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Evil Bill Obrien

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Everything posted by Evil Bill Obrien

  1. You know I saw Sewanee and totally forgot what that actually ment…so yeah prob shit heads all around guess at least his corn hole is safe
  2. Do hope that the son is less of a shit head than his mom and/or sister. Playing ball and getting a TXST MBA does seem much more blue collar than silver spooning your way into UTMB...but who knows
  3. From what I read yesterday in the news clippings from the discussion with Hanna McNair about updating the uniforms, the former paint scheme of the HPD cruisers was brought up as the color template they were considering using, so this could be "H-Town blue": Also from what I read they did have a hang up getting everything for the new uniforms approved by the league, didn't actually say who it was but fairly obvious it was that cunt Amy Adams...but they did eventually get the uniform changes approved so must have just changed the "H-Town blue" just enough to not be legally challengeable.
  4. Kinda nice to know theres at least some Titans fans out there who have some shame and realize how wrong this is. Most of the ones I have seen (granted, on social media of some sort) are full chub ahead and fully getting off on Houston fan discontent on this and its pretty gross.
  5. Pancakes McClain had Bud Adams cock in his mouth for a long time so this isn't super surprising...
  6. If I remember correctly someone else was squatting on the rights to the name "Texans" since the Kansas City franchise hadn't used it in quite some time. Bob McNair did at least go to Lamar Hunt to get his blessing to use the name, which because Lamar Hunt isn't a vindictive asshole like Bud or Amy Adams, of course he granted and everything was good there. McNair had to pay off whoever was squatting on the trademark but that wasn't a very large amount.
  7. Its not a great name, really wish someone in that meeting would have pointed out that the other pro sports franchises in the city at the time were named Astros, Rockets and Aeros so pick something that compliments that Space City theme... Houston Apollos? Least they didn't go with one of the reported choices "Houston 1836" Thankfully, this name is way worse than Texans because Bud Adams was a dipshit
  8. This. Pretty sure I would be over this bullshit already if they hadn't done that. That had to have been straight from Amy "cunt bag" Adams as a purposeful, vindictive, spite stick in the eye to everyone who was a Houston fan of the Oilers.
  9. Gonna need to do some Buddhist monk shit to find my inner peace before they officially announce that the Titans are wearing their throwbacks against the Texans or else things are gonna happen...
  10. So we the taxpayers of Texas are gonna be on the hook for all this mess as it gets litigated in court, aren't we? All because a cripple on a power trip felt the need to order human fucking beings to be treated so cruelly as to push them back into a river to drown...so fucking stupid...
  11. If someone somewhere happened to send the Titans equipment room an enormous amount of unidentified white powder the week they are supposed to wear these uniforms and they had to destroy them all as a precaution, I wouldn't be very sad... not related in any way but does anyone know if burning your fingertips really gets rid of the prints...thanks in advance
  12. Just read about the whole Ron wanting to sue InBev now for pension losses that he caused...nearly at a loss for words at how blindingly regarded things have gotten, if I was someone who was paid into this Florida Pension fund and read this I would be sending this gif to the governors office every hour on the hour till Ron is gone:
  13. Even better, its legit only on the Pac 12 network...
  14. Where do we start the riot? Holy shit...
  15. Aggy couldn't even get the Friday news dump right...shit it supposed to get out at 4:45pm not 8:45am...
  16. Houston is home for me, and different parts of Houston even feel like they are on completely different planets from one another. Joke about "portaling" all the time with my signifiant other as we drive around all the damn time. Maybe we can let the Pac12 borrow Houston's portals to find a place where their media deal is already done? Sunnyside maybe?
  17. Uniform is rad, whole ass throwback website is great (Microsoft ads and all). Fuck Bud Adams, Fuck Amy Adams, I want Houston Oilers throwback unis now...they are gonna try and co-opt them with Titans "love ya blue" bullshit and I will be even more blind with rage than I am right now.
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