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Everything posted by RabidM

  1. That's not what I was expecting for a match up of the #1 team in the East vs the #1 from the West. However, this was Paul's first game back after missing a month. I don't think Phoenix is as bad as they looked tonight, but they don't have the depth they need to win a championship without luck. The Celtics look good and Robert Williams is going to start playing again in about 2 weeks. The Celtics are the #1 team in offensive efficiency in NBA history so far this season.
  2. Are we ever going to recruit a legit 3 point shooter? Like, ever...
  3. Mother fucker used a word I had to look up in the dictionary. I'm all in.
  4. I was kind of feeling similar, but many of those races were quite close. If the GOP can radicalize another 10% of their voter base and some independents, they can win those types of races. I'm not sure the GOP wants to do that after the mid term results. They seem to want to move away from Trump and election denialism, but, the GOP isn't that far off from reaching some of those goals. Some of those races were razor thin.
  5. I hope you're right. I checked the results after Texas blew the basketball game and was stunned how close it is.
  6. He gains nothing by coming back to college. He just risks injury. RB's have to get to their second NFL contract as soon as possible because of how short their careers are.
  7. Notre Dame would be so much sexier than Washington. Let's do that.
  8. So the Celtics (my team) have 8 players shooting 40% or better from 3 point range and none of them are Tatum, Brown or Smart. They'll come back to earth a little, but they're going to have legit shooting around the Jay's this year. Hopefully Robert Williams comes back relatively healthy. They can afford to bring him along as slowly as possible. I saw they're giving up over 113 points a game and assumed they had one of the worst defenses in the league, but it's almost dead middle of the pack. I can't believe the best defense is giving up over 106 pts a game. That's crazy. Making it out of the Eastern Conference is going to be a slug fest.
  9. Are those rap lyrics or am I supposed to know what that means?
  10. I'm guessing the line isn't as long in other parts of Georgia.
  11. I'd rather he stay, but if he wants to leave, just get out fast. No hard feelings, just leave on classy terms if he wants something else.
  12. Can we revoke his GOAT status now? Cameron Dicker is 100% for his whole career and 100% on game winning FG's. Dicker ain't losing to that lesbian Jaguars quarterback.
  13. UNC, Washington, USC... those are all fascinating match ups considering ours or Sark's/PK's connections to those schools. Clemson would be a fun as fuck match up though.
  14. A 1 loss TCU gets an at large NY6 bid.
  15. OK, so say TCU wins the B12 championship game and go to the playoffs. We are 8-4 and KSU is 9-4. We clearly are a much bigger draw and they're only half a game better than us, and we beat them at KSU. Can we slip into the Sugar under this scenario?
  16. Can the Looch 44 finally be released?
  17. Parking in the private lots around the stadium is around $30 cash. You can get fairly close to the stadium in those lots. You've got to show up fairly early to get in a good place though. Rolling in 20 minutes before the game is going to make it tough. UT has some $20 to $30 parking in the parking garages, but exiting will be a pain and they might have sold out by now.
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