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Evil Bill Obrien

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Everything posted by Evil Bill Obrien

  1. I really hope it was Cal's president who did that, karma hit him like a ton of bricks immediately
  2. The government having aliens or Tech being a low key realignment baddie?
  3. Glad someone is out there trying to spread the truth that Tech has a good amount of conference realignment blood on its hands but this is the college football news equivalent of the Navy pilot testifying under oath to congress that we got the aliens...and there is so much else going on in the world (Pac 12 getting destroyed in a day on Friday) that no one is gonna notice...
  4. Confederate realignment talk not going away?
  5. RIP "Conference of Champions" I looked but couldn't find a video of a 21 protractor/sliderule salute for Cal and Stanford, maybe someone can find that or something for Wazzu and OSU (couch burning?)
  6. Was thinking about making this meme earlier but with a Pac12 hat and "fold" instead of expand...but this version is good too
  7. Looks like this won't actually end up happening...but still a fantastic video
  8. If this is all legit and the PAC holds together with some sort of Apple streaming deal and GOR it would be a rather funny turn of events. Remember back when everyone thought the Big 12 was dead and then they hustled like hell to save themselves? Well the Pac 12 just waited till the last minute doing nothing and might net itself the same result....who says the dog eating your homework and professional procrastination/ineptitude doesn't pay off?
  9. So who does Prof. Alonzo need to call to get Lt Dan investigated for making apparently false and inappropriate personal attack on her? I'd say Lt Dan and our Sid-Miller-in-a-dress Land Commissioner should have kept their mouths shut but watching them make total fools out of themselves and letting this keep dragging on and on is quite fun.
  10. I hate to be that guy but Oregon State and Wazzu were pretty lucky to get to ride the P5 money train for as long as they have. It sucks to be sure but it was bound to come to an end eventually, least they got a bunch of money and decent facilities and small but passionate fanbase out of it. Any school in a G5 conference which gets pennies on the dollar compared to even Pac10 or ACC money would gladly have traded places with either of them knowing the likely outcome...
  11. Hey I've seen this one before, they obviously read the first part of Hitlers plan to topple Russia, kicking in the front door to let the rest of the rotten house fall in upon itself. Guessing they stopped reading there and decided thats a great plan...
  12. Totally bizarre to me that Dawn, her daughter, and Lt Dan are being such snowflakes about this. Like isn't that their whole MO about getting rid of the snowflakes and "fuck your feelings" type of stuff? Literally can't handle any sort of criticism or hard truths directed at them in any capacity whatsoever...
  13. Theres smoke...and then theres this kind of smoke...sheesh
  14. I joke about this all the time too but 100% agree someone is seriously gonna do this pitch and make a shit load of money by "reinventing" cable via repacking all the bullshit streaming services together eventually.
  15. will give you a tree fiddy commission on every fifth iCABLE+ sub
  16. Think this is where I make my shark tank/elevator pitch for a new streaming service that bundles all the existing ones together (ESPN+, Paramount, Netflix, Hulu, ESPN, etc) into 1 convenient location running on a piece of set top box hardware that has a remote that looks like this: I'll call it: iCABLE+ and I'm asking $100 million for a 10% equity stake. No low ball offers, I know what I've got
  17. They know it’s just a matter of time before we blow by them and take their dads white Jetta… and the division
  18. Hypothetically of course... I would occasionally use sportsurge or the like to watch regular season Astros/Rockets games just because ATT Sportsnet is literally the only channel I would ever possibly want to watch that isn't included in YoutubeTV...which I mostly happily pay for (god damn price increases). If it was an option to add on to YTT I would gladly do it. Other than that get ESPN+ bundled with Verizon and thats pretty much all the sports I would ever want to watch besides ATT Sportsnet...
  19. About that...love him to death but best ability as availability and he basically has none...sucks
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