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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by runthebone

  1. "few de" must mean ForEst Whitley, de greatest pitcher of all time
  2. Whitley should be close to coming back.
  3. Gerg your least favorite of all time? I know it's personal preference, but anyone who did anything good in 2017 WS Gm5 is OK with me.
  4. I bet Verlander said to Dusty, you know what, if we are only going to have 5 hitters, let's just go all in and use only 5 fielders
  5. I'm not following this very closely, but I wouldn't rely on a defense of "they're rich, so they wouldn't screw someone out of a few thousand dollars."
  6. They are deciding on above the knee versus below the knee amputation
  7. Get well soon, Jose Of course our hottest hitter gets hurt
  8. Every game we lose with that motherfucker in the lineup pisses me off more and more.
  9. Instead of a rehab assignment, shouldn't we just use Brantley's 15 ABs this year in MLB?
  10. Not a single pitch that AB was in the strike zone. #Altuve
  11. Really? maldonado hitting? Fuck your face, Dusty.
  12. 11-11-1-0 kind of sucks as a trend. Negative numbers soon
  13. Just like he constructively criticized his teammates WS Game 2 and the fans whom he flipped off. He's a straight shooter. Suck it, Mets. 1986
  14. Framber just needs a hair change, and then he'll be fine.
  15. If Stanek lets all 3 score, Montero's ERA goes to 6.16 Montero owes Stanek a beer!
  16. Hard to believe this is the same manager who completely fucked up the 2002 World Series.
  17. What is the point of using Abreu then following him with Fuckface McFuckington Montero?
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