to be fair, a slightly higher chance of something actually happening. 

    Wait a minute, weren't you one of the captains of the Obama birther train on the site that shall not be mentioned?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Any day now Trump will be impeached, I feel it coming, they have got him this time, it is always one day away!

    Remember when there were a lot more of you in these threads? Ever stop to wonder why your population is dwindling?

  3. Good God, haven't any of you ever tailgated before?  What is this pre cook the eggs shit. Have you ever cooked eggs? Fucking idiocy.

    This is not that hard. Use that griddle and fry up the bacon and sausage. Get a helper / sous chef to crumble the sausage up and to beat the eggs. Start the eggs on the griddle in batches. As the eggs finish, mix in the crumbled sausage in half the egg mixture. Serve the sausage and egg onto tortillas and top with shredded cheese. For the plain egg shovel onto a tortilla and lay a strip of bacon across the top and top with shredded cheese. You now have sausage egg and cheese tacos, and bacon egg and cheese tacos.

    Fuck the vegetarians. Buy some Natures Valley bars for them.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    Not sure to which country clubs you refer, but I think you'd be surprised at the level of continued pro-Trumpism among CC types here in Dallas.

    I don't have a CC membership, but my small sample size suggests that Trump support among the 1% typically falls somewhere between outright support and a sort of "hold your nose and hope for the best". 


  5. I went to one near Playa del Carmen a couple of summers ago...was expecting it to be like a cruise ship that doesn't move (full of Walmart trash) but it was actually not bad.

    Pro-tip, just because it's an all-inclusive don't be a cheap ass. In fact, the best thing to do is get to the pool early in the morning, say Hola Amigo to the bartender on duty, slap down a 20 and tell him you'll be there all day. After day 1 with some spotty service we started doing that each morning and it was a big success. It got to the point that they would just fucking ignore people who had been waiting and serve us first if we came back up to the bar.

  6. I killed some fool with a grenade yesterday. That was awesome. I saw him before he saw me, and he ran into some three walled structure to try to hide and bait me into a trap. So I threw a grenade in there and blew his ass up. I'm now hooked on this game and I am terrible at it.

    • Like 1
  7. I don't love Jordan Matthews and he's coming off an injury riddled 2017. But I sure do like the economics. I am trying to see what Thompson did last year that would warrant doubling his pay over his 2017 1 year deal in Buffalo.

    Ironically, I would assume Thompson saw more playing time last year because of Matthews' injuries.

  8. 7 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    Okie dokie, did you vote for tongue tied Johnson?

    So they have the evidence they need to "get" Trump? When are they going to share it with the people paying for the investigation?

    What is the goal of the investigation? Will it just end up being a cover-up like the Hillary e-mail investigation?

    You have a lot of questions, which would suggest at first glance that you're an intellectually curious person. But that you ask the same questions in perpetuity and either never understand, or never care to contemplate, the answers provided to you would suggest otherwise. People have attempted to give paint-by-numbers responses to you as they realize the depths of your ignorance, and still you spout the same garbage like a political Teddy Ruxpin.

    I get that you're rooting real hard for your guy to be vindicated. Congratulations on that. I feel that this is an issue of such importance to our country that it deserves to be seen through to the end. Regardless of how long that takes. Go ahead, have someone flip the cassette tape in your back and hit play so you can ask me how long it will take. Do it. I'll give you the same answer I gave last time. You're an idiot.



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  9. 1 minute ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    Pssst, I've been corrected multiple times for spelling on Surly, sorry for being an engineer with an apparent spelling handicap. 

    I'm not trying to tell you how it should work - I'm asking you dudes to define when the fuck this ends one way or the other, and you can't. 

    You can't because you know as well as I do, that if they had something they would've moved on it immediately. 


    It's not a spelling handicap, you don't understand the difference.

    Anyone who has to ask the question "When will it end?" doesn't understand even the basic concepts of an investigation. And like I've told you now multiple times, "moving on it immediately" is the dumbest fucking concept espoused on this thread. Thank God you're an engineer and not a district attorney. "Welp, the boys in blue found the murder weapon...let's go to the judge in 30 minutes and present our entire case!"

