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Burnt Ends
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victory88 last won the day on September 9 2018

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  1. How does it generally play out when schools cannot come up with the money? I imagine contracts get presented before they sign? Is this where the players find out they aren't getting what was promised? Or is it when it comes time to fund the money?
  2. I also wonder if Texas will come in towards the end with their final offer rather than doing it now and allowing the agents/players to shop themselves and have months to find better offers to drive the price up...
  3. So pretty sure we pursued Toviano heavily and I read mulitple articles about how Toviano is a great culture fit and takes football seriously from the 9.95ers. I also remember reading him and Manny Muhammad were not going to go to the same school as they play the same position. Either way, happy he's not a longhorn with the news of his arrest.
  4. Dude, I was getting my butt whooped the first week. Running the ball effectively and then when I would see the safeties creep up, I go to play action but I would get sacked within a second of the fake handoff or have to throw on my back foot. Since then, I run the ball or throw out of 3-4 WR bunch sets with out play action or empty sets and haven't lost a game against the cpu. I was getting sacked like 6-7 times a game and throwing so many interceptions off play action. They need to fix it.
  5. Anyone play online with randoms on road to college football mode? I ended up 4-2 yesterday. Most of my wins ended up rage quitting by halftime. One 16 year old was talking so much shit after he started a game with an interception and took a quick lead only to throw 3 picks and be down 2 scores by half time. The play that made him rage quit was him pinning me at the 1 yard line on a punt and I housed it 99 yards on a HB dive play with Baxter on the very first play lmao. He lost his shit and quit. I love it.
  6. How accurate are the playbooks in respect to what the teams actually employ? In the original series, they were pretty good about each team having what they run. I read a few comments that the playbooks in this game are pretty stripped down and generic across the board. I’ve only really played with Texas in exhibition games and UTSA for my dynasty. The Texas play book is pretty spot on with tons of motion, jet sweeps, pistol/gun formation, and 2 TE sets. Baxter is a monster in the game. I played a few buddies online and they could not take him down. I don’t know if this is what Sark is intending to do but I seem to find Niblack open deep a ton. He’s such a mismatch in the game. Bond is just unfair on the jet. Haven’t found anyone that can stop it yet.
  7. Loving the game so far. The running game and jet motion is fucking fun and realistic. I actually do much better running then throwing. Also, cannot for the life of me figure out RPOs. I probably need to go through a tutorial. The jukes, spins moves, feel for the game while running is the best EA has ever done it. Defense has been wild for me. I'm either getting 7 picks a game or just getting shredded. There doesn't seem to be an in-between. I also love playing away games. Feels so much more realistic if it's a tight game, crowd is into it, and I can't audible. Just the game itself feels about as close to real life as possible compared to previous versions. Anyone have playbooks they like? I love the Texas playbook with all the jet motions. I feel like I run the ball much better. Ran the Oregon playbook and threw like 5 interceptions.
  8. So can you play against people online for a quick exhibition game? I’m trying to figure this shit out. Also, I did a quick play through against ou on Heisman mode and Quinn is sucking.
  9. So is AMYZF basically dead at this point? I think it's at 0.07. What a dump.
  10. Wingo is the biggest mismatch in the WR room. The minute the coaches feel he has the playbook and schemes down, he’ll be starting. I’m excited to see what Sark draws up for Bolden. Dude was abusing Utah in that film.
  11. I've got a 20 month old son. I can't imagine being such a piece of shit to do something like that to my child. This guy deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life and I hope the people in prison remind him with daily beatings what a shitty human he is.
  12. Double, I need this bitch to go to $32 to break even lmao
  13. I always forget this dude was in the class…
  14. Another vote for 3 body problem.
  15. Texas has made 8 shots and has 11 turnovers. Holy shit.
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