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Everything posted by RabidM

  1. I would assume military tends towards GOP as well. However, it's not just military. There's also the ex-pats living overseas. There's also the chilling effect from GOP attacks on mail in voting being corrupt. It may just keep some of them from bothering to vote. Also, her side probably thought she no chance of losing which might also have a chilling effect on who bothers to send their mail in ballots.
  2. The judge has also frozen his assets to stop him from hiding his money. The families have asked that all his assets be moved to Connecticut to be protected by the court.
  3. If they invite Desantis to campaign with Walker instead of Trump, I wonder if Trump will direct his cult to vote for Wornock to show the GOP who's still in charge.
  4. What the fuck is going on with her abs? Is that a giant hernia?
  5. 410k! Damn, that's a decent chunk of wiggle room. Do we know if there are similar amounts of outstanding votes in Lake areas?
  6. That Nike guy spent a ton of money to try and flip the Oregon governorship red... good shit.
  7. Mandela Barnes within 1.2% with 6% of votes outstanding. Kelly's lead over Masters has been halved, but it's still pretty significant.
  8. Isn't that one too close to call still?
  9. It's infuriating that the NY gerrymander gets stuck down by the courts, but the red state gerrymandering somehow passes judicial review.
  10. I agree with this. They'll rally around their figurehead when he announces. I actually think Trump is more beatable than Desantis. But, does Desantis think he can win the primary and still have a viable voting block to an electoral win? That's the big question. Desantis probably thinks he can beat Trump in the primary, but Trump would probably then sabotage Desantis's candidacy because... well, Trump is just that big of a grudge holder.
  11. Did the Dems make up any ground for the House? Is it still looking slight GOP majority?
  12. How much of Atlanta has yet to report though? .9% is a pretty big chunk of votes at this point.
  13. There is still a chance to save democracy if we keep the senate. Biden needs to STACK the fuck out of the judiciary with lifetime appointments and we need a conservative SCOTUS seat, or two, to open up. But, there would be a 2 year window to save shit.
  14. The Dems need to figure out how to win the Hispanic vote back, energize the youth, up their turnout etc... The GOP has made big gains in the latino vote in the last decade or so. The state can be purple, but it would require a great deal of competence. I'm not sure the Dems have it in them.
  15. Probably no one, but he can't just keep losing elections if he wants to make this state or country better. He's got to get into an office where he can do something and build his resume back up.
  16. I think Warnock has a good shot in the runoff, assuming it happens. Walker is probably getting a lot of coattail votes off Kemp and the general election. You have to think the GOP turnout will not be as high for the runoff, however Dems will be motivated as hell to keep Walker out of DC.
  17. Beto just needs to change states or go back to the House or Representatives. He'd easily win his way back to DC, just not in the type of role he wants.
  18. Hopefully Warnock gets to a very expensive runoff, but holy fuck... Hershel Walker... people really voted for him. Could a sack of potatoes with an (R) do about just as well? Apparently, the candidate hardly matters at all.
  19. Had Georgia already counted their mail in ballots?
  20. Texas- 52 TCU - 41 874 passing yards.
  21. How the fuck can we not have a 3rd playable WR developed by this point in the season? Not a single one on the entire roster is functional?
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