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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by runthebone

  1. 3rd and 4 should be a running down with this offense
  2. Hopefully we don't have the long layoff slow start. I know Sark is going to have some wild shit dialed up.
  3. This game sucks, but it at least makes the next 1:45 go by faster.
  4. Long way to go, but it looks like the committee fucked up. Should have been a 3 team playoff!
  5. Congratulations to Iowa's punter. Instead of being classy, Pingel's family should have said it's bullshit because bowl games shouldn't count #recordstillbelongstopingel
  6. Saban is gonna pull him. Not seeing shit. Dives headfirst 3rd and 23 and slides when he could have had a first on 3rd and 11 Not sure why they don't run every play.
  7. Iowa's offense is in peak regular season form, I see.
  8. I thought this was a 1980s Lakers reference at first and was super confused. I guess that is what @immamac is talking about.
  9. Did they do something to piss off Georgia also?
  10. Uh, no. The purpose of CR is precisely to keep them there, jerking each other off.
  11. 1. Based on what others have said about younger people and their aversion to reading, it looks like the world is totally fucked. 2. Can we help with an NIL top-up? Or is it really just an accounting thing?
  12. Herpes isn't nothing. Poooooooooooooor aggy (because there's only one player left)
  13. Jesus, that is only 267,000 per WAR.
  14. Bosa got tackled Probably told Bell to FC everything because he sucks
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