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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Js1

  1. 24 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    I like how both him and his father rant against big government but spent their entire lives grafting off of it.  

    Duncan Hunter: The Name You Know

    Duncan Hunter Sr. once barged into a reporter from Politico's office about a negative story on DH Jr. and said matter of factly that DH Jr. will be President one day.

    President of whatever minimum security white collar parade prison he gets sent to, I guess.

  2. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    My money is on Sessions coming out of this thing looking better than Trump.

    Sessions is the smartest and most experienced politician in the Trump Administration. He’s a racist POS Gump but he knows how to navigate (play) Trump.

    Probably.  He has the entire GOP caucus in the Senate as his allies.  They already told Trump they aren't confirming a new AG this year.

  3. 11 minutes ago, M12BH said:

     I've bee astounded thus far at the lack of name recognition Beto has (well, I've been astounded at how many people are totally clueless about and disinterested in the political climate in this country right now, but that's a whole other story). 

    It's also the middle of August.  Traditionally, the summer is the slowest part of the political season and most people really engage post-Labor Day.  It's also when traditional TV ads get seen the most, during primetime TV and football.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Tom said:



    Here's where your second quote about Obama is relevant to Warren.  Anyone who gives a damn about the nickname Pocahontas is a segment of the vote that can't be captured.  You seriously can't believe that anyone other than these alt right loons that aren't getting off the Trump train now or ever care about that.

    As for age, as I've said previously, she's younger than Trump.  Unlike the president, shes not morbidly obese and in bad health.  Unlike Trump, she is sharp and doesn't come off as someone who might be suffering from dementia.  

    I just don't buy that anyone would say, "I was going to vote for Elizabeth Warren, but shes just too old! Guess I'll just vote for the president who's even older, much fatter, and a man, which means he statistically should die earlier than a woman."

    The same people calling Warren "Pocahontas" also called Hillary "Killary" and "Hilldabeast" and were never going to vote for a Democrat even if he was actual brown-skinned Jesus reincarnated as a white man and went by John Smith from Tennessee.

    • Like 2
  5. 17 minutes ago, Woodrow Call said:

    Yeah, the Dems have become feckless cowards. I'll never forget watching Schumer snuggle up to Trump during the first months of his so-called Presidency. It was disgusting. 

    I will give Schumer this - he figured out quickly that if you're nice to Trump behind closed doors, he'll be nice to you.  It was only a year he was tweeting about "Chuck and Nancy" and making deals and pissing off McConnell and Ryan in the Oval Office.

  6. 1 minute ago, Message Board User said:

    I think he's already taking directions from David Duke, PhD.


    I thought America wasn’t the dumping ground for other people’s problems in their shit hole countries and they need to stay and fix it themselves? 

  7. 5 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    This election is a pass/fail IQ test for the electorate of this state. That simple.

    Also, in terms of swaying the poll, polls tend to lean more Republican as you progress from all adults, to registered voters, and again from registered to likely voters. Obviously every contest has different dynamics but I doubt it would be significantly more pro Beto if it was likely voters. That poll also under-sampled Republicans as a proportion of the electorate, but that's less concerning given that it is really doubtful Cruz hits 45 percent of independents or 40 percent of Latino voters. Overall a four percent gap with a 3.8 percent MOE before recent events definitely solidifies that the goal posts have been moved. The last few polls are 2, 5, 6 and 4. Cruz isn't going to pick up a whole lot of undecideds. If he continues to get his name out there and the GOTV ground game is on point, he can seriously win. I still don't think he will, but just the fact that we are here saying that in August is crazy so who knows.

    They did not undersample them in terms of overall margin of self-identified Republicans to Dems and indies. Texas has a lot of Republican-leaning independents who self identify as such. Tribune was R+3 and Lyceum being even - those are Texas based polls  


  8. Quote

     Approval of Special Counsel Robert Mueller stands at 59 percent, up 11 points since July, and 40 percent expect the investigation will find Trump committed criminal or impeachable offenses, up 5 points


    MFA polls +15

  9. 3 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    So the Dems can win if they run a moderate Republican. Good to know.

    *Reads that post*

    *Looks at the entirety of Hillary Clinton's agenda and history*

    Ohhhh... he means a man.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  10. 1 minute ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Latino is what shocked me about that chart.  Does the name Cruz carry that much weight?  Why are they supporting him so much?

    I imagine its a lot of long-time Latinos who are Latino but say they're Texan so they basically vote like white people. 

    Also, I wonder how many of the 36% who don't know about Beto are in the Valley, where he struggled.  He needs to get down there and talk to them.  He's from god damn El Paso, he speaks their language.  Ted just has orange dick in his mouth.

  11. If he can break even with whites with college degrees and maybe pick off 5% of the Latino vote Cruz is getting, and hope independents end up turning against the incumbent as they tend to do...

    You also hope a LV screen would show independents and Democrats up and Republicans down

  12. 1 minute ago, Washpark said:

    Received 2 in the past week meant for someone else unless I got a sex and name change without knowing it. I donated to the campaigned but don't want to be harassed. 

    Once I responded back "Yes! Voting for Beto!" I haven't been contacted again except to sign up for a sticker.

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