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Evil Bill Obrien

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Everything posted by Evil Bill Obrien

  1. If we get a 3rd WS ring out of it defiantly a fair trade to me...heck could even get a 4th.
  2. Gonna be a very, very long 25 days 1 hour and 48 minutes till Navy v Irish kicks off...
  3. Hello officer, I’d like to report a dead body: Pancakes getting bodied by Texans PR early leader in the clubhouse for play of the year.
  4. Theres a few examples at the G5 level of hubris/ego getting the better of school administrations and it costing them (La Tech, WKU spurning the Sunbelt only to get marooned quite possibly permanently in CUSA when all their "peers" bailed for the American) but very few examples of it getting in the way when theres this much money at stake. Don't think Cal really counts because they just don't really seem to care, but Utah was beating their chest mightily upon their arrival to the P5 in the PAC...and they look like they are going to get left in the ditch there to slide right right back into the MWC from where the came...
  5. For the love of god I hope no hardcore Aggy fans see this...cuz you know one of them will do it...
  6. Pretty sure we could ramble on for 100+ more pages and not capture what has transpired in the last few days of realignment better than this: The Utah fans all getting blown away is easily my favorite part.
  7. Would have been the most Coog High thing ever had they gotten a Pac 12 invite a few years ago, finally getting their long wanted return to P5... only for the conference to burn down immediately.
  8. If Yormark is able to do this I’d lean more on the side of him being a wizard and less snake oil salesman…that would be quite the trade.
  9. Yeah think we got about a week or so before the whole rest of the PAC schools (except Wazzu, Oregon State, and Cal who know they are fucked no matter what) start doing this: Then OSU, WSU, and Cal just gonna be in the corner:
  10. It on now, and its pretty much just like every other zoom call I've ever been on
  11. https://cu.new.swagit.com/views/92/ Allegedly...nothing running on the live feed yet
  12. Its pretty rich seeing Cincinnati Bearcat fan tap dancing on the Pac12's soon to be grave... as if the Big 12 wouldn't jump at a chance to kick them to the curb to open a slot for a Pac12 school knowing what everyone knows today. Lucky for Bearcat nation no conference has really figured out how to ditch the schools just riding the gravy train without bringing much to the table, so they still get to enjoy their ride til that happens.
  13. I mean this was the worst kept secret ever but here it is officially: Classless and unnecessary, but what else can we expect from the Adams Klan... Fuck Bud and Amy Adams
  14. Pretty sure that will have the same effect as gluten does in the South Park universe: dicks flying off
  15. If only the rest of us were that lucky...best we can hope for:
  16. Been there, would not recommend unless on your own couch
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