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Carl Spackler

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Thanks, Hulla. Love the Gurus.
  2. Yeah, here was his initial "emotional reaction" to Rock's joke about his wife.
  3. Edward Bunker, Lawrence Tierney, Vinnie Jones. But that list only reinforces your point.
  4. Definitely. Some might say II isn't a great album, but I'm not in that camp. While I like the other two better, I think II is underrated.
  5. Yeah -- Superlungs is what his nickname was. There's a compilation album of his early stuff with that title, and my understanding is that it's really good, though I've only heard one or two tracks. I'm a Cheap Trick fan, and they loved Terry Reid. They covered a song of his ("Speak Now") on their debut album back in the 70's. That's how I first became acquainted with Reid's work. As you said, Jimmy Page supposedly wanted Reid to be the lead vocalist for the New Yardbirds group he was putting together back in the late 60's -- y'know, that group that later became Led Zeppelin. When Reid couldn't do it because of prior commitments to go out on the road supporting the Rolling Stones, he suggested that Page look up Robert Plant. The rest, as they say, is history.
  6. I like Powerage a little better, but I have no issue at all with your choices. That's a damn good three-straight.
  7. Queen: A Night at the Opera; A Day at the Races; News of the World AC/DC: Powerage; Highway to Hell; Back in Black Zep: Lots of combo choices, including the first three right out of the gate, but personally I'd go with: IV (a/k/a Runes, Zoso, etc.); Houses of the Holy; Physical Graffiti.
  8. So Marilyn Manson got a face tattoo and pierced his nose?
  9. Posted basically the same thing at almost the same time. Great minds, etc. etc.
  10. Stones: Let It Bleed; Sticky Fingers; Exile Replacements: Let It Be; Tim; Pleased to Meet Me. (IMO, you could also include Hootenanny and Don't Tell A Soul for a tremendous 5-LP run, but those three starting with Let It Be are the best.)
  11. Oh, definitely. For whatever reason, I was in the mindset of consecutive studio albums when I posted above, but in re-reading the OP, there's no such limitation. CT's first five LPs were/are fantastic. And while we're at it, throw in Live at Leeds in that stretch for The Who that included Tommy, Who's Next, and Quadrophenia.
  12. Ah, Shoulders. The closest I ever came to seeing Tom Waits.
  13. Cheap Trick: Cheap Trick; In Color; Heaven Tonight; Dream Police. (That's 4, but who's counting? ) Beatles: Pick any three other than Yellow Submarine, and it will be better than 99% of other artists. How about Yesterday and Today; Revolver; Sgt. Pepper? Or Revolver; Sgt.Pepper; Magical Mystery Tour? Or White Album; Abbey Road; Let It Be. The Who: Tommy; Who's Next; Quadrophenia Bob Marley: Catch A Fire; Burnin'; Natty Dread
  14. It's not really about my "definition" of an American icon or even my opinion about how an American icon should act. (As I said above, I actually agree with you that, in many respects, Bogart led the more honorable life.) Rather, it's an issue of image/perception on a broad public level. If you asked people around the country to identify one single individual who personifies the "American Way" or is an "American icon," I'm pretty confident that, for better or worse, you'd hear John Wayne's name in response more than Bogart. That's what I was referring to when I said that the Duke is the bigger American icon. I wasn't saying that I personally admire the guy. He certainly had flaws. But he's also the guy you still see -- even decades after his death -- being imitated and referenced in modern culture on a regular basis.
  15. No question that Bogart was a better person and someone whose personal life was a much better example of what might be called the American Way. But in terms of image, i.e., being an icon and symbol of Americana, it's John Wayne by far.
  16. As an actor, it's Bogart. As an American icon, it's Wayne.
  17. Filled out my bracket last night and discovered they named a university after me. We play Tennessee later today.
  18. Yep, add in the fact that Thursday is the start of March Madness, and this could be the perfect storm of hangovers on Friday and one long bleary weekend.
  19. Got the Sexton lined up for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow. Will probably also kill off the bottle of Tullamore DEW that primarily gets used for mixing. I also have a bottle of Proper 12 that someone gave me as a gift. I've heard/read bad things, but I may bust it open so that I can see for myself. All in all, I expect to be seriously hungover Friday morning.
  20. Took over 30 posts before this obligatory shot from Trainspotting? We are slipping . . . P.S.: It is wholly fitting that this post featuring the "worst toilet in Scotland" is my 2,000th in this refuge for broken-brained assholes.
  21. Credit to Kathy Asheton for turning Iggy on to what "T.V. Eye" meant.
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