    I didn't vote for Hillary, you fucking rube.

  10. 28 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

     You going to have a "special council" investigating the president during both terms of his presidency? 

    Pssst, maybe learn the difference between council and counsel before you start telling us how investigations should work.

  11. 56 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    I'm excited to see the evidence and facts behind this whole Russian collusion investigation. Been asking for it for over a year. Haven't seen any evidence of illegal activities or wrong doing, I'm assuming they don't have it. If they did, they would "leak" it as soon as possible to try to attack the president in every way possible. 

    You said this on the old site, and this is just complete idiocy.

    No, Mueller is not going to leak all of their information "as soon as possible" to "attack the president in every way possible".  This is absurd, and would be quite possibly the most idiotic approach possible to a wide ranging investigation of this level of importance.

    • Like 3
  12. 10 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    Jason Witten, Jay Ratliff, Marion Barber, Sean Lee, Ron Leary, Doug Free, Andre Gurode, Demarco Murray, Jason Hatcher, and a few others would like to talk to you about shit drafting after the first over two decades 

    I really didn't expect someone to actually take the position of defending Dallas' draft approaches over the past 20 years.

    This new site continues to amaze.

  13. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    The problem is calling either one of those shows "news."  "News" is reporting of facts and events.  What they each do is "some facts and events -- with a shitload of commentary slathered on."  Now, Maddow's commentary may be more educated, eloquent, and rational than Hannity's (damning her with faint praise indeed), but it's still COMMENTARY.  And sure, she provides significantly more facts, and more relevant ones, as her background...but again, her end product is her explanation of what those facts MEAN.

    We the people mistake commentary for news.  That's a big fucking problem.

    Amen. It's really jarring when you watch an actual news (NOT cable news crap) program and see how, key facts are presented while not once bringing some blowhard onto set to yell "SEE, THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH THE DEMOCRATS /REPUBLICANS... BLAH BLAH BLAH" 

    You have a brain, draw your own conclusions. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The Cable news problem is a lot like Facebook IMO.  They're motivated by entertainment (clicks) and reinforcing bias.  They're not going away but they can improve and the improvement can be consumer driven.  MSNBC and Fox News are much different than they used to be and they will continue to change over time with the interest of audiences.  If American consumers want more fact based coverage, they will migrate to it.  If they want bullshit and infotainment, they will stick with that. 

    Which is why your original article about MSNBC "beating" Fox News in ratings is completely pointless. They are both bullshit and infotainment so who gives a shit. 

  15. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Trump either doesn’t give a shit, doesn’t understand agriculture, or thinks farmers will not blame him.  Or all three.  

    This will be fun to see red counties in the Midwest turning blue. 

    You have to keep reminding yourself that our President has no fucking idea what he is doing. The concept of strategy is foreign to him. The concept of collateral damage is completely foreign to him. He works on emotion and gut instinct, because you know he has the best instincts. His ever-expanding gut, and his instincts tell him that CHI-NA is unfair and must be defeated. Nothing presented to the contrary will move him off of this point. And he will recklessly mash all of the buttons at his disposal with his fat toddler fingers with zero regard for any secondary impacts.

    • Like 4
  16. All cable news is garbage. This is like claiming that urine tastes better than feces.

    I know Hugo is just trolling with this post, but the last thing we need is for people to hold up cable fucking news ratings as some sort of symbol of righteousness. It's all poison for the brain, and we'd be better off as a country if both of those fucking hacks went out of business.

    • Like 4
  17. What's the purpose of this test?  Pork ribs seem to cook the most consistently, I don't remember ever smoking pork ribs and thinking to myself I wish these were more moist and tender.

  18. 19 hours ago, ohchaucer said:

    I realized that not only did I not want to answer that question, but I never wanted to answer another water-sports question, or see any of these people again for the rest of my life.


    Dammit, now I have to go watch this movie right now.

    Yeah, what's this streaming on?  Feels like I need to pour myself a bourbon tonight (or a Tom Collins) and watch this again.

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